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Hi all!

Ok well me an my ex boyfriend broke up about a year ago, he dumped me. He stayed in contact with me for some reason for a while. I better sayer were together for 2 years, it wasn't smooth sailing. I suffer from depression and he sort of played on that and tried to make my self esteem lower than it was. Anyway, a few months after we broke up he told be he got diagnosed with terminal cancer. There was always something not right about him as in always ill and being sick. So I believed him. Just so you know he owed me a few hundred pounds. Later he told me he was receiving radiotherapy, after me researching in to it a bit more and asked him a few questions and he started to get annoyed at me for asking things. I didn't seem to think it was a big problem asking him as it just seemed I cared, he kept saying it feels like you don't believe me. I just said yes I don't believe you. I should also say his birthday was coming up and he wanted to spend the day and night with me (having sex). He also got drunk and told me he still loved me. I thought that was odd that he apparently wanted to spend his "last birthday" with me and that he got drunk. Surly you wouldn't drink if you were getting radiotherapy. Anyway, he became nasty to me and blocked me from his phone for not believing him. Well I hadn't heard from him in 4 months and just the other day he contacted me. Saying my display pic on whatsapp looked beautiful and he missed me. That he wanted to meet up to catch up. He said his cancer is gone. That the radiotherapy had shrunk it dramatically and they removed it. He said he has a job, good money and a car. All the things that he didn't have when we were together and his dog is now his mums now. We used to argue over the dog a lot due to we had to take the dog everywhere (I did love his dog, but the dog just controlled where we went). Now he says his mum is taking over the responsibility so he can get a flat and work fully. He asked to meet and then he asked to go to the cinema with him the following week. He has friends so its not like he wants another friend. I asked him why he really wants to meet and he says for a catch up and cause he feels bad that he took a lot out on me. But he calls me everyday now, texts me constantly. He doesn't talk about other girls either. What do you all think he wants or is he just guilty or does he want to meet to try and get me back? Thanks for reading 😀

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So the cancer came .... and the cancer went ..... just like that .... no questions asked (or allowed) ..... and despite being "terminal"???? And whilst dealing with "terminal cancer" he went out and got a job and bought a new car etc.


You're right, alcohol is most certainly not recommended during radiotherapy but aside from that I would have thought that going out and getting drunk on your birthday would be the last thing on anyone's mind when dealing with such devastating news. Sorry but it all sounds like one big DISGUSTING lie to me.


From what you have described above about your ex (ie. playing on your depression and further breaking down your already low self esteem, borrowing money from you, wanting to have sex with you) ... it sounds as though he is nothing but a manipulative user who will say anything to get his own way.


I am really not sure why you even need to question whether he wants to get back together with you. Even if he is showing you he cares (which is just a game to him) how can you forget how he treated you throughout your 2 year relationship. Or the cancer lie?


Or do you really believe he had cancer? It sounds as though you didn't. After all, he said it was terminal, right ... as in he was dying. Now here he is .... new job, new car and a new life. Does that really sound like the life of someone who is living with terminal cancer? That being said ... the new job, the new car ... that could all be a lie too. Nevertheless, the fact that he expects you to believe that he was living with terminal cancer, having radiation yet also building a whole new life at the same time is an insult to your intelligence, don't you think?


Bloody great big red flags and alarm bells should be waving and going off all over the place.


Stay well away. He's disgusting.

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I lost my brother to cancer. He certainly wasn't doing the things your ex was able to do while receiving therapy.


He sounds like a disgusting man. He is a manipulative user.


Why the hell are you communicating with this guy? Hasn't he done enough to you? WAKE UP!

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This is a slap in the face to those who are truly suffering with cancer, whether it be terminal or not. Either way, there's no future with someone who would have the audacity, as well as the mentality of presenting themselves as such a low life.


Sorry to be blunt, but you need to dump this clown.

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