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Everything posted by beautiful_mistake

  1. TWO I've lived in a small town with zip happening my whole life and NOTHING could make me stay here any longer! I'm leaving asap!! Like.. in 2 - 4 months. Thank god.
  2. I had this problem the first time someone fingered me. I wasn't turned on enough. At all. It was more hurtful than pleasurable and it wasn't fun. I didn't understand how anyone liked it. But later on I was really turned on and before I was fingered I was eaten out so I was all for it and I really liked it. Now I can be fingered right away without any initial stimulation. Now I like it! lol. But I think that might be part her problem... Get her really into it, make her crave it.. it might help. I've only bled once because of a nail. CUT THEM.
  3. EWWWWWWWWWWW. I wish my boyfriend's tasted okay. He's a big meat eater and apparently that makes it worse. It's so nasty... I've only swallowed once because the other times it was so discusting to me I couldn't do it. But everyone else doesn't seem to have such a problem with it so it shouldn't be that bad for you... ps swallowing it shouldn't be bad because the stomach just kills everything
  4. I'll try to tell you what I do for my boyfriend that he likes. Basically he likes it when I put my mouth up and down (this can be hard to do.. try just staying closer to the top if you can't at first) as I suck on it.. not too hard. BEWARE OF THE TEETH and MOVE YOUR tongue. Have a party in your mouth. Move it everywhere you can (usually you only can on the bottom part..) BUT MOVE IT, I swear this is the key. I find if he's laying down I can do it a lot better. For handjobs he lays down and we use a cream of some sorts. I consentrate on the top going up and down really vigorously. Watch how tight your hold is. I sit down from him (usually around his legs.. closer to his feet than his head) this seems to work well for me personally. Ask him what he wants! Goodluck.
  5. My boyfriend really likes it when I wear lipgloss. Sometimes he'll try to guess the flavour and we'll have fun with it. I've never had the problem of it going everywhere so I think it's a good thing to wear it.
  6. Thanks for the reply. The only thing is I can't break it off with my boyfriend and I don't really want to. I did it once but I took him back. When he started talking about how much he needs me and can't live with out me and how our future is together I couldn't do it anymore. I don't really want to be without him anyway and even if I did I couldn't break his heart. I just couldn't do that to him...
  7. We're not trying to hurt you by saying you are too young to have sex. It's just that the older you get the more you see and the more you realise how stupid you were at some younger age (I'm sure I'll be talking about how stupid I was at 18 when I'm 30). It's just that we don't want you to get hurt physically, emotional or anyway. We don't want you to make a bad mistake and get pregnant or get sick. We care about you even if we don't know you. If you're freaked out by a period, you probably aren't ready for sex. Goodluck with everything.
  8. I've been crying a lot lately and maybe they're pointless tears, I don't know but I really need some people's opinions. This is gonna be really long (sorry - the beginning is the background info and the end is the problem) Here's the scoop: I live in a small town. Like really small = Of course we had to leave after about 2 1/2 weeks of person-to-person dating and make the relationship long distance. We weren't going to see each other for another 4 months. Inbetween this time the relationship was fine for the most part. So we saw each other again (about 2 1/2 weeks) and to say the least I definitely never knew love like that could exist. It was completely amazing. After he left this time it is when things started to get a little rough. At first we were okay but then we started arguing and not getting along as well as usual. I dyed my hair, he saw ONE picture and decided it wasn't great (he liked it once he actually saw it, just like I told him he would), the next day he decided that we should "take a break", that lasted a few hours. Then about 4 days later he cheated on me. I couldn't believe it. He had never lied to me before. He had never decieved me. And then all of a sudden... It shocked me completely and I still continue to be hurt and shocked by this (2 months later). But even so I decided I would have to forgive him (he didn't sleep with her - they just fooled around). So I did that and we started on the slow road back to recovery and things were getting a bit better. Then I went to see him (he lives in America and I live in Canada) and I had a great trip. I loved his family, where he lived and so on. Then I went back to Canada and after a couple of weeks he started getting unbelievably distant. Finally I talked to someone about it and decided it was best to break it off. So I did. It was hard but I felt that by the way he was being I could barely consider him my boyfriend. It freaked him out. I had never broken up with him before. It freaked me out too... but, yes, we got back together and he realised that he was being stupid and started being his regular, sweet self again. This is when I start to have the problems. The time when Alex was being weird I found my friend Billy rather attrative. We flirted minory I suppose... one could even say that I did like him but of course I deny it to myself; good girlfriends don't do that, right? I had a simular problem earlier, around the time when he cheated on me, with the same guy, but it was billion times lighter and I told Alex about it. I got over it in like 2 days, I just needed to hear that he loved me and so on. This one eventually