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How do I let this gilr know I do not want to go to prom with her?


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Ok this is a LONG tedious story filled with the epitome of "white teenage girl drama" but it is seriously stressing me out and I need advice really REALLY bad. It's very long so beware, here we go.

Ok, so I am a girl and prom is coming up in my school. I was supposed to attend prom with my boyfriend and a group at my best friend "Heather"'s house.

Heather knows a girl named "Molly" who she absolutely despises , they used to be best friends and now hate each other. (Molly is really devious I'll explain that later)

Molly is extremely rude and only ever talks about how much she hates everyone and how ugly everyone is and how fake blah blah blah they are, and that led her to having no friends at all. Molly is on my bus and she looked very sad so I sat next to her and started to think 'hey shes not so bad, yeah she has told everyone how lame and weird I was but she could use a friend." and I thought she had seen the error of her ways so I befriended her. Well this pissed Heather off and kicked me out of the prom group and told me "as long as you're friends with Molly me and you will not be friends" (WE ARE 17 THAT IS CRAZY SO I CHOSE MOLLY WHO SEEMED NORMAL AT THE TIME) So I grew closer to Molly.

I mentioned once that Heather had kicked me out of the prom group and she suggested we go together and I said "why not" (My boyfriend and his family are going to Canada the week of prom so I only have her now). Well as I started to talk to Molly more and more I realized she only talks about things she hates in people, and how 'gross' and insults Heather ALL THE TIME it's 90% of hat she talks about how much she hates Heather. "EW Heather's extensions" 'Heather is such a ****, shes so annoying and fat" Like I am pissed off at Heather but it's so annoying. Molly admitted to me that she steals form the mall, and the gym locker room, and on St. Patrick's she brought alcohol to school. She snapchts me pictures of Heather with rude captions and last year she out weed in someones locker to try to frame them and get them expelled. She has been called to the office and suspended for bullying twice. SHE USED TO MAKE FUN OF MY BROTHER WHO HAS ASPERGERS. She even told me her ex boyfriend is bisexual and has pictures of him doing sexual acts with other guys and she will show 'everyone' of he ever pisses her off. THIS GIRL IS CRAZY. Heather and I recently started to make up and MOLLY CRIED BECAUSE 'Heather is stealing me away'. She and I made a prom plan before I knew what kind of girl she is. She bought her ticket yesterday with her own money and it was 75$ and her family is bad, But she told me she is bringing alcohol to my house so we can get drunk before prom even though i never agreed to that. I really do not want to go with her, but if I cancel on her now she will be VERY angry (she has anger management issues) And I'm scared to tell her I don't want to go just thinking about it makes me sick. Can someone give me advice PLEASE. I feel bad since we made the plan but she's bad news, she's even been in juvy before.

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You need to end this friendship. She is a problem in your life.


Not that your other friend is that great either.


That said, just tell her that you cannot go to the prom with her and hang out anymore because she and you are on different paths. I don't think you ought to out to her face the reckless behavior she does. It'll just annoy her.


Tell your parents that this girl is out of control and you want no part of hanging out with her.

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Well, thankfully school is over soon and you don't have to see her again. Just straight out tell her you are done being friends and don't want to go to prom with her. And if she plans on cyber bullying you ,you will take it to the police. And tell her if she bullies you or your brother you will be taking it to the office and higher if need be.


It may be scary but standing up to her is the right thing to do.

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I would start distancing myself from both of these girls, as they'll only continue to try to drag you down to their level of immaturity. As far as going to the prom, simply tell her you've changed your mind. If she chooses to retaliate, document any form of communication, and get your parents involved.


These girls are not "friends," they're trouble...

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Im going to echo what everyone has said. You need disassociate with these girls. For one, there is a strong possibility that they could eventually get you into trouble. Second, if Heather is bringing alcohol to your parents house, they can be held liable if something were to happen. Normally I'm not the one to tell someone to go to their parents, but this is different. Tell them what's happened. I guarantee it when I say someday you're going to look back on this and either wish you made a different decision or glad that you made the right one.


I know it's easier said than done, but take it from those who have a bit of wisdom. You'll be glad you did.


Good luck.

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