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I checked her instagram today :(

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I checked her instagram and twitter today.


We ended it on January 30th. I haven’t said a word to her in 18 days. She hasn’t said anything to me in 10 days now.


I checked her instagram and twitter for the first time since the ending. I wish I didn’t.


On Valentine’s day she posted a picture of her holding hands with someone with the caption “Is it normal to share a seat at the theather?

The next day she posted a picture of her with flowers with the caption “Spoiled by a cute man.”


I checked her twitter. 6 days after we ended, she tweeted, “The guy I’m dating now is a Christian.” 6 days and she’s already with someone else. All of her tweets then have been about this new guy, some guy who can’t even compare to me.


I can’t put into words how I feel right now. It’s all I’m thinking about now and I feel so ****ty.

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Don't feel ty. You're single guy. You can date anybody you want.


But how does she have no problem dating someone else a week after we end? How is that possible?


I'm still not even close to over her and she just moves on like it's nothing. Literally all off her tweets are about this new guy or her old ex. None about me.

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But how does she have no problem dating someone else a week after we end? How is that possible?


I'm still not even close to over her and she just moves on like it's nothing. Literally all over her tweets are about this new guy or her old ex. None about me.


This happens more often than you'd like to believe. My guess is she already had this guy lined up as a replacement. That said, nothing good will come out of following her on social media.


Easier said than done, but you have no choice but to accept this, and move on. You'll eventually land on your feet.

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This happens more often than you'd like to believe. My guess is she already had this guy lined up as a replacement.

Plenty of people hate to be single, and have their next bf/gf lined up before they break up with the other one. (The kids who were like that in school *annoyed* me so much; like they honestly didn't care about who they dated, just so long as they were with someone---anyone!) I felt like saying, "Take a break, it's ok to be single!"


Easier said than done, but you have no choice but to accept this, and move on. You'll eventually land on your feet.

Definitely. I know it's tough, but you'll pull through.

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This happens more often than you'd like to believe. My guess is she already had this guy lined up as a replacement. That said, nothing good will come out of following her on social media.


Easier said than done, but you have no choice but to accept this, and move on. You'll eventually land on your feet.


I wanted to see how she was doing and I wanted to see if she posted anything about me


It makes it worse and harder for me knowing that she had a guy set up as a replacement and moved on in less than a week.


I have no words.

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There's a saying "even a monkey has a firm grip on the next vine before letting go of the old one"..

This is unfortunately more true than I realized until my ex wife split and was in a new relationship immediately, and this was after 24 years together. You just never know, you just have to forge ahead without them. It sucks but there are advantages to being single, don't rush into a new relationship, it's not a race with your misguided ex. Just let her go and move on

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I've been there man, no worries you will get over it slowly. That stuff is toxic so don't touch it! Is there a particular reason for the break up that came from her? Did you guys go out for a while? Atleast enough to get past the honeymoon stage and develop a connection? If you guys dated awhile I can guarantee she is NOT be over you (even if you did something incredibly stupid) and will not be until her rebound is over... but im just speculating here..


sometimes people cope with breakups by finding someone else to comfort them instead of facing their feelings and the pain. Ignore her and try to keep her out of your thoughts. It's okay to think about her sometimes, but don't obsess. Keep yourself busy and stay No Contact. It will get easier for you I promise. I just went through this and you can too.

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I found out that she wanted to be with some guy in her past and not me, so we ended it. She told me that she wasn't drawn to me and that we don't belong.

5 days later she dates another guy, I don't even think it's the guy from her past, just someone new.


I told myself 4 days ago I wouldn't look at her social media but today was so bad I just thought it couldn't get any worse. I was wrong.


I can't believe it. 5 days after we end, she's with someone new. Holding hands, sex, all this with this other guy. While I've been just thinking about her. Makes me sick.


Just looked at her twitter ago and a brand new post about her new boyfriend. I can't keep doing this to myself.

