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I got back together with my ex :)


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Just wanted to share :) when I was broken up I'd read over these posts looking for hope.


The best advice I can give is go complete no contact and use the time in between to work on yourself, for yourself!


There is usually a good reason that a couple has broken up and needs to stay broken up.... in the rare cases where both parts of the couple work hard on themselves while they are broken up, it's great to see them get back together and lead happy lives as a couple.


Am happy it's worked out for you and hope you continue to work on yourself.

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I wish you the best!


Usually when 2 people succeed at a second chance for a relationship it's either because they fixed or agree to fix the issues that made the relationship fall apart the first time.

Have you guys address those issues? Is he gonna be monogamous now? Does he want a serious relationship now? Is his depression cured?

What about you, do you feel safe in this new relationship with him, meaning that this time you feel that you are on the same page and building a future together?

Sometime people get back together because they missed each other but if you want it to last, don't be afraid to voice your wants and needs and see in his actions if he can fulfill them.

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I know others are giving advice that is different, and while I do agree with them to an extent, I do want to say that is wonderful for you. You are right, there are many people here that are looking for hope and this is the exact message they want to see. I used to be one of them. Now after years apart, and being in my worst relationship ever right now (why I am here today), I can say that I am happy my exes never came back to me. We weren't right. But that doesn't stop the hopeless romantic part of us that wants gratification.


Again, congratulations and yes to others, if you want hope here it is. But as others have said, our hope is not always what is best for us. I can attest after many years of hoping and praying, I finally see that they were right all along. Funny how the universe (or whichever outside force you prefer), takes care of us.

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Just wanted to share :) when I was broken up I'd read over these posts looking for hope.


The best advice I can give is go complete no contact and use the time in between to work on yourself, for yourself!


Not trying to rain on your parade, but he will disappoint again sis and it'll hurt harder the second time.

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The best advice I can give is go complete no contact and use the time in between to work on yourself, for yourself!


Yay you! This IS the best advice, because it works for YOU no matter what the outcome.


Playing friendzies with an ex is a limbo-hell, and it only treats the ex to comfort while they move on from you. Going no contact positions you to focus on developing your own life beyond the ex, and that is the best possible thing anyone can do.


Head high, and best of luck to you.

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