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What are you thinking thread? round two, Part 4


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so, whooo wants an update?


i got there early, so did she, we're working the whole shift together. anyway, we've been getting on great all day?! even laughed through most of it.




my client leaves, i hand her the papers and she says you have a very sexy voice, has anyone ever told you that



and i #$&% you not i broke out howling laughing. well- she's NOT touching me LOL!


pretty sure she was jesting. everything else went really well. apparently we're very efficient together too.


HALP. i think i could like her. (in seriousness though, still careful. but i haven't worked this efficiently with someone since i got here. we're both fast. me likes that.)




are you guys saying you're having difficulty finishing trifle?? why wasn't i summoned?!

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i have no idea, i assumed it was a "humorous jab" as revenge for yesterday. but they don't call her psycho F for nothing- everyone hates her.


what i've got so far is she can do good quality work, and i'm all up for that. the stress of the workload here has been killing me, so i'm glad to see if we work hard we're ahead of schedule.


as for the behavioral part, i expect everything and anything can come up any time. will have to take it one day at a time until i have her figured out.


absolutely, i'd be furious. i can't imagine a guy getting away with this, in my field especially. so i don't understand where her nerve to act that way comes from. i'm told she disregards boss and any rules of this place habitually. not sure why there are no consequences, given the number of complaints. i'm still observing the subterfuge of this place.

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That's what I mean, if this were a man, people would be crying sexual harassment but seeing as it's a woman, it's funny? Nah...I call bs and she should have her a$$ in a sling. Getting along with your coworkers is a good thing but you don't need to make it weird and uncomfortable on them.

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i don't want to ask others if she's ever gotten physical before, or if it's usual of her to be suggestive, would feel really awkward- but i am curious. i can take a joke- but given that she was physical the day before, the fact she's joking about it today could've been intentionally pushing the line.


i only just got transferred here, and the last place was exhausting with it's drama, so i'd hate to be involved in any here. i really want to fly under the radar and just work. if this is as far as it was going to go, it's cool, not worth it.


it's tangled in this line of work- who has leverage, and why. you never know why things are unacceptable- last place, you wouldn't believe the dirt of. so it's not like simply filing a fair and reasonable complaint will usually work. if i don't absolutely have to, i don't want to take things up with management.


hoping it will be okay. and would rather handle things lightheartedly and stay alert than make a fuss atm. i will if anything like that happens again though, definitely.

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you know i just had flashbacks of the previous place when sherry mentioned that...


we had these 50-60 something aids working there, for a while we had a male coworker, and for a while we had a young male intern. both totally respectful and proper and all. and some of these women...it's like they think if a woman does that sort of thing it can't be taken seriously- not sure how to describe it, but they acted like F did with me, like it's a laughing matter. i remember once the male walked in through the door just as an aid was leaving the room she gave him a loud "mine you have fine looking pecs" and RUBBED THEM and LAUGHED and even did the "mhmmmm" on her way out and i stood there with my jaw to the floor looking at her and she just said "what?? he does?". i was thinking i've worked there forever and have no clue what his pecs look like and she just---rubs the guy?? then a while later when we got the intern, same thing. he walks in and she goes "mmmmm, you work out a lot", rubbing his shoulder, and walks away laughing like it's funny. that time i actually asked how it is she just...touches people- i don't remember what she answered. both of them took it really well, remained polite and basically said nothing but...i mean...the thought must have passed them there's no way in hell would they get away with the same.



that place was under heavy female tyranny though, and there was a strong gender bias, freely displayed, against males that extended to a lot more than just the physical, and was sickening to witness tbh.


all of it was quite shocking.


but i mean generally, there seem to be women who either genuinely think a woman crossing that line is harmless, or they genuinely feel the right to be on that end of entitled behavior.

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you know i just had flashbacks of the previous place when sherry mentioned that...


we had these 50-60 something aids working there, for a while we had a male coworker, and for a while we had a young male intern. both totally respectful and proper and all. and some of these women...it's like they think if a woman does that sort of thing it can't be taken seriously- not sure how to describe it, but they acted like F did with me, like it's a laughing matter. i remember once the male walked in through the door just as an aid was leaving the room she gave him a loud "mine you have fine looking pecs" and RUBBED THEM and LAUGHED and even did the "mhmmmm" on her way out and i stood there with my jaw to the floor looking at her and she just said "what?? he does?". i was thinking i've worked there forever and have no clue what his pecs look like and she just---rubs the guy?? then a while later when we got the intern, same thing. he walks in and she goes "mmmmm, you work out a lot", rubbing his shoulder, and walks away laughing like it's funny. that time i actually asked how it is she just...touches people- i don't remember what she answered. both of them took it really well, remained polite and basically said nothing but...i mean...the thought must have passed them there's no way in hell would they get away with the same.



that place was under heavy female tyranny though, and there was a strong gender bias, freely displayed, against males that extended to a lot more than just the physical, and was sickening to witness tbh.


all of it was quite shocking.


but i mean generally, there seem to be women who either genuinely think a woman crossing that line is harmless, or they genuinely feel the right to be on that end of entitled behavior.


entitled behavior for sure rainy ...we both know fine well if that had been a man mmmming his way through little body rubs there would be a court case .

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My mom will never stop being a mom.


She called me on my way in to tell me two things:


1) To not to give out my credit card information over the phone to anyone claiming to be my bank. I told her my phone actually says the call is coming from "Scam Likely" when it recognizes an area code spoof.


2) I guess I must have made the mistake of mentioning that I had only been taking a protein bar to work for lunch. "I saw these snack tray things with veggies and cheese at the store. I got you a couple to take with you next time you come."


(Sigh) "OK. Thanks mom."

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My mom will never stop being a mom.


She called me on my way in to tell me two things:


1) To not to give out my credit card information over the phone to anyone claiming to be my bank. I told her my phone actually says the call is coming from "Scam Likely" when it recognizes an area code spoof.


2) I guess I must have made the mistake of mentioning that I had only been taking a protein bar to work for lunch. "I saw these snack tray things with veggies and cheese at the store. I got you a couple to take with you next time you come."


(Sigh) "OK. Thanks mom."

I would have clicked like if there was a like button in this section. Hahaha.


My mom calls me to tell things like these. It's a universal mom's thing I guess.

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