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Valentine's Day when you don't do hearts and flowers romance...


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The forthcoming Valentine's Day will be the second one I've spent with my partner. We both agreed at the outset that neither of us was into the commercial "romance", but last year I gave him a card which I'd drawn myself. His birthday is on Feb 13th, I'd had two ideas for a card and couldn't decide between them - so he got both, one on the 13th and one on the 14th.


This year, I told him I'd got him a gift, something that is traditionally associated with Valentine's Day but not with hearts and flowers. I told him we'd need to talk about it. He looked both amused and bewildered, and I refused to say more.


I've actually bought him a nest box, suitable for small birds. It's true that traditionally they were put out on Feb 14th, by the way. We need to talk about it because there's only one spot in his garden which would be suitable - correct orientation and out of the reach of cats - and he probably doesn't know this.


I think I might just let slip that it's something to do with accommodation...

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I struggle with the Valentines gift as well, simply because we are not romantic people. I found this website that has few ideas I could use but I was hoping someone can suggest more?




BTW i love your gift idea!!

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Eat something yummy and do an activity you both like/would be interested in together.


...Hmm I don't even know what I'm doing for valentines think of it til this thread.. probably go to the mall together this weekend and tell bf to pick something he likes/needs lol easy peasy.

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Valentine's Day is the most Hallmark driven, forced to make people feel guilty "holiday" there is.


I think folks should boycott it and let those companies figure out something else to do with their time.


Just my two cents.


PS. Great ideas OP.


seconded scoe ...and the older I am getting the more tosh I think it is ... but the vulgarity of it all for me lies in the sales and marketing ..and the expectations !!

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It is a fab gift NBH ...I would be made up with that .. I spend hours hidden in my garden ( well kinda hidden ) taking pics of all my birds ..watching them come and go , getting bits for their nests ( so ideal time ) and then you see them chasing each other hehe and I must admit my two big wood pigeons really don't care who is watching *cough ... and then the babies are born and if you sit for long enough you will see them all bring their babies to feed .... that's happiness that is .

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Yes, I recall watching town pigeons in London, and wondering if the way one of them would spread out his tail feathers and drag them along the ground was part of a mating ritual. Within 30 seconds I was assured, beyond all shadow of reasonable doubt, that it was.


Where I live, though, all sorts of birds get up to all sorts of hanky-panky on the low roof of a dance school which backs onto my garden.

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I've never been into Valentine's Day.


My boyfriend isn't even spending it with me this year, he's going to a concert with his friends (I was invited but didn't want to go) lol...


We're going to a free jazz and food truck thing this weekend, so will sit on the grass and eat and listen to jazz, we said we'd count that as our v day celebration, perfect!

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Yes, I recall watching town pigeons in London, and wondering if the way one of them would spread out his tail feathers and drag them along the ground was part of a mating ritual. Within 30 seconds I was assured, beyond all shadow of reasonable doubt, that it was.


Where I live, though, all sorts of birds get up to all sorts of hanky-panky on the low roof of a dance school which backs onto my garden.


hahah yes there is no shame ...


I can be found shaking my head muttering * at least someone is getting some action round here *

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