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Self Employment:Greater Freedom: Freedom 60


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Well ,it looks like my hand may be pushed faster then I think . I heard a rumour ,yes ,you have to love the rumour mill that our new building is going to be condemned . I had to talk to my boss today and yesterday she told me we plan to re-start in 2 weeks and today she tells me we don’t know what we’re doing yet . So obviously the rumour mill is true . Thank Jesus I applied for unemployment !


A friend added me to all the Facebook child care sites and buy and sells. Unfortunately, my boss is on all the childcare sites . She’s going to know my plan eventually .

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Ok, my hand has been forced. I was effectively told today I have no job. Everything is “ indefinite “. And Friday’s may never appear again. So I talked about start up costs with my husband and he will take $2000 out of an RRSP to help start my daycare and until my EI comes in. The minute I hit 3 kids I can cancel my EI. My best friend is going to help me with set up and will be my part time and my back up worker.


Monday I will inform my boss she better start hiring and my plans .

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You are so courageous to do this! There may be some bumps and hitches at first, but you will be great. And, I think you will get to a spot where you can pick and choose who you watch (and avoid the butt parents).


Thank you for the encouragement LUM! Today is D day the no going back day.

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Wow, busy, no rest for the wicked. I had an interview with a woman today that I know only slightly because she comes to play group. She had to me bizarre questions. Like, “ is your husband going to be around a lot? “ Um what? Um the man lives here and pays the rent . What does that mean? And then she says well we had a bad experience with home daycare before with our oldest daughter and my husband is very very protective of his daughters . Um K , so you’ re trying to accuse my husband of.....?... and then she said oh well your police check and vulnerable sector check doesn’t have a check of the child abuse registry . Uuuuuuhhhhhhh that is what the vulnerable sector check is..... ummmmmmmmmm


And you’re comfortable with me? Um, no, you’re not.


Then she text me while I was at the movies to say that her youngest daughter was congested and how many cats do I have again ? I said three . Then she said would you mind washing your cat to avoid dander . Um, no. And then she’s like I don’t want any processed foods fed to my kids no margarine only butter etc etc. Lady, you are already too much work .


Then she wanted to know if she could not pay for when her kids were sick and she’s not sure when she’s working could be three days could be five days she’s not really sure but could I hold a full-time spot for her.


I think I am giving this one a pass. I have nothing to hide I don’t like her insinuations really .

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She does not sound like a "good fit". But - in all honesty, I think it is very important to know who will be around your child at a home day care. I knew someone whose husband (a garbage man) would come home during his lunch, and help out with daycare lunch and give her a break. He was a part of the business, with the criminal background check. (And the kids loved seeing the garbage truck, lol)


This also includes girlfriends/ boyfriends, daughters/sons, and other family members.

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She does not sound like a "good fit". But - in all honesty, I think it is very important to know who will be around your child at a home day care. I knew someone whose husband (a garbage man) would come home during his lunch, and help out with daycare lunch and give her a break. He was a part of the business, with the criminal background check. (And the kids loved seeing the garbage truck, lol)


This also includes girlfriends/ boyfriends, daughters/sons, and other family members.


True. I totally get her point . My husband does have a police check with I showed her and he works at the youth centre where her elder daughter goes which I already told her that. I can totally get where she’s coming from but you shouldn’t say you trust someone and then be totally paranoid know what I mean ? Lol.


But as it is her daughter was in the hospital last night with some respiratory attack so I don’t think her kids are going to end up at my house and I won’t have to say thing . Poor little mite!!! But I’m not getting rid of my cats and my husband sorry .

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True. I totally get her point . My husband does have a police check with I showed her and he works at the youth centre where her elder daughter goes which I already told her that. I can totally get where she’s coming from but you shouldn’t say you trust someone and then be totally paranoid know what I mean ? Lol.


But as it is her daughter was in the hospital last night with some respiratory attack so I don’t think her kids are going to end up at my house and I won’t have to say thing . Poor little mite!!! But I’m not getting rid of my cats and my husband sorry .


Yep, screening out mismatches is good, no worries. It's ok, though, to clarify what the background checks cover if people are nervous. If people want special foods then invite them to donate the ingredients for all to share, or have them pack special meals for their own kiddo. Or maybe ever better?: offer a Bonus Package, they pay more to cover your extra time and expense and to make it worth your while. (You can have an intake form that includes special notes and foods.)

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Yep, screening out mismatches is good, no worries. It's ok, though, to clarify what the background checks cover if people are nervous. If people want special foods then invite them to donate the ingredients for all to share, or have them pack special meals for their own kiddo. Or maybe ever better?: offer a Bonus Package, they pay more to cover your extra time and expense and to make it worth your while. (You can have an intake form that includes special notes and foods.)

Unfortunately she was the kind who wanted special favours and a break from paying the measly $35 a day when her kid is sick and can she call last minute and can I hold a full time spot. She more trouble than she is worth.


The interview today; very professional . The woman is a teacher and her husband is a fireman . They only asked pertinent questions and no whining.

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She does not sound like a "good fit". But - in all honesty, I think it is very important to know who will be around your child at a home day care. I knew someone whose husband (a garbage man) would come home during his lunch, and help out with daycare lunch and give her a break. He was a part of the business, with the criminal background check. (And the kids loved seeing the garbage truck, lol)


This also includes girlfriends/ boyfriends, daughters/sons, and other family members.


Completely agree. I've had situations also where the teachers/counselors let young teenagers "help" but they don't supervise those teenagers well enough. There's going to be a range among parents as to what is safe enough for their particular child. In my son's preschool there was a situation I heard of where a child's speech therapist left the child unattended after the session and left him outside the classroom - the child was fine but it was a violation of school rules. Also I would think that parents who opt for a home daycare situation understand that homes are not like fortified buildings and contain family members, pets, etc.

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Completely agree. I've had situations also where the teachers/counselors let young teenagers "help" but they don't supervise those teenagers well enough. There's going to be a range among parents as to what is safe enough for their particular child. In my son's preschool there was a situation I heard of where a child's speech therapist left the child unattended after the session and left him outside the classroom - the child was fine but it was a violation of school rules. Also I would think that parents who opt for a home daycare situation understand that homes are not like fortified buildings and contain family members, pets, etc.


Exactly, not like I can pitch out my husband and my pets... lol. My husband would be gone from before her kids got there and there for an hour after he got home from work before their dad picked them up . My husband loves kids.


She even wanted me to get special wipes to wash down my cats . She was at my house for an hour and a half and whined for most of it about how she needs absolute flexibility and concessions . And the fact that licensed daycare centres can’t give her that and cost too much . But that her husband didn’t like home day cares . Well then you’re really pooched. Be poor until your kids go to school and stay home with your kids then. They have to learn they can’t have it every which way . They are young though only about 30 so they still have to figure this out .


And even though my Playroom is in a different room she still wanted me to put away all my glassware in my living room while her child was jumping up and down on my couch . I felt like saying well ,no, your child’s going to learn how to respect my furniture and my things . I’m not going to augment my entire life some part of my house has to be “adult”. Children can be taught not to touch .

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