went away too but I did break a promise to Alex; I didn't tell him everything. I couldn't bring myself to do it and I still can't. My prom came recently and I promised my boyfriend I wouldn't dance with any guys and I was faithful to it. When Billy came over and started dancing with my group of friends I stayed for like 15 seconds and then left for the washroom. We have a graduating ceremony and I'm walking up with a guy we'll call Stu. Now, I found out that night (prom night - it's not the same as grad ceremony) that he liked me. And it was obvious, he had asked me to walk up with him, he would start random convos, he asked me about my boyfriend, and he asked me to dance that night, not any of my friends (he could have taken any one of us). I said no and I felt horrible. I almost wanted to cry, I just hated myself for it, he just wanted to dance, that's it. But I made a promise and I stuck to it. That night there was a party which my friend and I attended. A little went on, if you know what I mean. I didn't mean to drink very much but once I started I just kept going. I got pretty drunk (not piss drunk but I wasn't buzzed either to say the least). A couple of my friends left early which left myself and one of my best friends who did not drink that much at all. Most poeple leave the party eventually but myself and 5 other people (including my friend) hang out and talk and drink for a couple of hours. Now, this one guy, Anthony, I didn't think was a very nice guy but really turned out to be a sweetie. He took care of anyone who was drunk (he was drinking too but he was fine). I was one of the people that he took care of. Even when I just went to the washroom he left to find me. Now this was perfectly harmless, he was looking out for everyone after all. But now that I think about it, he may have felt something for me because there were a few hints there. I need people's opinion on it, because I might just be crazy. Okay so the first thing is that I got really tired (I wasn't passing out!) and I guess I was sitting beside him and he took my glasses from me to hold them (he did that to some other guy too at some point). I was feeling really tired though and I was thinking "I can't put my head on his lap because I have a boyfriend" but it just clunked down on him. I only had it there for about 10-15 seconds and I had my eyes closed. But after my friend was saying that he was moving the hair out of my eyes (it couldn't have been in my eyes that much... it's not very long... I have bangs I guess... I dunno). Anyway, then he promised me that he would be back and got up to take someone home. I'm guessing it took him about 20 minutes but I was basically falling alseep and then all of a sudden I sit up and go yell about where Ant is. I was so worried that he either got hurt or wasn't coming back. SO worried. I know I was drunk but I know that the reason why I was so concerned about him not coming back was because of the broken trust because myself and Alex. I was afraid that another guy was gonna break his word to me, even if it was just a promise to come back by some guy that has no real reason to do so. But just as I was going off about him he came back and I was super excited and he said to me "I promised I'd come back!" and I was relieved. Oh drunkenness. Anyway we all just hang around and talk and then we decide to go for a walk and we have to drop a couple of people off at a house. Then it's just myself, my friend and Anthony. The things that really made me think that he might were that when we were walking back to his house my friend Lia held my one hand he held my other. Now at first I told him he couldn't do that because I have a boyfriend and he wouldn't like that. He said "fine I won't hold your hand then!" and didn't. But like 20 seconds later he did again! And he was like "I'm taking care of you!" and I was drunk and lazy so I didn't bother to argue anymore. But this time when he held my hand he slipped his fingers inbetween mine. Don't they say that means something..? Or am I just crazy. Also, all night he was saying "you're boyfriend doesn't exist tonight" and I don't really know what he meant by that... (does anyone understand - he said it more than once and he said it around the hand holding thing). Also he kept talking about his ex-girlfriends (he mentioned 2 of them a couple of times) and asked me about my boyfriend (I know my boyfriend talked to me about his ex's when he liked me and I have never had other guys talk to me about that stuff when they don't like me. Alex asked me about past relationships too). He also commented that he usually dates older girls (I'm older than him). I'm confused about everything. I see my life with Alex, it's all about him in the end but it's so damn tempting to have a couple of "meh" relationships that I've never been able to experience. I just want to have fun. I know that when I tell him I got drunk he probably won't be happy but I wanted to... I want to have fun when I can. I keep thinking about what it would be like if Alex and I weren't together... I don't want to regret it forever and it's so hard when you can really see yourself with that one person. But I have to move for Alex and I have to wait to see him again (that'll be when I move) and we even might miss our one year anniversary... it's our one year and I know it'd be hard to make it but I still think he should. It's a big deal and I know I'll end up crying all day because I won't be able to see him. I guess what I'm really confused about is do I think about now and go have fun or do I think about the future and what could very well be? I don't know what to do. I'm so lost and upset. I feel as though I'm falling apart at the seems, I swear.
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