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Hey everyone. I am just curious with what i should do with my 2 1/2 year relationship. This guy and I loved each other ssooooo much. We are and were inseperable. In Feb, we got our own apartment (after living with his mother and sister for a year). I just found out the weekend after Memorial day that he has cheated on me with our neighbor, a 27 year old with 2 kids that he happened to work with like 6 years ago. He apologized, and told me how sorry he was, etc, etc. I broke up with him, however, we signed a 12 month lease. It is $1300 to break our lease, I can't afford the apt by myself and I don't have anyone to move in with me. And also, I still love him! Is that normal? that he could hurt me so much and I still want to be around him? We are moving into a two bedroom to try and be roommates, but I am frustrated, because he pretty much tells me that he wants to be with me but wants the "option" of dating other people if he wants. I don't want that, I want only him. Oh, yeah, and 1 year ago, he proposed to me and gave me a ring for our engagement. So what the hell do I do??????[/b]

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Did you both sign the lease?


Don't let a lease be the reason to stay in a relationship. That's just wrong. He's not worth your affections if he doesn't want to be with just you alone. He sounds like he's using you and manipulating your love. Be strong - chances are you just don't want to be alone. I don't blame you but you have love yourself and staying with a guy like that is not loving yourself.

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Yes it is very normal to still love him. And to be honest...i think u should move on. I don't think its fair for him to be able to date others and see you but you not see others. That is bullbeep if you ask me....


That guy is an a self serving grrr person. So...are you guys still engaged? I guess not? You can try and be roommates...but don't get back together with him...you know "that he could hurt you so much" and you ask why you would want to be around him still? You pretty answered the question yourself there....


You don't want to be around someone who could hurt you..and someone who controls you yet that can do whatever they want. I would suggest not being roommates with him and moving on with your life and forgetting about him.


It's time to move on.


Good luck!

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I understand that tryin to afford a place on your own is hard..Im 19 and im a waitress at Pizza Hut, my bf of 2yrs just broke up w. me two weeks ago, and we were going to get a place, but now i have to try and make all the rent, but luckly my parents are going to help me...


But sweetie dont do this to yourself...if you two are room mates bc you dont want to lose him, watching him openly date other girls will tear you apart...I think it's time you let go, as hard as it is, it will be the best thing in the end. You dont need someone that doest want only you. You do deserve someone that will be committed and devoted to you. And show you the love and respect that you deserve, and that are giving but not recieving.


Do whatever you can to get out, or make rent, just be strong girl and pray a lot. Dont give in.


~*Lots of love

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