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The joke of online dating


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I don't know who keeps on spreading these rumors about how easy it is to meet girls today. I blame Quagmire, in part... I don't think he started it, but he sure helped it along. I suspect that the ones really spreading this rumor are the companies that run the sites and apps themselves.


And it's all just a **** lie.


I've been trying to meet people online for a little over 3 years, and here's my experience.


1. 90 out of 100 female profiles are completely fake. They're either robots or scammers, or just some gay dude that hasn't quite come to terms with it himself. I promise, there are no beautiful 19 year old supermodels in your area that are horny but can't seem to find a friend to bang, so they're instead turning to strangers they could meet online.


2. 9 out of 100 female profiles are actually girls, but they're catfish. They're usually big girls using a skinny girl's picture.


3. That leaves the remaining 1 out of a 100, the modern-day unicorn. But unfortunately, she had somewhere around 100 messages before she woke up the next morning, but instead of deleting the profile or replying to anyone, she just turned off the notification and forgot about it.


And I'm not even joking, that's real-world experience. I have a female friend, over 40 years old and over 200lbs, that set up an OKCupid account the same day that I did, then went to bed. Next morning, she had over 100 messages! In comparison, my profile hadn't been viewed once. She laughed, and turned off notifications without reading a single message.


You MIGHT be lucky enough to be one of the first guys to send her a message, and she actually reads it. But they don't want you to just say "hey", oh, God, no! They want you to read their profile, make notes, and message them with something interesting and charming that refers back to something they said that they liked in their profile.


And, of course, you have to accomplish this in less than 100 characters, or they won't read it.


So for us guys, what this means is that we have to closely examine each one of these profiles and come up with unique, clever, charming, and brief banter, all while knowing that odds are strongly against the profile being real, and if it is then the odds are strongly against her reading it, and if she does then odds are strongly against her actually replying. For every 100 profiles we see and try to contact, one MIGHT be real, so we just have to hope that she's not had so many replies that she's given up already.


In THREE years, I've swiped right on literally thousands of profiles, maybe hundreds of thousands, and I've sent hundreds upon hundreds of messages. From that, I've had a legit conversation with exactly 3 real women. And truth be told, I'm not 100% sure that 2 of those "women" were really women; even though they were within a reasonable driving distance, they wanted to chat all day but never meet... which makes me think they're hiding something.


The third woman that actually would like to meet? Turns out that she's married and pregnant.

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My sister was doe-eyed and just tried on line dating for the first time. She immediately starting talking to a scammer. She didn't realize it right away, because these creeps prey on unsuspecting people. It's a sad world we live in. I did online dating years back and never met any quality men. I gave up.

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The real reason why online dating isn't working out for you is either that no one wants you, or that you only want to talk to women that are clearly out of your league.


Judging from your attitude, I don't think you're mature enough to use online dating sites, or to even meet women in the first place.


Have you ever heard of the MGTOW movement?

I think you'd feel right at home with its members.

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I've tried OLD on and off for the past six years. I've also met and/or talked to those elusive unicorns. You know, the ones with incredible pics and a profile that basically says, "Life is short. I like to have fun." and that's it... My advice to you is to swipe left a little more often and just start meeting people because until you meet someone, it's all smoke, mirrors and speculation.

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The real reason why online dating isn't working out for you is either that no one wants you, or that you only want to talk to women that are clearly out of your league.



Disagree with you, No one is ever out of anybodies league.

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You think women have a great time with OLD..think again!! It's a huge waste of time for us too and more messages mean more jerks who will waste our time. So give me a break on how it is so easy for women. I'm sorry to sound so angry but you are a jerk who thinks you have it so rough and us women have it swimmingly when it couldn't be further form the truth.


The men on OLD sites are one of three categories:


1.) Married and wanting to lie and cheat

2.) Single and want to lie and sleep with women without the commitment

3.) Losers who never grew up and never learnt how to be decent to women and be decent in a relationship.


I would say by the sounds of it you fall into category number 3.

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The amount of men on these site far out weigh the women. Online dating is for women. Those who use it are either after cheap thrills or they've woken up to the harsh reality they're going to be alone for the rest of their lives; e.g. single mothers.


hahaha single mothers. alone forever. i'd write more, but i'm busy getting ready for a date with my underwear-model-lookalike Dom, and I've got to text my LDR FWB bc i promised him a phone call later. The guy I just met finds me charming, and my gazillionaire just checked in from his private jet.


of those 4 men, i met two in real life, in the course of doing other things. I met two on line, and neither with a phone call first nor a lot of marketing or fanfare. we had a coffee in between work meetigs, or met for a bowl of soup. We are just people, like you. My last monogamous relationship I met in person. Before that, on line. Before that... in person. I do not go to bars, give out my number, I drink almost nothing, and it takes years of knowing me before i will have sex with you. Alone? ha. hardly.


i am exaggerating only a little. i have a journal.


open your eyes big guy. life is what you make it. and you have no idea the details of other people's private lives. in fact, i had an opportunity to see the interior of house of a famous, very famous, couple. both are senior citizens. they both are prominent in their careers, and they have big responsibilities. they are sort of bookish and not terribly attractive, never were. very serious demeanor. heads of state are on their regular phone calls. what did i see? the most astonishing display of sexy lingerie and paraphenalia, accidently left out in the bath.


make no mistake. you quit your whining and make life work for you, or you don't. nobody has it easy. they just don't tell you about it.

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The amount of men on these site far out weigh the women. Online dating is for women. Those who use it are either after cheap thrills or they've woken up to the harsh reality they're going to be alone for the rest of their lives; e.g. single mothers.


Decent women run from men like you.

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hahaha single mothers. alone forever. i'd write more, but i'm busy getting ready for a date with my underwear-model-lookalike Dom, and then I've got to text my LDR FWB bc i promised him a phone call later. The guy I met finds me charming, and my gazillionaire just checked in from his private jet.


i am exaggerating only a little.


open Your eyes big guy. life is what you make it. and you have no idea tbe details of other people's private lives. in fact, i had an opportunity to see the interiir of a famous, very famous, couple. both are senior citizens. they both are prominent in their careers, and tbey have big responsibilities. very serious demeanor. heads of state are on their regular phone calls. what did i see? the most astonishing display of sexy lingerie and paraphenalia, accidently left out after the laundry.

What does this have to do with online dating? Absolutely nothing. Perhaps you should open yours?


make no mistake. you quit your whining and make life work for you, or you don't. nobody has it easy. they just don't tell you about it.
Why not actually stick to the subject? Are you capable of that?
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Disagree with you, No one is ever out of anybodies league.


If you got money that's true, unfortunately

Not everyone's walking around with millions and for us commoners there exists leagues and you can trust and believe, I don't give dudes beneath my league the time of day. I don't feel bad about it, dudes above my leaugue arent giving me the time of day, it's life, attraction matters, lying to oneself doesn't change that.

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What does this have to do with online dating? Absolutely nothing. Perhaps you should open yours?


Why not actually stick to the subject? Are you capable of that?


its got everything to do with both the quoted post, and the topic of on line dating, as well as the supposition that people's lives have a predetermined set of limitations.


given that you've used nearly the same retort for several different posts, i understand this thread may deal in nuance that is beyond your grasp. Pity; I'm of no use helping you with that fundamental issue.

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