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What would you do? Stay where it's secure or take a chance for opportunity?

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My current job is hectic and stressful but I am valued and I feel secure. I have my own office, which is comfortable. I have a lot of freedom and I like the people I work with. I also just got a big raise.


There is a man who was the head of my division a couple of years ago but he transferred to a different division and before he left, he told me he wanted me to come work with him if and when any jobs opened up over there that I would be interested in. I think he's great, and I respect him and liked working with him. He's now the head of that division, which gives him some power and control but he still is at the mercy of HR and that process. He can't define positions at will, in other words. He's a little restricted in what he can pay people and how the roles are defined.


A few months ago I followed up with him and told him I was still interested and we talked. But I expressed to him that any move I would make, I would want it to be a step up and one with potential for growth.


Recently some new positions have opened and he's seeing if I'm interested in them but they would be lateral moves with no guarantee for growth. He's made vague suggestions that maybe we could develop my position in the future, maybe, he could see what he could do.


I think I shouldn't change unless that growth is for sure, or if there's a raise or promotion involved. I don't want to burn my bridges with him. I still work with him currently but not as closely as if we were in the same division.


What would you do?

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No, if those positions aren't steps up, don't bother. You can get trapped in a company by taking lateral moves. Perhaps you should research what positions in the company you would like to move up into and tell the supervisors in those departments you're interested if any open up. Or tell HR. You don't have to pin all your hopes on this one division head. Quite often you can make a division head or HR's job easier because they know they have a potential candidate should someone leave rather than undergoing a 3-6 months search process.

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Why would you burn a bridge with him? I'm assuming he's a professional, or at the very least simply an adult. I'm sure he understands the value of not sacrificing familiarity and security for a lateral move. Stay in touch and ask to follow up when a position with more upward mobility does open up.

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I think you should hold out for a better deal. Zero net gain is zero reason to assume the risk of starting a brand new job. Your future coworkers are unknown, your future management is unknown, job security is unknown. Don't consider the job unless the increase is significant, like 10 - 20$ over your current pay. Also consider the benefits package and the commute.

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Well i made a lateral move... got 4% rise on it later but i hated the place and got sexually harrassed and bullied... i was happy in my old job but decided to change... grass isnt always greener


However i quit my job after the year from hell and am now travelling the world and a qualified yoga teacher setting up own business.


Every cloud.

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I was considering it because this division head is my former manager/leader so I would know what I was getting in to, and I am slightly familiar with that office and their work since it is closely related to my current job and I do work with them quite a lot as it is. It's in the same organization I'm in now, so not totally into an unknown situation. I was tempted because this division head is so ambitious and such a go-getter. He's very transformative where he works, so I was thinking I should get on that train. I have a lot of confidence in him. That's tempting. I was thinking, if I miss this chance to get in there, he'll hire someone else and then possibly carry through on those "maybe's" for development of the position, but with someone else, and then I'll have missed that opportunity. You know what I'm saying? Staying here, I know what I've got and it's secure and good but I know it won't go higher. He's giving me the suggestion that I'd have more opportunities there, but you know, I could end up going over to work with him, doing work that might not be any better, and then waiting years for that development.

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