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I thought it was pretty crazy when she said her new man and I should be friends.


Maybe she's hoping the two of you will fight over her and she can watch, jumping up and down and clapping her hands gleefully while you two trade punches.


My ex tried to do that...get me to physically fight a woman who he was secretly seeing on the side. He wanted to watch and congratulate himself on what a stud he was. I refused and he got really mad. But,come on!

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She's just try to hurt you like you hurt Her basically .. That's just her get back some females make a a fake person to get back at whomever hurt them or they sleep with someone just to prove a point which is stupid but once she see that you're trying to move on some come running back and some show their true feelings and actually will speak on it and some just have too much pride

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Almost a month since all of this happened and this past week was the hardest. I couldn’t stop thinking about her but I’m slowly starting to get over her. One thing that I realized was that if she actually loved me she wouldn’t have jumped to another relationship so fast, within a day she was talking to this new guy almost like she was finding an excuse to break up with me.I picked the wrong girl, even she would tell me she was crazy but I never listened.

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