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You need to stop. I know because I was just where you are 2 weeks ago. It gets better as soon as you stop.I'm not even kidding. You need to tell yourself that you are better off, you are the better guy (don't prove me wrong), and that most importantly she is likely not with him for him. if this is an ex, that is different, but if it's a new guy she is likely just filling the void of you not being there. She is grasping for a connection that is no longer there. That is what rebounds essentially are almost always. They are not emotionally connected to that person, the feelings aren't the same. You will soon enough be able to look at that guy and laugh because you know what you had was stronger and authentic (again going out on a limb here!)


again people cope in different ways. She jumps looks for someone knew to find that empty feeling, even though she wont find it. You on the other hand are focusing on yourself and healing. Stay No Contact, remove the reminders of her the best you can from your surroundings (just store them, you don't need to burn them right now) and go watch a motivational video on youtube. do something that gives you the urge to discipline your mind. it will play tricks on you and break you time and time again if you don't learn to control it. Discipline is key. The more you maintain it, the easier it gets

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You have to think if she has to brag about her new love all the time is she really that happy or is she trying to mask her pain in bragging?


There is a healthy way to cope from a breakup and there is an unhealthy way. She has chosen the unhealthy path and jumped onto someone new without taking the time to process and learn.


Looking at her social media hurts who? Yep that's right it only hurts you. Your mindset needs shifting ask yourself why would i want to be with someone who can just jump from man to man like that.


Then what you do is focus on you and realise your bigger than this situation your in and this isn't it for you there is more out there in life.


Good luck.

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First of all, no need to say it is incredibly attention-seeking behaviout to constantly tweet about your new guy. One tweet i can understand, but seriously how old is she?

Secondly, it sounds like she either had the guy lined up before you broke up or is doing this to get back at you. Even if she dumped you. Women can have the tendency to rub it in your face. Which is why you need to stop the online creeping up on her!



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Oh goodness... poor you!! Totally feel your pain!! Lordy, when I accidentally saw something totally innocent and even having been told by him himself that there's no one else, I was upset!! So seeing something like that is awful, and weirdly if you're anything like me, hard to feel angry towards that person, even if they've broken your heart for a second time. I do have the will power not to look at my exes social media pages (and took myself right off one) however I know the day will come when there's another girl, and it terrifies me... or the day that I'll see him walking down the street with someone new - URGH!! Totally feel your pain!! If I were you you now need to delete her OR take the step to really say to yourself you're not going to look - I know I'd rather have them still as a 'friend' then think I've been immature and blocked them - but I have real will power!!

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First thing I did this morning was check her instagram again. The most recent post is a picture of her new boyfriend with the caption "The guy I get to kiss


I'm done looking guys, I can't keep doing this to myself. I'm a wreck right now.


Thank you, everyone, for your concern. Means the world to me.

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This is 100% textbook revenge-seeking behavior. Nobody in a healthy relationship does that. It's childish and pathetic. Social media creates such a Facade.


I know your hurting man, and there's not much we can say to stop that, however she did you a favor. She's beyond immature.


BTW: How old is she? Sounds like something a 16 year old would do ...

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"The guy I get to kiss"?!! Really? Right after your break up? Look no one is expecting you to move on so quickly, getting dumped hurts believe me I've been there and am still there one year later from a 24 year marriage. BUT you have to work at it and looking at her social media is a sure fire way to pain. Deactivate your accounts for now, that's what I did. Or just block her, believe me she's so immature she's really not worth keeping as a friend in any way shape or form. It's going to take time to heal but the only way to do that is strict No Contact and that includes social media. It will gett better

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"The guy I get to kiss"?!! Really? Right after your break up? Look no one is expecting you to move on so quickly, getting dumped hurts believe me I've been there and am still there one year later from a 24 year marriage. BUT you have to work at it and looking at her social media is a sure fire way to pain. Deactivate your accounts for now, that's what I did. Or just block her, believe me she's so immature she's really not worth keeping as a friend in any way shape or form. It's going to take time to heal but the only way to do that is strict No Contact and that includes social media. It will gett better


I don't have any social media, I just know the names of her accounts and I couldn't resist anymore. I just looked at the guy's instagram now. He posted pictures of a date they went on a week after we ended. How is that possible?

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