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What's annoying you today? Part 2


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oh it does make me chuckle when I see it on telly ...an English muffin and I do wonder if it is indeed one of our muffins or just something you call that ...if that makes sense .


Speaking of your food..


I so do miss the British "fry-up" breakfast! Eggs, British bacon, sauteed mushrooms and tomatoes, beans, toast, bangers (OK, I can do without the blood pudding) YUM!

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When people have the choice to be kind or be cruel and they choose cruel ..... and worst still .... when I comfort myself on that not with the thought I have dark chocolate in the fridge :) only to find out someone ate the last of it :(


When they eat most of your newly bought ice cream and they just leave a smidgen of it for you the next day.

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My friend who is struggling financially and health-wise, continuously getting and losing jobs (because of her health issues mostly), and whose family is struggling to stay afloat, all gun ho about a new business idea she has (involving crafts and the wedding industry) which literally makes no sense at all -could be a fun hobby but as a business -no, for so many reasons (including that she is not an artist and has no credentials that way and has never worked in the wedding industry). Since she is not a close friend I have decided to give no specific input and just sort of respond with supportive open ended comments. I don't want to rain on her parade and hopefully her husband and/or friends will dissuade her before she spends more $ she doesn't have.

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My friend who is struggling financially and health-wise, continuously getting and losing jobs (because of her health issues mostly), and whose family is struggling to stay afloat, all gun ho about a new business idea she has (involving crafts and the wedding industry) which literally makes no sense at all -could be a fun hobby but as a business -no, for so many reasons (including that she is not an artist and has no credentials that way and has never worked in the wedding industry). Since she is not a close friend I have decided to give no specific input and just sort of respond with supportive open ended comments. I don't want to rain on her parade and hopefully her husband and/or friends will dissuade her before she spends more $ she doesn't have.


It is so so so so so difficult making a living when crafts are involved ...I agree with your sentiment ..these things need to be a sideline or a hobby .

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It is so so so so so difficult making a living when crafts are involved ...I agree with your sentiment ..these things need to be a sideline or a hobby .


Yes- and especially launching a business involving the wedding industry. She said no one else is doing what her idea is -my thought is that is because there's not a prayer of profiting from it.

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Yes- and especially launching a business involving the wedding industry. She said no one else is doing what her idea is -my thought is that is because there's not a prayer of profiting from it.


Ah well I'm afraid the cynic in me would say * there is a reason why no one else is doing it * . But if she has managed to come up with a * never been done before * then fair play and good luck to her ..She will still be in for a rough ride because if she has come up with something , it can soon be copied and like everything , goes out of fashion very quickly in the crafting world.


Oh I am being such a negative nancy lol ..

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oh it does make me chuckle when I see it on telly ...an English muffin and I do wonder if it is indeed one of our muffins or just something you call that ...if that makes sense .


Let's not forget "Belgian" waffles and "Dutch" Chocolate ice cream


In North America, there are these wooden lounge chairs. In USA, they are called "Adirondack" chairs. (named for the Adirondack mountains)

In Canada, they are called Muskoka chairs (named after a cottage country area north of Toronto)

Same chair!

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Let's not forget "Belgian" waffles and "Dutch" Chocolate ice cream


In North America, there are these wooden lounge chairs. In USA, they are called "Adirondack" chairs. (named for the Adirondack mountains)

In Canada, they are called Muskoka chairs (named after a cottage country area north of Toronto)

Same chair!


haha oh really , I didn't know that ..has made me chuckle

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It is so so so so so difficult making a living when crafts are involved ...I agree with your sentiment ..these things need to be a sideline or a hobby .


I totally agree! It takes an enjoyable, relaxing task and saddles it with a deadline, a budget, and a sales goal!! If that's not the definition of "killjoy," I don't know what is.

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So I have this side gig that I've been doing casually for a few years. It's a type of sales job, and I've gotten to a high ranking in the company.

My cousin's wife is a SAHM with their two school aged kids. She begged me to refer her, as that's the only way to get an interview with them.

I was hesitant, because even though you get to choose what work you want to pick up, as little or as much as you want, once you commit there is very little tolerance for not completing except for urgent emergencies. I told her this, to clarify what all was involved and if she could do it.

She said yes , please, I need something of my own, some work.

She got hired, she was doing some work here and there, all good right?! I'm happy for her, she never sent red flags that I could see.


Wrong. I ran into her at a family gathering, and she asked if I was still getting work. Yes, why do you ask? Oh I haven't gotten any offers, not even over Christmas! I say , that's strange! She says , oh yeah, ever since I couldn't work two shifts cause of the kids no one contacts me. Again I'm thinking, and ask, oh weird, they have never penalized me for not taking a certain offer. She says, oh no, I mean I called and cancelled, I had ( sons) birthday had to be moved, and ( daughter ) wanted to go to playland with us while daddy was home, can you BELIEVE the nerve of them?!


I had no words. Damn.

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I had no words. Damn.


It sucks when that happens. I saw something similar go down at my job, too.


My coworker's friend wanted to get back into the industry after some time off, and had been begging him to get her an interview.


So, he got her the interview and she got the job.


But she was awful. She called out all the time, complained about the work she was getting, and had an unpleasant, arrogant attitude.


She got in some trouble on one of her first assignments, and then she just quit one day without notice!


My coworker was really embarrassed and upset about that. She made him look like a fool for recommending her.


Fortunately, everyone knows he's a great worker. Even though he felt stupid, no one actually thought less of him over it.

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It sucks when that happens. I saw something similar go down at my job, too.


My coworker's friend wanted to get back into the industry after some time off, and had been begging him to get her an interview.


So, he got her the interview and she got the job.


But she was awful. She called out all the time, complained about the work she was getting, and had an unpleasant, arrogant attitude.


She got in some trouble on one of her first assignments, and then she just quit one day without notice!


My coworker was really embarrassed and upset about that. She made him look like a fool for recommending her.


Fortunately, everyone knows he's a great worker. Even though he felt stupid, no one actually thought less of him over it.


Well that's good -I feel your pain Itsallgrand. And can't stand that entitled attitude with the "but I'm a mom" flag draped all over. (Yes if she'd told them in advance that she might need to cancel last minute for a child emergency, fine).

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