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Everything posted by jennboss81

  1. Hey everyone. I am just curious with what i should do with my 2 1/2 year relationship. This guy and I loved each other ssooooo much. We are and were inseperable. In Feb, we got our own apartment (after living with his mother and sister for a year). I just found out the weekend after Memorial day that he has cheated on me with our neighbor, a 27 year old with 2 kids that he happened to work with like 6 years ago. He apologized, and told me how sorry he was, etc, etc. I broke up with him, however, we signed a 12 month lease. It is $1300 to break our lease, I can't afford the apt by myself and I don't have anyone to move in with me. And also, I still love him! Is that normal? that he could hurt me so much and I still want to be around him? We are moving into a two bedroom to try and be roommates, but I am frustrated, because he pretty much tells me that he wants to be with me but wants the "option" of dating other people if he wants. I don't want that, I want only him. Oh, yeah, and 1 year ago, he proposed to me and gave me a ring for our engagement. So what the hell do I do??????[/b]
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