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I don't brush my teeth...

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Dont you people realise this is a joke?


My husband's high school friend "Toothless Dave" exists and is very real. He's not the only one who's done this sort of thing.


My father was a dentist. I used to work in the office filing insurance claims during school breaks when I was in high school and college. There are more people than you'd believe who are so afraid to go to the dentist that they will put up with bad-looking and painful teeth for months or years.


Dental visits only hurt if you put them off for years. If you go on a regular basis and keep up with home care (brushing/flossing), it doesn't hurt.

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ouch, that's not a good idea at all.. rediculous amounts of plaque cover up the massive cavities that are my teeth. right now my mouth is yellow and white, if i brush....my mouth turns black.


I really hate to be the one to bust your bubble and all but if your saying that if your mouth turns black if you where to brush, THAT'S A MAJOR PROBLEM. Your only options now is to get that fixed otherwise, eating will no longer become part of your daily activities in life. I would tell you exactly what your problem is because I've I had to do research on this, but I'm sure people aren't in the mood to hurl, so the one thing is your right about having to get dentures or implants. I would get this fixed ASAP!!!

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ouch, that's not a good idea at all.. rediculous amounts of plaque cover up the massive cavities that are my teeth. right now my mouth is yellow and white, if i brush....my mouth turns black.


I really hate to be the one to bust your bubble and all but if your saying that if your mouth turns black if you where to brush, THAT'S A MAJOR PROBLEM. Your only options now is to get that fixed otherwise, eating will no longer become part of your daily activities in life. I would tell you exactly what your problem is because I've I had to do research on this, but I'm sure people aren't in the mood to hurl, so the one thing is your right about having to get dentures or implants. I would get this fixed ASAP!!!


Well, you could inform him by private message - that way he understands the seriousness of his situation and the rest of us can safeguard our keyboards and monitors from the remains of our lunches.

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When I first read this post I thought that you must have all kinds of personal hygeine problems, when you posted that you shower and shave reguarly I was stumped, if you could be bothered to shower and shave why couldn't you brush your teeth?

As for 'its all I know' how come? Didn't you parents make you brush as a child? Didn't your mouth feel all icky from not brushing. Even the laziest person will brush their teeth at some point just to feel less EW.


Why is taking care of your teeth 'gay?'


and if brushing your teeth is gay, why is showering and shaving not gay?


Please expain.

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Dont you people realise this is a joke?


My husband's high school friend "Toothless Dave" exists and is very real. He's not the only one who's done this sort of thing.


My father was a dentist. I used to work in the office filing insurance claims during school breaks when I was in high school and college. There are more people than you'd believe who are so afraid to go to the dentist that they will put up with bad-looking and painful teeth for months or years.


Dental visits only hurt if you put them off for years. If you go on a regular basis and keep up with home care (brushing/flossing), it doesn't hurt.




Ooh I believe you too!

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No I believe it's true also. I had a girlfriend once that wouldn't ever brush her teeth because a long time ago her fiance had hit her in her mouth causing some of her teeth to break. She PICKED up her pieces and since she didn't have any money or health insurance she SUPER GLUED her teeth back together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I swear on my life this is a true story- and then she wouldn't brush her teeth because she was afraid that her teeth would fall apart. I tricked her into going to the dentist with me one time and she finally sat down and talked to my dentist and he felt so bad for her that he had to rip out all of her teeth and give her dentures- he paid for it.


And she had only gone 4 years without brushing her teeth- I can't imagine going 19 years!!!! See a dentist immediately

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Didn't you parents make you brush as a child?

No, they never bothered to really teach me either.


Didn't your mouth feel all icky from not brushing.



Why is taking care of your teeth 'gay?'

It's not gay...having to get them fixed just so people will talk to me is gay.

i wish people weren't so obsessed about dental hygine...i mean look, there's 6 pages of dumbfounded people calling me an idiot. since i can't change you i might as well change me.

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There's more to dental hygeine than looks, crummy, read my earlier post no your thread. There can be serious health implications.


I just want you to take care of this before it affects you heart or kidneys.


Would you want permanant damage to your body because you are lazy and don't brush your teeth?

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Oh yes, plenty of other health problems! In the past 2 years, I've gone through a lot with my teeth. I didn't want to get my wisdom teeth pulled, but my dentist said if I didn't, I ran a huge chance of them getting infected (because they were impacted), and if I got an infection there, it could spread to my jaw, mouth, and throat, possibly even my brain, and it would be very serious. The teeth came out shortly after that speech, and you know what, it didn't hurt at all, they knocked me out, and I was eating solid food the same night!

