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He hung up on me... slowly

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Last year I met this guy, he works at a business I occasionally visit. He and I had an amazing rapport, he would be super helpful and give me the best parking spot in the place and when he did he made sure to tell me he did! He put a smiley face on a paper he gave me and was just very helpful and super nice. He seemed to be making extra effort with me. And I made it a point to always use his name. He was always very courteous always said "bye" before hanging up the phone. Well, the last time I spoke with him, I didn't use his name and instead of saying "bye", he just slowly hung up the phone. It wasn't a slam (It's an old-school phone, with a receiver and everything!)... just slowly put it down. He seemed very cold after I didn't say his name. My read of it was that he felt hurt after my not using his name. It seems like a little thing, but sometimes those little things can actually mean a lot to someone. I just wanted to get some feedback/read of the situation from someone outside the situation.


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Not sure the issue?

He's normally kind your way- but this is his business place. He's likely kind to many of his customers. Maybe he was having a bad day?

You probably hardly know him, other than his place of business?  I suggest you let it go.  

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