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What's annoying you today? Part 2


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I had to go to an appointment at the women's clinic. Always stressful, double so during Covid.

Does it stop the throng of pro life protesters from gathering in front of the entrance though? No.

Believe whatever you want, but get the hell away from me and these other women there for all kinds of reasons that aren't fun, God damn ghouls!

I saw a pregnant woman on the verge of tears trying to get in. I don't know her story, but damn, leave her alone!!

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So if the speed limit is 45 please do not be in the fast lane going 30.


OMG, don't get me started. Around here you see this on the highway. Speed limit 70, someone is going 40 in the fast lane. I can't figure out if they are high or deliberately hoping to cause an accident for insurance money. Either way, why don't cops give these people tickets for reckless driving???? Talk about a dangerous speed bump on the road.

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Annoying: friend who is all over the place - goes MIA for over a week including on social media. She gets ill a lot both physically and mentally. Texted her this morning with "how are you" and she responded "tricky question today" - it's obvious based on what I know of her she wants me to fish for more. Um, nope, that's annoying - if she wants to share more she will. I was concerned, I reached out, no time for such games. She did ask how I was and I told her -and that was thoughtful of her. Just no time or desire for annoying "ask me more!" games.

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OMG, don't get me started. Around here you see this on the highway. Speed limit 70, someone is going 40 in the fast lane. I can't figure out if they are high or deliberately hoping to cause an accident for insurance money. Either way, why don't cops give these people tickets for reckless driving???? Talk about a dangerous speed bump on the road.


Theoretically, they can. At least, they're allowed to here. Couldn't tell you how often they actually do it.... there's never a cop around when you need one.


So if the speed limit is 45 please do not be in the fast lane going 30.


My pet peeve is when someone peels out to get in front of you only to go reeeeaaaalllyyyy slllllllllowwwwww once they're there. Why were you in such a rush to get on the road in the first place??


Or the worst: when I'm driving along in the fast lane at let's say 80 mph, and the person to the right of me gets in front of me to pass the car ahead of them. Only, they're going 66 mph and the truck they're passing is going 65.5 mph. Of course, they could just hit their brakes. But they don't do that. Instead, I have to hit my brakes so that they can take two full minutes to pass the truck in slow motion.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I feel annoyed and disappointed with my cousin. I love her, but man, she's selfish. I don't think I can look at her the same going forward, and will be keeping a fatter distance.

She sent a copy and paste request for assistance to me, and I'm assuming pretty much anyone she knows. It's addressed "Dear friends and family". I don't care about that in situations where help is actually needed, especially during this pandemic. What pisses me off is the pregnancy announcement and you are begging me for goods and money, when you can't support the kid you've already got. She's been unemployed since her first child. She's had all the help in the world, even was offered free schooling by an org!! I mean, I could go on and on. The father of the child is not a good guy, and his rights were terminated it was so bad.

I just can't... I want to smack her. It's her son who is going to suffer, and that pisses me off so bad.

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I feel annoyed and disappointed with my cousin. I love her, but man, she's selfish. I don't think I can look at her the same going forward, and will be keeping a fatter distance.

She sent a copy and paste request for assistance to me, and I'm assuming pretty much anyone she knows. It's addressed "Dear friends and family". I don't care about that in situations where help is actually needed, especially during this pandemic. What pisses me off is the pregnancy announcement and you are begging me for goods and money, when you can't support the kid you've already got. She's been unemployed since her first child. She's had all the help in the world, even was offered free schooling by an org!! I mean, I could go on and on. The father of the child is not a good guy, and his rights were terminated it was so bad.

I just can't... I want to smack her. It's her son who is going to suffer, and that pisses me off so bad.


Ugh. That is so annoying. I have family members who post about friends of friends asking for money with fancy go fund me pages - at some point why would you risk giving to a complete stranger who can type anything?

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  • 3 weeks later...
When people say "I can't" when what they mean is "I won't".


