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What are you listening to? Part 13


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I'll See You in my Dreams



I remember this video from when I was about 12, watching MTV all day (back when it actually played music all the time).


The image of the lonely old lady at the beginning and the end of the video filled me with dread. The message seemed clear: Love was in her grasp, but she screwed it up by arguing and now she was alone and full of regret. If she'd only held her tongue, her lover would have stayed. Her solitary life was punishment for her assertiveness.


It's silly, but that image has always kind of haunted me. Like, I'd better start falling in line and learning my place lest I end up like her, sitting all alone on a stoop, regretting my uppity ways. So I wanted to revisit the video. But for some reason, I incorrectly associated it with High Enough, by Damn Yankees (another really good song). A quick visit to YouTube straightened that out in my head, but I still couldn't figure out where this lonely old lady's story came from.


I heard this song on XM's Hair Metal channel a couple of months ago. I knew the song, but couldn't remember where I'd heard it before. It's quite melodramatic, but I think the melody is beautiful. Last night, the melody popped into my head and I queued up the song on YouTube.


Lo and behold, I found the lonely old lady and her story!


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The other night, we heard this song come on in the car. The guitar in the very beginning reminded me of an old band called Slaughter, but as soon as the drums kicked in, I thought it sounded like someone doing their best to imitate Metallica. As the song went on, I heard so many Metallica-esque moves that I thought it much be Metallica imitating themselves--no one would dare imitate Metallica so much after what happened with Napster, lol.


I listened to some of the lyrics and googled when we got home. It was indeed Metallica working through their old bag of tricks.


Anyway, this is the song. I really do not like Metallica after the black album.


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Songs: Ohia - Farewell Transmission




Man this guy’s music hits me hard.


The real truth about it is

no one gets it right

The real truth about it is

we're all supposed to try

There ain't no end to the sands

I've been trying to cross

The real truth about it is my kind of life's no better off

If I've got the maps or if I'm lost

The real truth about it is there ain't no end to the desert I'll cross

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