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My advice for all of you...

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this may not be of any importance to many of you...but I would just like to strongly advise anyone that is recovering from a break up to please, do not watch the movie 'the notebook'. While I have focused my entire being on letting go of my ex (by my choice) and trying to believe that love isn't everything, I watched that movie and unfortunetly my numbed emotions broke through. Just please, don't watch it.

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Ahhhh I loved that movie. And I did see it right after a breakup too. (Yeah touchy, but hopeful). Personally, I like Under the Tuscan Sun as my breakup movie. Reminds me that breakups are painful, but you can have happiness just the same without that "special someone".

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The Notebook was a very cute story about love and following your heart vs. your head. I saw it awhile back in a cinema full of senior citizens .. it's very touching and emotional. Yea, don't rent it if you are getting over an ex...in fact don't see it if you have ever been in love.. heh


The story is based on a book.

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I think High Fidelity is a great movie to put relationships into perspective. It's the same pattern though:


They break up, he starts rethinking all his break ups, her father dies, they get back together but...


no puke.




I absolutely recommend watching Series rather than movies after a break up of while serious relationship drama:


* Cold Feet (all relationships end up in cheating, divorce or death, and somehow the serie is the most fun I have ever experienced. It's that British 'just the way life is' humour I can totally relate to. In that way it's way better than Friends.

* Six Feet Under (shared number one with Cold Feet)

* Friends (especially the We Were On A Break situations with Ross/Rachel)


Well, enjoy! Try High Fidelity when you had your first date since the break up. It will really put a smile on your face. I think I have seen it like 100 times. It's based on the book from Nick Hornby, who also wrote 'About a boy'.


Oh and Bridget Jones is of course great. Not part 2 though.



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Dutch movies are even worse... the opposite of Hollywood. Which is good in my opinion, but it's as depressing as our weather if you don't add that down to earth British humour. Too bad most (the ones I know at least) English speakers don't like subtitles, I would really recommend 'Festen' or any other dark dark Dogma-film from Danmark. It will ruin you trust in relationships for ever, or being happy for that matter, but it might be a bittersweet comfort in the afterbreakup blues.


Ilse. 8)

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I know that this is going to sound strange, but when I start to feel down about a boy, I turn on CNN. I mean, it's just bombings, earthquakes, tsunamis, AIDS, etc.... in comparison, my life is very good - it puts things in perspective. If the worst thing that I am upset about is that some boy doesn't like me anymore, then things are going pretty well for me. Helps me remember that life is filled with some very very serious problems, and that I should think beyond myself....

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I'm going to suggest "Chasing Amy." It doesn't have the typical movie ending, it has a real life ending.


"Serindipity" was cute, and either hopeful or depressing, depending on your mood. Anything with John Cusack has got to be good.


"Love Actually" was just brilliant. Rent it. My boyfriend even liked it.


"Sliding Doors" with Gwynth Paltrow. Very interesting look at the direction our lives can take.


"While You Were Sleeping". Very funny, very cute, about the things and people we don't see right under our noses.


I also second High Fidelity and Swingers. Brilliant flicks, both.

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"Anger Management "for laughs for those with issues that reed to be made fun of and dealt with .


"Swingers" was good I will see it again.



"Under the Tuscany sun" is funny and realistic because it makes you think and feel you are not alone and you are only human plus great vies of Italy plus I can rrelate to that movie than any other I watched

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