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I'm curious to hear peoples war stories on love at first sight. Is it possible? What u did about it? Can it ever work out? I guess more importantly why people think it happens. I just recently met a guy and I think I've fallen for him?????? I dont understand why, it doesn't make sense, he's not what I class good looking and I dont know him well enough to be attracted to his personality. Strange huh!

Anyway has anyone ever met someone and fallen for them almost instantly?

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Honestly, as a guy this happens to me a lot, usually when I speak with an attrative girl and I think she likes me. Usually the conversation has to flow pretty well also..


So to sum it up Attrative girl + she looks like she likes me + good flowing conversation = Fall in love instantly.

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With my now boyfriend it was instantly. I didn't know who he was, or what he was about and I knew that I was going to be with him. We have been seeing each other for 9 months now... and everything is wonderful. I'm not really sure how or why it happened, but apparently for a reason outside of my hands.

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this is interesting as i have been reading up about why we fall for ppl and what attractz us to them and what makes us click and so on


but i found that there is scientific evidence to link a man and a woman being attracted to one another through chemicalz we produce.. the major one being pheromones there is another one that isn't fully researched called endorphins.. but there u go lol


u learn something new everyday

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The is also love @ first fight. I know a couple who hated each other when they first met and had a fight about politics. Almost shouting at each other. We told them to be quiet (we were all in a pub) and they went outside to continue the argument, then they went to her apartment to continue it. They have been now been married for years - some people think it's because they have never properly finished the argument.

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All love is love at first sight. It's chemistry- there's no explaining it. You know how you feel about someone just by being around them... even if only for the first time.


Life may be strange but it does seem to work a certain way. (whether or not it works for you is a different story)


Any love has the potential to work or not work. As long as it's there in the beginning you have the ability to mold it into something beaufiul. That's right- YOU mold it. It's up to you whether or not something works. Love is not just a feeling. Love is not even fate. It is a choice.


But most of all, it is an act. The feeling is not the actual thing. The feeling is the end result.


Person+person + time + effort= love


Only we can grow a bond.

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that's pretty insightful for a 14 year old (no offence intended)


just that at 14 you don't expect to fully understand love and the mistery behind it




It is only with the heart that we can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye

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with wordz like that i can't believe you are

merely the observer


there's someone for everyone


find them and hold on tight lol


as for love at first sight.. it has happened to me (the sucker for love i am)

but i don't want to think why or how it happenz


as i said in a previous post, pheromones and endorphinz may have something to do with it


i'm just going to leave it as a mistery of the world tho 8)


All love shifts and changes. I don't know if you can be wholeheartedly in love all the time.

Julie Andrews

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Not completely true. It happened to me when I was least expecting it to.... it always happens like that, when you are looking for someone there seems no one around.. the second you decide it's probably for the better and stop looking is when you get flooding with invitations into someone elses life. I wasn't horny, or not choosy.. I was very choosy. But I can see how this is true for some people.

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Love doesn't happen at first sight. You can be attracted to someone at first sight but it takes time for real love to grow. Real love comes after you have gotten to know each other, have seen each other's strengths and weaknesses, have seen each other at your best and your worst. Love at first site is a romantic notion, but unrealistic.

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Well, love in the true meaning of the word, cannot happen at first sight. That takes time. A heavy duty attraction at first sight that leaves you open to fall in love in the long run, that's more like it. Now, lemee see:


Starting from 4th grade, which was my first love at first sight, until this very writing, I've fallen in love at first site approximately 50 times.


About a dozen of them turned to serious crushes because I would see them often...

A handful of them didn't know I existed...

Another handful could care less...

And the rest, naturally, had boyfriends.


It would be nice if a girl had the same feelings for me, but I don't look good enough to fall in love with at 1st, 2nd or 50th sigh with. Oh well, at least I have my Family Guy DVDs. Whatever.

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Well, love in the true meaning of the word, cannot happen at first sight. That takes time. A heavy duty attraction at first sight that leaves you open to fall in love in the long run, that's more like it. Now, lemee see:


Starting from 4th grade, which was my first love at first sight, until this very writing, I've fallen in love at first site approximately 50 times.


About a dozen of them turned to serious crushes because I would see them often...

A handful of them didn't know I existed...

Another handful could care less...

And the rest, naturally, had boyfriends.


It would be nice if a girl had the same feelings for me, but I don't look good enough to fall in love with at 1st, 2nd or 50th sigh with. Oh well, at least I have my Family Guy DVDs. Whatever.


Dude I think we are both really honest, I said similar in my first post.. I fall in love all the time at first site. Probably most guys do but they won't admit it. Probably mostly comes down to attraction.. we wouldn't fall in love with a fat-ugly girl even if she had the perect personality.

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Honestly, as a guy this happens to me a lot, usually when I speak with an attrative girl and I think she likes me. Usually the conversation has to flow pretty well also..


So to sum it up Attrative girl + she looks like she likes me + good flowing conversation = Fall in love instantly.


im the same exact way i dunno if i would consider it 'love' but i would start to have strong feelings for her.

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In response to the original question: No.

There can be attraction at first site, but you can't read what someones personality is like by seeing them for a split second.


I think there have been a few cases - David Niven claimed he fell in love with his second wife at first sight - but the marriage was troubled so that may not count!!!

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Well, let`s just say that what "love at first sight" basically means is that you love the other person as much as you know them...and the better you know them, the more you can love them (or NOT, of course, LOL).


If love at first sight means you love the person as much as you know them, and you don't know anything about them since all you've done is looked at them, then wouldn't that mean you don't love them at all?

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In response to the original question: No.

There can be attraction at first site, but you can't read what someones personality is like by seeing them for a split second.


Actually I disagree. When humans meet other humans we take in immideatly many facets about who that person is. Thousands of little things.. we can sum up instantly the persons personality etc. Everything from the way the person carries himself, to the way he/she dresses.


I always noticed that immideatley when I look at someone I can always tell what that person is like etc (personality). And I'm usually right.


So we all do this, we evolved this way.

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