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Crummy, oddly enough your story sounds rather familiar. As a teen I had a few friends who were "crust punks". Dirty smelly guys who would literally go a month or more without a shower wearing the same clothes pretty much everyday. Heck, my boyfriend now was one of them.


I really could have cared less that they didn't shower or brush their teeth, but I sure as heck wasn't going to date any of them either.


What happened to all of them is what you are going through. They got to a certain age (usually late teens) and decided that they would infact like to get closer to the opposite sex so they began showering, changing their clothes, and brushing their teeth/going to the dentist.


There are only three guys (including my boyfriend) who I still know and I'll be honest, it has cost them each a decent amount to get their teeth fixed, at least initially. But all of them would tell you it was worth it in the long run and that a couple of years down the road you'll be very glad that you did it.


So I say suck it up, find a dentist (asking a friend for a recommendation is a good way to go about it), and get over yourself long enough to get your teeth fixed before it's too late. Trust me on this, a couple of years from now you'll be glad that you did.

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Didn't you parents make you brush as a child?

No, they never bothered to really teach me either.


Didn't your mouth feel all icky from not brushing.



Why is taking care of your teeth 'gay?'

It's not gay...having to get them fixed just so people will talk to me is gay.

i wish people weren't so obsessed about dental hygine...i mean look, there's 6 pages of dumbfounded people calling me an idiot. since i can't change you i might as well change me.



So your parents don't brush their teeth either? They must not do if they couldn't be bothered to teach you, unless they're just really irresponsible parents.

Your mouth didn't feel icky from not brushing? How could it NOT?


As for the gay thing well I don't really think you can fault people for not wanting to date you if you never brush, your breath must be absolutely rancid. Would you like to kiss someone who had a mouthful of plaque? I doubt you would.

I had a boyfriend when I was 17 with dubious personal hygeine and I would demand he brush his teeth before I kissed him because otherwise I would want to throw up at just the idea of it. I'm getting queasy now just thinking about it.

I don't think you having to do something about your teeth so people will talk to you is gay either, have you ever been around a person with bad BO or bad breath? I bet you didn't enjoy it much! Its just simple self respect and respect for others to take care of yourself and why you have never even thought to do so just blows my mind.



Please go to a dentist as soon as you can and get your mouth looked at. I'm sure having such terrible oral hygeine and bad teeth is doing nothing for your self confidence. You might have to face the fact that you will have to wear dentures but I'm sure anything is better than green mossy looking/feeling teeth.

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there's 6 pages of dumbfounded people calling me an idiot.


Why bother posting it if you DON'T want advice? I also don't see where anyone called you an "idiot", though I can see that you just called mutliple people "dumbfounded" who were only trying to help you because they did the normal thing and assumed you posted because you wanted advice.


So you should replace "dumbfounded" with "concerned", and also re-evaluate why you bothered posting it in the first place if you truly did not want advice.


If you don't believe what people are telling you here, check out:


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just go to the dentist ( find another one if you have to ) . I see what you' re saying about being different and not caring to much what others thing and how shallow the word is BUT . . . still . . . go . . . to . . . the . . . DENTIST ! ! !

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Don't do it for girls, don't do it for anyone else. Do it for yourself. This isn't about attracting people or what others think of you, this is about your health. If you want to live a long, full life, then you need to take care of yourself.

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So your parents don't brush their teeth either? They must not do if they couldn't be bothered to teach you, unless they're just really irresponsible parents.

No they both have had dentures my entire life. irresponsible? there was a shirt on my back, food on the table, and a roof over my head...what more can i ask for?


Your mouth didn't feel icky from not brushing? How could it NOT?

It's all i know. i've brushed my teeth a few times out of morbid curiosity and after i spat out all the blood the "clean" feeling afterwards felt pretty disgusting. it wasn't worth the pain.



So you should replace "dumbfounded" with "concerned", and also re-evaluate why you bothered posting it in the first place if you truly did not want advice.

i think both words fit quite well. i really do appreciate everyones input thus far. but some people are so astonished by my little schmaltz here that they are calling it all BS.


I also don't see where anyone called you an "idiot".

I'm reading between the lines. some of the things people are saying are in the "this guy's an idiot" mentality.

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How come both your parents had dentures for your entire life? Did they have to get dentures because they did not brush their teeth either?

I suppose if you never got into the habit of brushing your teeth and never saw anyone else doing it on a regular basis then I can see how you never did. However I do think its irresponsible of your parents not to instil in you from an early age to brush your teeth for the sake of your health.

I can also understand why you are discouraged to brush your teeth because of the pain when you have brushed them but believe me if you keep brushing twice or three times a day the blood will eventually go away and your mouth will feel a million times better, trust me.


you do need to see a dentist ASAP though..

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