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Is my purpose to be single forever?


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I dont like being a debbie downer as my views always tend to be negative compared to others but I just wanted to vent and rant a little...


So I am 33 years old and my relationship patterns has been strange. I started dating in my 20s however I've only seemed to attract guys who were at least 15 years older than me. Guys my age were never interested. Fast forward now, i am 33, and now neither guys my age, older and younger are interested in me. Mind you, I inherited good youthful genes. There is not a soul on earth who believes I am over the age of 17 which in my opinion, kills my chances of ever dating or being in a wholesome relationship ever again.


I went out on a date with a guy who literally carded me. He wouldn't come to terms that in fact I am 33. He kept making jokes about me having "daddy issues" thinking that I was looking for a father when in reality, I was actually older than him by a few months. This is literally my dating life. People don't ever take me seriously at all. They find me to be beautiful, but not something they would take the time to get to know.


Another issue is that I am very slim. I've tried gaining weight but nothing works at all. The more junk food I eat, brings acne. I've tried protein shakes and as of lately, apetamin syrup, and absolutely nothing works. I meet so many guys who's first initial reaction towards me is that I am skinny. After having my bones picked at, being that's a major insecurity of mines, I normally leave them alone...they never chase after me which means they weren't that into me.


As I sit here, I find that I spend so much time alone. I fill the empty lonely gaps by bettering myself in terms of my career, short and long-term goals and whatever else my life needs a touch up on. I am very accomplished and it hurts that one of the thing in my life that would complete me, is the most difficult thing to grab a hold of, and that is a relationship.


For years I have heard the usual "be patient, you'll find the guy who is meant for you", "get out more, you never know who you'll meet" and "those relationships didn't work out because those guys weren't meant to be in your life"....Now that several years has passed, and still nothing, I am now getting the "maybe your purpose is to be alone". I'm starting to believe it...I mean look at me. I am a grown adult, in my 30s, I look 17, guys my age don't believe I am my current age or don't like my physic...I found myself lowering my standards to the point I would be settling, but not even those relationships work out.


Ugh, what's wrong with me. Why is my dating life so down in the dumps. Am I simply ugly, boring, not smart enough, not fun enough? Is my life's purpose to be alone and to look after my family? I just don't know...can anyone relate? I feel so alone. I wish I had someone who wanted me around and was afraid to lose me. But nope, it's just me and my plush fox stuffed animal. Shrugs

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Do you ask guys out? If you see a guy you like, and you are as beautiful as you say, you could probably make some guy's day by asking him out. The good guys might be afraid to approach you, and you're just getting the jerks and idiots who think they're hot studs.


Ask yourself what kind of guy is for you. What kind of guy would you like to marry? Who do you want? Is there anyone at work who interests you? Maybe someone who is shy? Someone who is good looking but doesn't know they're good looking.


You have a power. You have to recognize it and use it. I doubt any man would turn down a date with you. It's you who has to be picky. Choose the right kind of guy and you will find happiness. You can do it.

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So I am 33 years old and my relationship patterns has been strange. I started dating in my 20s however I've only seemed to attract guys who were at least 15 years older than me. Guys my age were never interested. Fast forward now, i am 33, and now neither guys my age, older and younger are interested in me.


You are not alone. In my early 20s I ve only had rejections and that knocked me back asking women out. Some women would be friendly towards me when I asked them out but some would act awkward about it, and some women even ignore me.


In my 30s everyone is more or less in a relationship so the "dating pool" is more restricted as people are paired up. I'm in my 40s now and Ive still not met anyone. Ive been single for 5 years. I ve tried online dating but people always seem to fade or disappear. Ive actually had enough and want to ask people back out again in real life.


The problem nowadays is people don't seem to want to work towards a relationship. If they don't like the way you eat, the way you walk or talk. People think they can find someone else. That may be true but what I ve found it when you meet someone else. There`s another set of problems you have to contend with.


Have you tried a hobby, or joined a group. Something like cycling groups or volunteering? I find keeping myself busy keeps the loneliness at bay.

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