Ironically I came to post here on a related situation. I am annoyed at my situation where I might have to say "I won't" in order to be honest with a new friend. We haven't met yet because of covid and met online through a facebook group. She's lovely. She lives a short drive away and with covid we haven't met. But earlier this week she said she and her husband would be in my hood to see her kids and she could meet me -one on one -for a socially distanced walk in the park near me. She is high risk and extremely covid-safe. Today she told me one of her sons has covid. She said she hasn't seen him in weeks. She said she dropped a care package at his building but without seeing him/seeing him to wave from a far distance. OK. And yet.... I have to trust (1) that she is calculating her timing right; (2) that she really wasn't anywhere near him with the food; (3) that his brother wasn't exposed as he claims (but she saw her other son); and (4) my guess is she will bring her cute dog on our walk and that will make it harder for me, potentially, to socially distance- like if the dog approaches me, etc. While of course it's remote -my risk - I do not know her at all (I know of a number of people she knows), and I have to trust quite a lot of this complicated interaction.


So ....my husband said he's a little uneasy about me meeting her, and she may not be able to meet but I have made the decision -if she can I think I should be honest and tell her that we don't feel comfortable with me meeting her at this time. It would be exceedingly easy to make up a logistical excuse "I can't" but..... that doesn't sit right with me. The slightly annoying part - I kind of wish she had let me off the hook despite how remote it is "look, of course we can do the walk another time." So awkward but I think "I won't" while risky with a new person (she might get offended) is the way to go.

Sorry if this didn't really fit in the annoying category -other than I wish she had told me she couldn't meet.

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That is an awkward spot to be in, Batya. It's not fun trying to balance taking the precautions we feel we need to for safety, and trying to not ruffle feathers nor offend at the same time.


Yes. So my mother said she would have gone - that she would have stayed far apart and I explained that this is a new person and I'd want to make a good impression including physically/with body language. She couldn't relate -she said she wouldn't care -take me or leave me.


Anyway...... this morning my friend texted me that she'd decided not to join her husband in his trip to my neighborhood - whew!! So of course I said nothing about my health related/safety issues. She is very unlikely to visit anytime soon given the holidays coming. But yes I would have told her the truth if I had to.

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I am on a huge, local, moms facebook group. I've never met the moderator and she seems great. One of the rules is you can't ask for charity for yourself, for free stuff etc. I did have an experience on another huge facebook moms group where one of the mods planned a charitable benefit and scammed many of the moms out of their money -the money did not go to charity and she didn't pay the vendors.


Anyway, the mod on this group recently posted on behalf of an anonymous mom who apparently is single and in desperate need of funds. She begged us to donate and showed a screen shot of her paypal (which I don't know what that accomplished at all but ok). Many donated - I believe she raised over $1,000.


I give a lot to charity. I give even more now given covid. I never ever give to individuals unless I know the person well and it's for a specific reason. I think it was very unfair of her to use her clout as a mod to get people to give money to an anonymous person. How do we know if this person is actually in need? (Meaning assuming the mod is trustworthy). I did not give, I'm glad I did not give, I gave instead recently to help people buy baking supplies for a charitable event where they sell baked goods and donate the proceeds to a cancer foundation. I know the organizer personally, I know the organization she is affiliated with that does the baking, etc. But this? Could be anyone and the money could go anywhere. It's annoying.

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Batya, yes!, agree that is very annoying.

I've been working on deciding where and how I'll donate and contribute this season, and there's even more of these types of asks this year.


I was on a local page, and there was a woman asking for donations "to be distributed to those in need". I asked, where exactly will these donations go? Etc. Never got a response! People were posting about contributing without even asking. Just a random person, no real details, and they were sending money. It's crazy. I'm sure those people have good intentions, but there's going to be a lot of scamming this year (even more than the usual at holidays).

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Batya, yes!, agree that is very annoying.

I've been working on deciding where and how I'll donate and contribute this season, and there's even more of these types of asks this year.


I was on a local page, and there was a woman asking for donations "to be distributed to those in need". I asked, where exactly will these donations go? Etc. Never got a response! People were posting about contributing without even asking. Just a random person, no real details, and they were sending money. It's crazy. I'm sure those people have good intentions, but there's going to be a lot of scamming this year (even more than the usual at holidays).


Yes and you know sure it's "only a dollar" -I get it -but then that gets multiplied and no one wants to spend even a dollar if the money is not going to go to someone truly in need. Honestly I'd rather give an extra dollar to the people at Starbucks who have our lunch ready for me to grab and go - and with a smile too.

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