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Disappointed that my retest was positive. I know it doesn't mean anything other than some of the virus still lives in my body, but I was feeling so much better yesterday. I was hoping.

I'm not infectious anymore, but I wanted to start job hunting and I know most places will require a negative test before I can start. I need to be earning. But I guess I'll just have to retest again next week and put off my job hunt until then.

Mood? Bummed.

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9 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

Disappointed that my retest was positive. I know it doesn't mean anything other than some of the virus still lives in my body, but I was feeling so much better yesterday. I was hoping.

I'm not infectious anymore, but I wanted to start job hunting and I know most places will require a negative test before I can start. I need to be earning. But I guess I'll just have to retest again next week and put off my job hunt until then.

Mood? Bummed.

I am so sorry. It will be negative soon. ❤️

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Thank you.

I scheduled another test for next Wednesday.

My cousin, who was hospitalized with Covid recently, said her doctor told her she could test positive for MONTHS.  Also, she said he told her you will continue to be infectious until you have been 100% symptom free for 14 days.  That is contrary to everything I've read and been told by my doctors.  It's also contrary to my brother's experience, he still has symptoms but tested negative this week.

She is not making me feel any better ☹️  She does tend to be "doom and gloom".  She kept insisting I had lung issues even though I told her I did not and do not.  She also seemed to want me to go to the hospital.  My brother thinks she is just worried about me.  I'm trying to tell myself that so I don't get annoyed and say something not nice to her.

Hopefully by the time I get my next test, I will be negative.

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13 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

Thank you.

I scheduled another test for next Wednesday.

My cousin, who was hospitalized with Covid recently, said her doctor told her she could test positive for MONTHS.  Also, she said he told her you will continue to be infectious until you have been 100% symptom free for 14 days.  That is contrary to everything I've read and been told by my doctors.  It's also contrary to my brother's experience, he still has symptoms but tested negative this week.

She is not making me feel any better ☹️  She does tend to be "doom and gloom".  She kept insisting I had lung issues even though I told her I did not and do not.  She also seemed to want me to go to the hospital.  My brother thinks she is just worried about me.  I'm trying to tell myself that so I don't get annoyed and say something not nice to her.

Hopefully by the time I get my next test, I will be negative.

She had a worse case than you. You most likely will be negative soon. 

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I felt absolutely awful yesterday.  The body aches were almost intolerable.  I finally broke down and took a couple of ibuprofen (I HATE taking pain medication of any kind).  Blood oxygen was down slightly but not low enough for a lot of concern.  Today it's back up to 98-99.

Body aches are a tiny bit better but still definitely there.  My shoulders and elbows always hurt the most although last night my lower back was hurting so, so bad.

My biggest concern was possibly infecting my brother's other kids, particularly the one who has been staying here for the past week.  But apparently since I am well past 14 days after being infected I am not infectious, but I still have the virus in my system per the positive test I had Monday.

Anyone who thinks this is no big deal, please be assured it absolutely IS a big deal.  If you don't care at all about your own health, think about possibly infecting someone you love and THEY become seriously ill when there is little to no hospital capacity.  Hopefully that would motivate a person to just go ahead and wear the damn mask for a few minutes at Costco or Walmart! 

The other night I was inside a convenience store waiting to pay and the man behind me just held the collar of his shirt over his mouth instead of wearing an actual face covering.  The cashier told him he had to wear an actual mask and he said "Huh?" like the entire freaking world hasn't been told to wear a mask for like 8 months!  She told him he had to leave.  Yay cashier!  Stupid thing is, I saw him when I was walking out to my car and he was going back into the store with a mask on.  Why the H didn't he just wear it before???  Moron.

One thing I think is funny (not funny haha but funny weird) is how so many people are thinking "Thank god 2020 is over!  Now we can put it behind us!!"  as though all the problems and issues of 2020 magically vanished now that it's 2021.  I do endorse having hope and wishes for a much better year, but it's not going to just "poof" away because it's technically a different year.  But I do hope the tribulations are not going to last the entire year.  Maybe by summertime things will be better.

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Relapsing big time. Body aches are awful, my head is hurting again, congestion is back, chest pain has come back and I'm fatigued. I understand now why my retest was positive; I am still sick.

Thankfully my brother and nephew are well on the way to full recovery.

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25 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

Relapsing big time. Body aches are awful, my head is hurting again, congestion is back, chest pain has come back and I'm fatigued. I understand now why my retest was positive; I am still sick.

Thankfully my brother and nephew are well on the way to full recovery.

Ugh!!!  So awful to be going back into a relapse.  

Do you have access to Vit D at all?  

A very good, "tea," to make is a grapefruit, lemon, ginger tea (hot) and then add a few drops of a high quality Vit D liquid vitamin.

My recipe for it is:

1/4 of a grapefruit

2 lemons squeezed for their juice

2 teaspoons ginger

1 cup ice

2 cups water

***Honey to sweeten (about a whole Tablespoon)  Edited to add this because it's almost undrinkable without a sweetener!!!

**Put it all into a blender to get it nice and frothy... THEN pour enough into a mug and heat in the microwave for 1 minute (I know it sounds counterintuitive to heat something you just put ice into, but it's frothier and nicer to drink this way in my opinion).  There's something about heating it that helps activate the ginger and other ingredients also.

Edited to add: It should last for 2 mugs at least (I keep it in the fridge inside the blender container for easy access).  Makes your grapefruits last longer, too, when you're just using 1/4 at a time.

