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Is he interested in me?

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I follow a wrestling company and attend nearly all their shows in the North of England.Over the last couple of years I've got to know the wrestlers fairly well. 

However there's one wrestler in particular I've started to get feeling for ( I used to hate him ).

Sometimes I think he maybe interested::

He asks for us to take a selfie after the show 

He often glances at me from the ring during fights and make direct eye contact ( friends have noticed this too

He asks me to send photos I've taken

Last week on the way to the ring, he looked at me, winked, and gave me a shy thumbs up ( my friend saw and he had definitely singled me out)

When I take my niece he comes directly to me after the show to see me and my niece.

He keeps asking if he's my favourite yet- I have a favourite wrestler he's jealous of  

We chat a fair bit after the shows- more than anyone else he talks to 

Most of the wrestlers have a chat but sometimes it's like he tries to keep me talking.

Could he be interested? I'm just not very good at picking up signs since I got out of an abusive relationship I don't know how to read things?







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No need to read signs. I think if he was interested in dating you he’d ask you out on a date he plans in advance. He’s not shy so there’s not even that issue.  He might find you attractive and it’s part of his job to keep his fans interested but he might not be interested in dating you or available to date. Interest in dating is often separate from interest in flirting or finding someone attractive.
Also do you really want to be in a situation where you’re following your boyfriend around to his various tournaments? Also you know nothing about him relevant to dating except that you like his looks and he is good at his sport. 

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You follow a wrestling company. So are you aware that most of the times wrestlers are playing a character? Like actors in the movies? Are you aware that the shows are scripted? Like a reality shows?

I am asking because I would look at it in that frame. They want fans and people who would follow them around. So they interact with the audience in the same way. All those "signs" you are seemingly seeing are that. If he wants something, he has your number, or your Instagram or however you send him photos. He can flirt with you and ask you out on a date if he is interested.

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Even when I was a teenager, I felt like when the guys were bold as he is, such as winking and saying flirty things (like he does, as the comment about if he's your favorite), when we weren't even dating, it turned me off. In my mind, it meant he had a lot of practice.

I tended toward more earthy guys. If he's attractive and athletic, has a fun job, obviously has self-confidence, what would be the reason he's single, if he is?

I agree with what was already said about the fact he's not shy, so he could easily ask you out if he wished. He knows you have a crush on him, so it likely feels good to interact with someone who admires him. Everybody loves a fan!

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On 3/1/2023 at 9:02 AM, firefly666 said:

Could he be interested? I'm just not very good at picking up signs since I got out of an abusive relationship I don't know how to read things?

He sounds interested. No telling about his intentions, though. Might be good, might be bad *shrug*

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I know a couple of men that simply have a terrible time getting up the nerve to ask a woman out or for her number.  Several times I have been with them at a store or restaurant and the woman he has told me about is there and comes up to us.  After each interaction while we were leaving I smacked them in the back of the head as I couldn't believe they hadn't made a move with such obvious interest.  One did end up dating the woman he wasn't sure if she liked him, the other waited to long and missed out.

 What would it hurt if you asked him out for a drink after a match one time?  Getting rejected is not fatal so what do you really have to lose? 

Just because he is an entertainer doesn't mean he is some smooth ladies man. 

Ask him out but be clear about your intentions so he knows it is a romantic date.  " Hey Mr Mysterious would you like to get a drink after the match so we can get to know each other better?"

  Guys do it all the time so there is no reason you can't is there?


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