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I slept with my best friends girlfriend

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Ok , here's the deal, I'm in highschool as a junior and my best friends girlfriend and him are always together whether it's cuddling, making out, holding hands etc and since their both my good friends I have no problem with that of course . I'm always third wheeling at some occasions. The girl my best friend was with , I really liked for a long time now, but obviously I couldn't confess if she was with my best friend . Then I began texting with my best friends girlfriend , at first it was just me saying hello, as well as helping her with so many things homework , personal issues , insecurities,. we clicked so perfectly even through text messages, and it's not like I had the intentions to "steal" her from my best friend. But ig we both mutually began to get more friendly with eachother , everyday at school I see my best friend and his girlfriend and we just pretend like I wasn't just having a conversation with his girlfriend about how beautiful she is and how her insecurities aren't even real. Overtime we just got closer and closer . Then one day , texting we began to talk about dirty things which led to her giving me an invite over to her place. In my head, your crush asking you to come over is like a dream come true , I was on cloud 9 hearing this and i completely ignored the fact that she had a boyfriend and that it wasn't just some any boyfriend it's the guy that I've always called my friend since elementary school. Well I got their .,and at the time I was supposed to just go help her with some homework but of course the real plan was clear as day. Nobody was home so we were talking and then she started feeling up on me to where fast forward, I had sex with her.It was honestly one of the most amazing experiences of my life. This took place on a Thursday meaning we had school the next day. The next day it was like any other day except it felt disgusting. It wasn't like I didn't like the girl or something , but it felt weird, In my stomach I had this grip and my heart felt like it was beating in a weird rhythm giving me this painful feeling. He talked with the same smile and we both hung out like any other day, while I was third wheeling I could clearly see it in her face she had guilt over what happened yesterday . This just happened actually and It's The Weeknd from that Friday currently . We texted and she told me it's killing her inside the fact that she cheated on her boyfriend , I felt like complete , The girl I loved finally gave me a green light to go get her but it was probably best to just leave it alone and I should have. I told her I was sorry and that we should pretend it never happened , she said she had a great time and that it wasn't my fault but now I'm stuck in this huge guilt and I don't know how to get over it, I'm the worst friend ever , I'm talking to my best friend without him knowing I litteraly slept with his girlfriend.Its not like I could tell him, I don't want to fight my best friend , and he'll end up telling the whole world and the school will eat us alive for this. I just hope time heals everything.

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What if she tells your friends she she cheated on him with you? Sounds like she eventually will out of guilt. She may even make up a story how you forced her etc. Do you think he should hear your side of the story first?

I'm always third wheeling at some occasions.I really liked for a long time now. I had sex with her. she told me it's killing her inside the fact that she cheated on her boyfriend
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What if she tells your friends she she cheated on him with you? Sounds like she eventually will out of guilt. She may even make up a story how you forced her etc. Do you think he should hear your side of the story first?


I don't think she'll make up a story like that i know her and she wouldn't , plus he just can't know this , it'll lead to more problems,

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I don't know what to tell you, but you may have to drop both your friend (because if you don't, the friendship is based on false trust; he trusts you when he shouldn't, you've cheated on him) and her (because you know she could cheat, as you could, and your connection is based on dishonesty). Understand that you started this by creating an emotional affair with her and let it build over time. That was when you first crossed the line. I don't mean to guilt you, but hope you'll learn fully from this. If it gets swept under the rug and everything continues hunky dory, then what have you really learned that will last and make you a better person?

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She's a teenage girl. She absolutely will tell her friends.


You need to know there is no such thing as secrets. Even where I work, where we are all allegedly adults, everyone knows who's sleeping with who and who's having an affair with who.


Be prepared for your so-called "best friend" to hate you, maybe even fight you, and be prepared to be ostracized from your friend group.


Oh, and the girl? She won't fall into your arms. High school is very much about friend groups and I bet she's not willing to be in a friend group that only consists of you and her.


This is a life lesson. Pay attention carefully, because you can learn from this if you choose to.

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Be truthful and take your lumps. You are young, and what happens on the outside as a concequence of your bad choices so far is far less important than the kind of person you decide you are going to be going forward.

You can choose to use this as a learning experience and to build your character. Or you can let this define you as that guy who preys on girls who have no self esteem, and who will betray friends to get what he wants.


Her side is her concern as she made her own choices. But it's naive for you to think a girl who would cheat is a girl you can trust not to throw you under the bus and lie.

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That was a really scummy thing to do. You can hardly call this guy your best friend after this. If you care about him at all you will own up so he can dump both of you. That's in his best interests. Imagine how scarred he would be and how little he would trust people if you let him stay friends with you and be with his girlfriend after what's happened. It's likely he will find out sooner or later.


I think your best option to redeem yourself is to come clean and prepare to walk away from the friendship for good. And please never do something like this again.

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Please go and tell your friend what you have done. Man up. And never double cross a good friend again. It may hurt. But it will help you grow up. I guarantee this is a character dependent moment - whether you come clean and grow or whether you hide this, it eats at you and you learn that you can get away with things going forward.

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If he is really your friend you will tell him. If anything to warn him that his girlfriend is not somebody he should be with due to her deception and infidelity.


There is no guarantee he will ever forgive you. I wouldn't forgive you.


Your careless and insensitive actions are the kind of actions that make a lot of people rely on communities like this. It's not fair and you need to start thinking of how your actions can hurt others or you won't have any friends at all.

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