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Me and my boyfriend have a 25 year age gap, things are very hard right now, he is leaving his girlfriend and we are moving out in a few months, coming up with the money is hard and telling my family is even worse, don’t know when to tell them or what to say, I’m 18 he’s 43, anyone who has experienced this please give me advice on how to tell them


I would get afar away from this man. He is still in a relationship and he is LIVING WITH HER. you said he is "leaving his girlfriend" == not LEFT his girlfriend. Honey, if your sister or best friend was in this situation, what would you tell them? If i were your older sister, I would tell you that this man is bad news. He is using you to cheat on his girlfriend or is LYING to you and won't really leave her - he will just string you along. And he is a creeper since he is dating a "just became legal" young woman who is old enough to be his daughter.


Look, there are some age gaps that work. I knew a young woman who had very specific interests - she actually became a history professor in a very specialized subject of history and she met a man who had the same passion as she did. Yes, there is an age gap. When they met, she was 30 and he was 45 -- but she was a grown adult with a career and it was a meeting of the minds --- they actually were reluctant to date at first after having a professional friendship for 4 years because of it and actually never considered eachother dating material, then when she was 30 they both sort of realized that they were missing out on who was right in front of them all along. They have been married 10 years now and she is 44 and he is 55 with a daughter.


BUT your big problem is not an age gap --- its a CHEATER looking for a young warm body!!!

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No he has no idea about the trust I’m running my own business and yes he does have money... Jesus he’s not a ing villain


Then why are you having such a difficult time moving in together, if he has money? "coming up with the money is hard "

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I can't say I have much experience with 40+ year olds chatting me up as a romantic prospect when I was 16, much less those who were cheating on their partner during that time. I'm not sure how I can put it nicely, but it is out of genuine concern that I suggest perhaps not throwing your trust money into a business if this is any reflection of the state and quality of your decision making. I would, however, suggest putting some of that money into a reputable therapist to help you navigate why any of this was ever considered an option so that you can then grow and learn as someone entering adulthood should have the opportunity to.


That will be money wisely spent.


I would also keep an eye on him, when you bring your friends and siblings around.

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  • 1 month later...

I really hope you people will stop being so discriminatory about the age.


Love is love at any age, even if she is 70 years old and he is 18 years old.


I can't understand the level of discrimination people must face just because of their age.


I thought there are also some strong laws that say that noone should be discriminated based on their age

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I really hope you people will stop being so discriminatory about the age.


Love is love at any age, even if she is 70 years old and he is 18 years old.


I can't understand the level of discrimination people must face just because of their age.


I thought there are also some strong laws that say that noone should be discriminated based on their age


So -- you would advise your young 18-22 year old sister to date a man who has a girlfriend? And who started dating or targetting her when she was a minor? Apparently you don't have a daughter, niece or sister because if you did, you would tell her to run away from an older man like that. "discrimination" is telling two 90 year olds who are in love that they can't marry/shouldn't marry because of their age - that its pointless or telling someone they should not date another person who grew up in their neighborhood simply because of their skin color. If protecting young people from predators or from getting preyed upon by users is "discrimination", then i'd be happy to be called someone who is prejudiced.

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I really hope you people will stop being so discriminatory about the age.


Love is love at any age, even if she is 70 years old and he is 18 years old.


I can't understand the level of discrimination people must face just because of their age.


I thought there are also some strong laws that say that noone should be discriminated based on their age


There are so many things that "love" can mean. The chances that he loves her the same way she loves him are very very low.


To the OP: just because you feel something doesn't mean you have to act on it. Don't give him any of your trust fund money. If he needs money from an 18-year old at his age to move out of his girlfriends place, then he is probably using you. (Regardless, he is probably using you, but if there is money involved that pretty much guarantees it). I am curious, what was your working relationship? Were you at the same level, or was he a superior?


I don't know what your family is like, but they are probably going to have a cow when you tell them. You need to tell them anyway. My biggest fear though, is this: 1. you tell them, 2. they don't approve 3. you fight about it and 4. you decide to keep going with him anyway while also leaving your family behind.


All I can say, because you are going to do what you are going to do, is if your family has loved you in the past, understand that even if you don't see things eye to eye, that they are acting out of love. Try not to cut them off completely if they have been good to you before, no matter what choice you make.


You seem like a smart girl, I hope you will be OK!

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