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Donating Eggs for Money - Advice?

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Hello all,


I've recently been thinking about possibly donating eggs, reason 1 for the money (I am a Liberal Arts degree holder, so I am broke). Reason 2 is because back in March, I started working for a law firm which specializes in surrogacy/fertility law. He works with clinics all around California. He usually legally represents the Intended Parents (IP's), and works more with surrogates than egg donors. I have no interest in becoming a surrogate, but my interest in becoming an egg donor has since grown. I love to see how happy people are when they finally get the baby they've been trying to have for years. It's a good feeling to help them remotely (legal filing, etc...) that it gave me the idea to help in a more direct way, through egg donation. I have a few qualms about it, and I've done some research, but I'm looking for advice from anyone to help me make the final decision.


Here's some background information:

  • I'm a 25 year old healthy female.
  • There is no history of genetic cancer in my family. My grandfather had cancer, but he got it from smoking.
  • I've never had any kind of surgery before, I've never been sedated, and I've never had to administer shots to myself, which I know is part of the process.
  • I have been diagnosed with an STD before (thanks to my ex-boyfriend) but have since been cleared. It was 3 years ago.
  • I don't take any medications, not even birth control. But I do have a medical marijuana card, which I've been given to manage my severe migraines.


At my age, and all my adult years prior, it has never been a dream of mine to have children. I never wanted any children of my own, and although people tell me all the time that I will change my mind, I have yet to do so. Now that I've reached age 25, which seems like the critical time for an adult woman to really start thinking seriously about marriage and children, I'm still set in my ways. I have, indeed, thought very seriously about marriage and children, and my conclusion is still that those things are not for me.


I have read several articles about the process, and the possible after-effects. I know the process is difficult and often emotionally and physically draining. I know that I will have to administer fertility injections and keep to a rigid schedule. I'll have to be at the hospital daily, and I'll have to undergo a short surgery during which I will be under minor sedation. I'm wondering if I'd be able to pass the screening, how painful the process is, and how risky it is as well. I've seen more than a few stories of women having contracted OHSS which can be a pretty serious condition.


I know the money is highly taxed, I know there's no guarantee that a baby will come from my eggs, and I know that I will have no say in what happens to my eggs after they take them.


Has anyone done this before? Was it worth it? Would I pass a screening? Any and all advice is welcome.

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Honestly, I'd wait until you pass the screening before you put too much thought or worry into it. Also, are you willing / able to give up marijuana for a cycle? I believe there's a good chance they could DQ you simply for having a medical marijuana card.

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I believe there's a good chance they could DQ you simply for having a medical marijuana card.


That is probably my biggest concern. I could give up marijuana for the cycle for sure, but I don't know if they'd pass me. I've read stories of people being allowed through even though they failed the drug test for narcotics because they were on pain meds from prior accidents. That gave me a sliver of hope.

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One cycle as in one month? Weed can stay in your system for up to 90 days depending on how frequently you use (it's fat soluble). So it could be 6 months to get off between testing, extraction, etc.


What does it pay? Like 5k, right?


Compare the hassle, emotional distress, and risk to what a second job may be (like waitressing). And make sure you understand risks to your own fertility.

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Someone I work with does this. She's considered a prime donor because she's in her early 20s, healthy and a blue-eyed blonde. She also does not drink alcohol or use drugs, btw.


She has only told me she is compensated very well, and that the side effects of the drugs to increase her egg count haven't bothered her much at all.

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Someone I work with does this. She's considered a prime donor because she's in her early 20s, healthy and a blue-eyed blonde. She also does not drink alcohol or use drugs, btw.


She has only told me she is compensated very well, and that the side effects of the drugs to increase her egg count haven't bothered her much at all.


It may be egg discharging count increase, but egg numbers can't be increased. You are born with all the eggs you'll ever have. So, if that's the case, it seems possible that doing this could accelerate menopause a bit. (Just speculation)

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It may be egg discharging count increase, but egg numbers can't be increased. You are born with all the eggs you'll ever have. So, if that's the case, it seems possible that doing this could accelerate menopause a bit. (Just speculation)


Yeah, I don't know all the medical terminology or how it all works. But I'm sure it's to increase the number of eggs that can be harvested at one time or whatever.


She's pretty sure she doesn't want kids of her own, and she's pretty young, plus she works in the medical field so she's pretty informed.


I thought about doing this when I was younger, btw, because I couldn't have any more children but I was still producing eggs and having regular periods. The whole hormone injection thing scared me though! But my work friend said it's not bad at all.

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Yeah, I don't know all the medical terminology or how it all works. But I'm sure it's to increase the number of eggs that can be harvested at one time or whatever.


She's pretty sure she doesn't want kids of her own, and she's pretty young, plus she works in the medical field so she's pretty informed.


I thought about doing this when I was younger, btw, because I couldn't have any more children but I was still producing eggs and having regular periods. The whole hormone injection thing scared me though! But my work friend said it's not bad at all.


I wish I could pick your friend's brain. I'm trying to inform myself as much as possible. I'm more nervous about the possible after-effects than injecting myself. I've read some stories of women who got OHSS after donating and had a terrible time. Thanks for the input!!

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I've read about the side effects of the hormones. They pump you dull of hormones to get you ovulate and to ovulate a lot. This can cause some unpleasant side effects and possibly increase your risk of cancer (breast I believe). You may have some long lasting effects. To me, that is not worth it. I would love to make some easy money but I'm just not willing to do that.


If you are interested I say go through the screening process and the evaluate.

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Definitely do your research and consult with your doctor, listing any and all potential conflicts.


My work friend is a medical professional (she's actually getting a PhD in neuroscience or something super smart that is way beyond my comprehension lol) and still chose to donate. BUT, every person is an individual and has to make a decision based on their own health.

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I am an IP but I live in a country that does egg donation altruistically and not for money. I'm not sure if they would accept you with the marijuana thing. Regarding the OHSS make sure you do your research and choose a reputable clinic most good fertility specialists would be very careful about your health but some are just out for profit and don't care much about the donor.


I would try to join an online forum that discusses this topic and speak to other donors about their experiences. There are plenty out there and on Facebook. I'm not sure how it works in the US but here there is full screening of genetic diseases, health history in your family, sexual history, counselling to see if you are suitable and in the right state of mind to donate.


Some donors do of course donate anonymously but it is much preferable to have some contact limited to how you and both the IPs feel about it. Which could be as little as just Facebook contact or a few letter per year or right up to a defacto Aunty type situation. As I say not sure how it works in the US but here when the child turns 18 they have a right to contact the donor and a register is kept for that purpose and donors must agree to it.


A child does better if they know where they come from (at age appropriate times). I think you would have to think long and hard about it before going ahead. This potentially creates another living human (which sounds obvious but some look at it as an easy way to make money and the resulting child only appears as an abstract idea to some). It's a beautiful thing you want to help a couple have a baby but make sure you are doing it for the right reasons.


Good luck.

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