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Why do you suddenly lose interest in your long term crush? Do you think your exes are still attractive?

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Hey. There was a girl and her friends were saying that she likes me for a long time and so on. We became friends and after some time I asked her out and she said yes. We kissed two times and everyone saw us as a couple. We went out about month and half after I asked her because always one of was busy but mostly it was her who was busy. Once i texted her if she is free and she was at work so she said let´s go other day but I was busy the other day. Then we went out and it was fine. Then I typed her if she would go out again and she said she can't this week and then school year starts and she is in boarding school so she is not home from Monday to Friday. I said I meant like in the future and she said we will see. I wonder why did she suddenly lose interest. I also would like to talk more about it with her and tell her what I feel so what do you think?

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2 minutes ago, Marcoo said:

I typed her if she would go out again and she said she can't this week and then school year starts and she is in boarding school so she is not home from Monday to Friday. I said I meant like in the future and she said we will see. 

She was honest with you that school is important and furthermore why would she (or you) want a distance situation. Stay free and single and local.

Same girl?:


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No need to talk more - anything less than an enthusiastic "yes!" followed by making a plan even in advance- way in advance -take as a "no thanks!"  We will see is the same as "the sky could fall in on our heads, we'll see."  I'm sorry you're disappointed.  Many change their minds after a good first date and this person is going to be long distance so she probably doesn't care to put in the effort to get to know someone far from her boarding school.  I'd move on. I'm sorry.

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Keep dating and meeting others. Put her out of your mind.  She may reach out to you. She may not.  Maybe if she does, you will have already met someone else. 

Being young and still in school, you don't need to be so attached to one girl. There are plenty of girls.  Try to find one that isn't away at school most of the week. Her focus is probably there and then when she's home on the weekends, it's more about her family. 

Don't wait around on a luke warm girl.  It may have nothing to do with you, just the circumstances. she's more realistic that she can't or doesn't want to promise more than a we'll see attitude. Which is not really compatible with your attitude towards her, so I'd back completely off and date others. 

Sorry. it happens sometimes to everybody. hang in there. it's ok

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1 hour ago, Marcoo said:


Hey. There was a girl and her friends were saying that she likes me for a long time and so on. We became friends and after some time I asked her out and she said yes. We kissed two times and everyone saw us as a couple. We went out about month and half after I asked her because always one of was busy but mostly it was her who was busy. Once i texted her if she is free and she was at work so she said let´s go other day but I was busy the other day. Then we went out and it was fine. Then I typed her if she would go out again and she said she can't this week and then school year starts and she is in boarding school so she is not home from Monday to Friday. I said I meant like in the future and she said we will see. I wonder why did she suddenly lose interest. I also would like to talk more about it with her and tell her what I feel so what do you think?

It only matters what she thinks. If she doesn’t want to meet with you or talk about it, she’s not interested.  Best to move on.

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I take it from your writing that you are in high school. In high school those stuff are more non-commital. You kissed 2 times but doesnt mean you are a couple. So, just move on with your life. She doesnt seem to be interested for something serious if she cant find time for you. Doesnt mean she doesnt find you attractive(she kissed you so she probably does) but just means she doesnt want anything more with you. 

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She's very busy with starting her new school year at boarding school.  She is realistic about not having enough time for you.  She lost interest because she is being practical and realistic as should you.  You're wasting your time and energy on her.  Absence doesn't make the heart grow fonder.  On the contrary, too much absence causes two people to drift apart. 

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I had ex sex once with one of my exes and then he reminded me what an insufferable bore he is.  Did it a few times with another ex until I remembered how awful a human being he is. Then I just couldn't.

Apparently I'm a slow learner but fortunately I finally did catch on. No more sex with exes. Waste of time.

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