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  1. Over a month in, and day 16 of no contact (since he last initiated contact) - gets so much easier NOT to be in touch.... that feels rubbish but I guess it's a good thing!!?
  2. Do you ever think of me? One week on since I last heard from you and you're just getting on with the routine and life that I so enjoyed being art of. Yet I'm sat here struggling having not spoken to a soul all day. I've reached out to family and friends but they have their own lives and priorities just like you. You ended this and now I want to end my life. I've looked on websites as to the different methods and the physical and emotional turmoil I'm in seems worse than whatever may be next. I've given up all hope of you returning. You may miss me but that changes nothing. My life was empty before you ca,e along and you made it all seem worth it.... Now you're gone and I just feel life isn't worth it without you in it. I have friends and family but like I said they have different priorities. If I couldn't make it work with you when it was effortless easy and I trusted you then how will I ever make it work with anyone else. You've left a hole that can't be filled and no one not even myself can change or help with.
  3. I have a few and I think they're ALL really lucky... and chances of it happening for me, much as I want it are slim to none: *A best friends friend split with her boyfriend, got back together around 5 years later, dated again, now married and have a gorgeous baby girl. *The same best friend herself had a teenage relationship, broke up, dated other people, about 10 years later they got back together and are now living together and I think in it for the long run!! *A different best friend was seeing a guy she works with, just out of a messy relationship, he ended up breaking it off with her, she rebuilt her life, kept busy (they kept working together) a year later he came back and they're back together - it's not been easy but they've just been away together and it's looking good. *My sister broke up with her boyfriend of 3 years. Everyone was stunned by it, she kept LC, then went NC for a number of months (around 5 in total), he slowly came back to her, and then they took the leap to try again, they've now been married coming up to 2 years and have a beautiful baby girl. I really hope the above happens for me.... though chances are looking very bad....... I've done everything right, yes I begged when he ended it, but as soon as it became clear he felt it was the right choice I shut him off. LC since about various logistics of things we've had to sort, and now for me I think I need to just cut all ties. I am broken over this, and keeping busy helps for a bit and then it hits me, the complete out of the blue-ness of it, the love I felt I now have nowhere to put it.... it's awful. NC is for me though - not to get him back, mainly because I feel he won't be so I need to protect myself from any further rejection. It's only going to break me even more.... Keep posting stories everyone - as whilst there are some of us who have given up on it, it's still nice to see!! I often think how if they loved us how could they do it.... but the above show that actually it happens more often than not!!
  4. How could you promise me the world and a future and then rip the cord out of the blue!? I love you, I thought you loved me. If you did you wouldn't do this to me. You distanced yourself and then ended it with me still wanting more. Heartbroken and I'll never be able to get through this. I just want you and you said you wanted me.
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