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Justadude, what an uncool answer. How condescending of you to assume the op hasn't got a grasp of the negatives of getting an abortion?! (pro tip, she Knows)


Eclecticsw it absolutely gets better with time, and friends, and doing You things. And for the awful nights you could try setting up speakers either side of your pillow and immersing yourself in music. I found that helped a lot

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Adoption or abortion will haunt you for the rest of your life (unless you have no morals, in which case Nevermind)

But raising a child is a joy like no other. Yes you will be reminded of him, but the hurt *will* fade over time and you will have a wonderful child to raise as you see fit.


Just don't make the decision while you are in the throes of grief and hurting.


Seriously??? What a totally ignorant response. Here are some facts:


OP, make the choice that is right for you. As the article above states 95% of women who get an abortions do not regret it later. If that is the path you choose do not let anyone shame you. Surround yourself with loving friends and family.

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Guys please don't judge my decision. I have morals, i have values. I told him that I'd want to put the baby up for adoption to this couple i know that has been trying to adopt for years, and he said absolutely not. It's not a matter of morality, please try to understand.


You are free to make your own decision and won't get any judgment from me. No one knows how it feels to be you. Even if they've gone through something similar, they haven't walked in your shoes. You do what feels right to you.


This place where you now are, this darkness you now feel, it won't last forever. You will rise from these ashes and you will be wiser and better for having walked this path.

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Adoption or abortion will haunt you for the rest of your life (unless you have no morals, in which case Nevermind)


Absolute RUBBISH. One in five women will have abortions...so a fifth of the female population have no morals? Get off your high horse.


Most of the suffering that comes about as a result of abortions is due to people like you making judgements and telling people that they SHOULD feel bad about what is a simple medical procedure.


Also, you don't have to tell the OP what a 'joy' it is raising a child, she has one. She also knows how difficult it is and she is very carefully considering the impact having a baby is going to have on the child she has given birth to.


Of course, you're 'Just A Dude' - well there's a bloody surprise.


The way others can so glibly say 'give the baby up for adoption' as if carrying a child/childbirth is just a walk in the park is incredible.

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And yes, I'm going to be haunted, I'm well aware of this


Please don't give yourself a hard time, you are trying to do the best for your child. A lot of people who expect to feel 'haunted' feel relief instead - over a decision that isn't easy but that was made for the best reasons. Don't listen to people telling you otherwise; they would keep us all stuck in the twelfth century.

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Thank you for the support. I WILL be haunted, however he left me no choice. There are other people and situations that I've taken into consideration. We all have choices, but we're not excused from the consequences of those choices. I can only imagine that a small part of him will be haunted, as well.

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