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he wants to finish in my mouth

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Hi, I'm new to the boards.


The guy I'm seeing and I have been getting very intimate, and he particularly enjoys receiving oral sex from me. Well, I had surgery a few weeks ago and I haven't been able to engage in much sexual activity with him. He asked me the other day if he could ejaculate in my mouth once I'm recuperated-- I've never had a guy do that before. I wasn't sure what to say. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what it's like to have a guy ejaculate in your mouth. Do I swallow what is in my mouth or should I spit it out? This is something that I kind of want to do but I just don't know how to do it. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks!

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You can choose whether to spit or swallow - all up to you. Personally I swallow as it seems easier, more intimate and really to me is not a big deal to do. But many girls/women choose to spit out into a kleenex or something afterwards.


Semen can range in taste from sort of bitter to sweeter, depending on the guy's diet as well as your own personal tastebuds. I personally don't mind it..I mean I would not drink gallons of it, but I have tasted more horrible things that were called "dinner" and so on before!


If his penis is far back enough when he comes you probably won't even taste it as you will automatically swallow so you might find that better if you are worried about the taste...but really nothing to worry about, the first time might be strange for you, but after that it will probably just be normal.

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I recently had my first time of that


In fact, I think you should try to not think about it too much. You will know if you want to swallow or not, well... once he did his thing


I was surprised, I actually liked it but I didn't swallow. I think later on I might but to be honest I haven't thought about it 8)





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This is somethig you really don't know until you try it. It may be too much to swallow...or you just won't feel comfortable doing it. OR.. you will enjoy it so much you won't even think about it and just swallow.


Make sure you have a drink close by, some cold ice tea or ice cold water .

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I would just tell him that it's your first time and that you don't know how you'll react. You'll decide at the time what to do and it is very insulting for the man if you do a big gag and spit routine, unless he is aware it might happen.

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Its a personal decision what you want to do, some girls dont like you to finish in their mouths,while others dont mind. It seems odd to finish in a girls mouth then have them spit it out. There are some sayings that comes to mind with this topic "spitters are quitters" and "why would you reject a gift?"

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EWWWWWWWWWWW. I wish my boyfriend's tasted okay. He's a big meat eater and apparently that makes it worse. It's so nasty... I've only swallowed once because the other times it was so discusting to me I couldn't do it.


But everyone else doesn't seem to have such a problem with it so it shouldn't be that bad for you...


ps swallowing it shouldn't be bad because the stomach just kills everything

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I guess I'm lucky enough that my current gf loves to swallow it.


Anyway, as the others have told you, you'll soon find out if you want to or not. Most guys will tell you they like to see you swallow it as it's an acceptance thing to them... Personally I don't mind either way if my gf chose to swallow it or spit it out.

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There have been times when I have not been all that into it in the first place so maybe I had more time to think about the fact that it tasted bad where I almost gagged (stifled it out of fear of making him feel rejected) because of the saltiness and just couldn't swallow

but there have also been times in the heat of passion when the taste didn't bother me a bit.

My husband and I are always quite messy though because he got a lot out of seeing it on my face/lips.

I have gotten to the point that I really enjoy watching him jack off and will lay my head on his stomach while he does so I frequently get a taste of it even when not giving a job.

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man.. you gals are champs. lol. Yea, we do enjoy it quite a bit, least i do. Something about it, feels naughty, not sure. I did it with the ex a lot, from having intercourse, and me finishing in her mouth was great.. Nice to know girls are doing this more.

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