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OK I just edited it again to add the Honey!!!!

You almost can't drink this drink without a sweetener, it's very sour (but so good for you!).

We've been constantly exposed this entire time, with multiple coworkers of my husband's getting the virus and some ending up in the hospital for over a month!  I've been making this (and adding Vit D to my husband's stuff) from the get-go and so far we've been lucky.

There's something about this drink that combines the Vit C with the Vit D (plus maybe the ginger and honey on their own as well) that seems to make it extra helpful for boosting immunity in general.  

I think of it as an Asian, "white tea."

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Thank you.

My doctor advised vitamins C and D and zinc from the beginning and I have complied. It's probably why I haven't yet gotten sicker than I am.

I'm disappointed but not all that surprised. I have health conditions so I expected to be very sick. But I am still fortunate that I haven't been bad enough to need hospitalization. Which is good because there's no room for me anyway.

PSA: Please take this seriously! Don't run around maskless, don't host or attend gatherings, don't travel on public transportation (airplanes, trains) unless you absolutely must (not including commuting, I get that's a must for some people). You do not want this and you surely don't want to possibly infect loved ones who may get seriously ill.

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I am not sure if you have heard of Chaga as a tea. It is a mushroom that is extremely hard like bark. Apparently it’s one of the greatest antioxidants in the world and one of the greatest supporters of the immune system. Indigenous Canadians used it for centuries. I have some and anytime I know I’m getting a sinus infection I drink one cup of the tea and it’s gone by the next day I’ve had no need for antibiotics in a year and a half. 

Depending  upon your doctor and medications and health needs it might be something to consider. 

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Getting so tired of people saying "Stop whining, the death rate is only .02%!!"  And I say "So you'd be totally cool with it if one of the .02% is your mother or father, your spouse or your child.  After all, they would be part of the 'only .02%'!"  People who only start to care when it affects them really aggravate me.

That is not a caring attitude.

Why does this country value selfishness???

Also the grown ass adults who are throwing toddler tantrums including laying down on the floor in a store when asked to wear a face covering.  When did this become acceptable behavior?

It's appalling.

However, the weather here has been absolutely beautiful.  I hope I will soon feel well enough to go outside to enjoy it.  71 degrees later this week!

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On 1/2/2021 at 1:09 PM, boltnrun said:

Thank you.

My doctor advised vitamins C and D and zinc from the beginning and I have complied. It's probably why I haven't yet gotten sicker than I am.

I'm disappointed but not all that surprised. I have health conditions so I expected to be very sick. But I am still fortunate that I haven't been bad enough to need hospitalization. Which is good because there's no room for me anyway.

PSA: Please take this seriously! Don't run around maskless, don't host or attend gatherings, don't travel on public transportation (airplanes, trains) unless you absolutely must (not including commuting, I get that's a must for some people). You do not want this and you surely don't want to possibly infect loved ones who may get seriously ill.

So far I've taken a few bus rides and very short subway rides total - for the purpose of doctor appointments. Fortunately in addition to being short rides it wasn't during crowded times and people wore masks. I'm fine.  I'm going to take another short bus ride end of next week again for an essential medical appointment.  Otherwise I walk everywhere.  Husband drives his own car once or twice a week to an empty office building basically where he is masked and son goes nowhere other than for walks or a bike ride with my husband.  I won't take Uber because I feel that's riskier than public transportation - we could get stuck in traffic and too cold to open the window.  

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Just now, Batya33 said:

So far I've taken a few bus rides and very short subway rides total - for the purpose of doctor appointments. Fortunately in addition to being short rides it wasn't during crowded times and people wore masks. I'm fine.  I'm going to take another short bus ride end of next week again for an essential medical appointment.  Otherwise I walk everywhere.  Husband drives his own car once or twice a week to an empty office building basically where he is masked and son goes nowhere other than for walks or a bike ride with my husband.  I won't take Uber because I feel that's riskier than public transportation - we could get stuck in traffic and too cold to open the window.  

I was talking about vacations, people who are traveling because they're "bored at home", or who chose to travel via airplane or train for the holidays because they "miss" their families.  It's not worth it, it really isn't.

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Definitely the most sick I've been since I got this thing.

I have a retest scheduled for Wednesday but I am 100% sure it will be positive.  I can't be this sick and be Covid negative.

I won't schedule another test for two more weeks.  There's no point.

I was hoping to be able to job search.  I lost my insurance due to having no income and I need my medications to stay alive (not being dramatic, it's a fact).  I am waiting for the state insurance agency to get back to me because they are denying me coverage and I'm not sure why.  I'll give it until tomorrow and then call again.  If I found a job I could get insurance but that's on hold until this virus leaves my body.

Very discouraged.

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My retest was negative!!!

I still feel sick, but it's so relieving to know the virus has left my body.  I know I will be feeling the after effects for a while but it's now recovery instead of an active infection.

Also, I have gained ten pounds!  The new dose of thyroid medication seems to be working well.

And...I get to see my kids tomorrow.  A happy day!

Thank you so much for all your thoughts and support. ❤️

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2 hours ago, boltnrun said:

My retest was negative!!!

I still feel sick, but it's so relieving to know the virus has left my body.  I know I will be feeling the after effects for a while but it's now recovery instead of an active infection.

Also, I have gained ten pounds!  The new dose of thyroid medication seems to be working well.

And...I get to see my kids tomorrow.  A happy day!

Thank you so much for all your thoughts and support. ❤️

This is all so so awesome! ❤️

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