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No kiss after the third date


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That alone doesn't mean you've been "friend zoned" (a term I hate lol) and really, there is no such thing as friend-zoning when you met on a dating website. Either they are interested and keep asking you out or they don't.


If he hasn't made a move in the next couple of dates I'd ask him what he's looking for with you (assuming you haven't already).

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If you think this guy seems great, then give him a few more chances. You never know.. But..


I dated a guy like that once, I tried to hug him once and he pulled away. We went out once again after that, nice walk and dinner and nothing even after that! So I started to back away, and he invited me to dinner once again I had a work dinner that night, he took it the wrong way (apparently I should have invited him along according to him). So I just didn't respond after that! Hmmmm!

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If you think this guy seems great, then give him a few more chances. You never know.. But..


I dated a guy like that once, I tried to hug him once and he pulled away. We went out once again after that, nice walk and dinner and nothing even after that! So I started to back away, and he invited me to dinner once again I had a work dinner that night, he took it the wrong way (apparently I should have invited him along according to him). So I just didn't respond after that! Hmmmm!


Yikes... Who invites a new date to a work function? Something clearly not right with that guy.

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I never fully got that spark with him either. He was perfect on paper. But in person not so much. I guess I was holding onto the 'on paper' version of him not the 'in person' version.


Anyway it's all character building for us all at the end of the day!

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Are you giving him the right signals to kiss you? ie. a close hug and looking at his lips/eyes/lips/eyes ? If not, he probably thinks you don't want it.


Back in the summer I went on 2 dates with a chick that gave me ZERO opportunity to kiss her, even dropping her off at her door she just stood there with a non emotional face after hugging her and pecking her on the cheek....NEXT!

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I think the better description is that he has "friend-zoned" himself. He has given no compliments, no affection, no attempt to kiss.... seems like you should ask yourself if this is this the type you would want to date? Taking it slow would be a hug initiated by him, then a kiss on the cheek the next time, etc.

He sounds like a buddy. If you don't want that, you're going to have to make some kind of move yourself. This is not quite the same situation - I once was spending time with a woman from work, we got along well, but I was unsure of dating a coworker. She was more bold and one night just turned to me and said "Are you going to kiss me or what?" That started things. I like them bold. That may not be your style but I think you will have to let him know soon that you're interested in being more than buddies or it will become that anyway.

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