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Everything posted by chevvyG

  1. So true Lifeiscash so true. We want a strong leader who'll cherish us but not be at our beckon call
  2. I think it all goes back to primal instinct. MOST girls I know- me included- are attracted to a strong provider type guy but who (as society has changed and expects more of women) supports her in her own goals (work,hobbies). Looks aren't as important to us girls and we all want 2 be treated like the princess in the fairytales. So basically u dont have to look like prince charming- just act like one! Make a girl feel like the most glamorous girl in the world and she'll repay u forever
  3. Hi everyone thanks so much for all the input. I guess I should have explained myself a bit clearer though. The strangest thing is that from the very first time I met this guy i felt so familiar and comfortable around him- U know the feeling u have with someone u've been in a long term relationship with. It really really felt like I'd known him forever or that he was like an ex boyfriend or something. It threw me so much that I had to walk away because it's such an irrational feeling- I dont believe in all that "de ja vous" stuff or anything. So I've been racking my brain trying to think whether hes reminding me of someone but no he's the most unique and out of the ordinary guy I've met. I don't find him physically attractive at all but awwww everytime I see him its like....... I really dont know how to explain it.... its just strange. So basically I'm avoiding him now 'cause its all 2 weird 4 me. I was hoping that someone may have had something similar happen 2 them so I could be assured I'm not going crazy.......maybe I am
  4. I'm curious to hear peoples war stories on love at first sight. Is it possible? What u did about it? Can it ever work out? I guess more importantly why people think it happens. I just recently met a guy and I think I've fallen for him?????? I dont understand why, it doesn't make sense, he's not what I class good looking and I dont know him well enough to be attracted to his personality. Strange huh! Anyway has anyone ever met someone and fallen for them almost instantly?
  5. Hi people just wanna know if one out there has had a relationship with someone in the military. My bf of 5mths is in the special service and I'm finding it really hard. I think I love him but hes away so much and when hes home it feels like I'm the odd one out. Also he finds it hard to trust anyone except his friends and is such a closed book. I've tried talking to his friends gf but its taboo, Everythings just so secretive with them all. So please please has anyone had similar situation or is it just my bf and his group of friends.
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