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1 week after my ex broke up with me for supposedly lying to her she texts me today saying how happy she is with her new man. How she slept over his house the other day and how he already met his family. Its hard on me and I don’t know what’s the best way to cope with this. How did she move on so quick?

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1 week after my ex broke up with me for supposedly lying to her she texts me today saying how happy she is with her new man. How she slept over his house the other day and how he already met his family. Its hard on me and I don’t know what’s the best way to cope with this. How did she move on so quick?



Damn I feel for you my man, but why on earth are you still in contact with her? Go NC and never speak to her again.

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She is still trying to argue with me but at the same time is throwing salt at me by mentioning her new man.


Hey bud we all have messed up at one point in life, but you need to show yourself some self love and respect. Why continue to hurt yourself by communicating with someone that is purposely hurting you. There is no need for you to keep in contact with her. If my ex gf told me that she was happy with her new man, I would block her literally and figuratively out of my life. There is no need to prolong the hurt, its time to move and heal. If she comes back, ask yourself if you really want someone who purposely hurt you back in your life. Strength to you my brotha.

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Hey bud we all have messed up at one point in life, but you need to show yourself some self love and respect. Why continue to hurt yourself by communicating with someone that is purposely hurting you. There is no need for you to keep in contact with her. If my ex gf told me that she was happy with her new man, I would block her literally and figuratively out of my life. There is no need to prolong the hurt, its time to move and heal. If she comes back, ask yourself if you really want someone who purposely hurt you back in your life. Strength to you my brotha.


I appreciate the advice so much. It just killles me inside knowing I can’t change her mind of everything that happened. Its like she wanted an excuse to breakup with me and leave for that guy

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I appreciate the advice so much. It just killles me inside knowing I can’t change her mind of everything that happened. Its like she wanted an excuse to breakup with me and leave for that guy


Ask yourself why you would want to be with a person that is purposely hurting you, I think that is the question you should ask yourself. You have to tell yourself that she has changed, she is not the person you met. I feel for you and empathies with you because I am going thru these same emotions myself, it hurts when the person you met is not the person that broke up with you. Although in my case it was self-inflicted and I was a neglectful bf, you have use this pain as fuel to not only grow and be strong but also use this pain to create more self love for yourself. You are a good dude, and have the belief that you are a catch, I know its hard and painful when you want this person back so badly when they couldn't care less if you got run over by a car but as you grow, heal and become stronger, the pain will be less.


How you come back from this, and how you fight thru this pain/anger/sadness will define your character and how great of a catch you are to anyone that you come in contact with. Try and be positive and use this pain as your greatest motivator in life and I assure you, you will get a person that values you and loves you whole heartily.

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I read a previous thread.


This lunatic (your ex) has always been dramatic and ridiculous. You have allowed her to walk all over you. Time and again. Stop being a doormat.


I would seriously address what attracted you to this dynamic, as it seems like you like people to treat you poorly. Seek some therapy.


Your relationship was abusive and disturbing.

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Ask yourself why you would want to be with a person that is purposely hurting you, I think that is the question you should ask yourself. You have to tell yourself that she has changed, she is not the person you met. I feel for you and empathies with you because I am going thru these same emotions myself, it hurts when the person you met is not the person that broke up with you. Although in my case it was self-inflicted and I was a neglectful bf, you have use this pain as fuel to not only grow and be strong but also use this pain to create more self love for yourself. You are a good dude, and have the belief that you are a catch, I know its hard and painful when you want this person back so badly when they couldn't care less if you got run over by a car but as you grow, heal and become stronger, the pain will be less.


How you come back from this, and how you fight thru this pain/anger/sadness will define your character and how great of a catch you are to anyone that you come in contact with. Try and be positive and use this pain as your greatest motivator in life and I assure you, you will get a person that values you and loves you whole heartily.

I appreciate it so much man. It sucks right now but hopefully with time I’ll laugh at this and say I dodged a bullet

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Even if you messed up what she's doing is extremely immature and vicious. Do you really want to be in a relationship with a person like this who deals with things like this? Block and delete and let her speak to a wall. Stop begging and pleading and inflating her ego. Most definitely she was already at least emotionally involved with that guy while you were together. When things mess up with that guy (someone so immature as her is bound to do stupid stuff in relationships) she'll probably try to manipulate you into getting back to her... but I wouldn't wait on that and would show her the door if she does so unless she has changed and matured A LOT. Life's too short to deal with manipulative childish people. Let her go, you dodged a bullet.

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Look people get into rebound relationship ....and...wait you know what.....JUST NC....it to early to explain...i was there..feel ur pain....


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I had just read most of the replies ......GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THIS ONE AND YOU WILL DODGE A BULLET....


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk

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1 week after my ex broke up with me for supposedly lying to her she texts me today saying how happy she is with her new man. How she slept over his house the other day and how he already met his family. Its hard on me and I don’t know what’s the best way to cope with this. How did she move on so quick?


Quick update. I’m doing much better guys, emotionally I’m doing my best to remove this person from my life. The other day she texted me telling me how she wanted me to become friends with her new man and that we were now even. I did not reply and blocked her. She made it seem like it was all my fault but I realized it wasn’t and that’s why I feel like it’s getting easier on me.

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Quick update. I’m doing much better guys, emotionally I’m doing my best to remove this person from my life. The other day she texted me telling me how she wanted me to become friends with her new man and that we were now even. I did not reply and blocked her. She made it seem like it was all my fault but I realized it wasn’t and that’s why I feel like it’s getting easier on me.


Also thank you very much guys I appreciate all the advice I’ve gotten. This has been hard on me but I’m getting there.

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Quick update. I’m doing much better guys, emotionally I’m doing my best to remove this person from my life. The other day she texted me telling me how she wanted me to become friends with her new man and that we were now even. I did not reply and blocked her. She made it seem like it was all my fault but I realized it wasn’t and that’s why I feel like it’s getting easier on me.


What the hell does that mean - "that we are now even"? And please don't be friends with her new man. I know nothing about your situation except based on this thread, but give me a break.

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