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The steroids and antihistamines helped and I finally saw the specialist this morning. Not happy when he shuffled in, taking baby steps 3 inches apart. He mumbled and had to hold onto the counter to keep his balance.


I work in the medical industry and seriously, some of these seniors need to retire already!! I am hoping I am good hands but not feeling very trusting at the moment.


(I remember one time when the anesthesiologist showed up moments before my surgery, I almost bolted from the bed. I swear he was in his 80's)


I got a steroid shot this time, Yay! More mood swings. Followed up with some blood work. I was told it would take 7 to 10 working days for results and I can expect them in the mail. I need to wait for my letter before I can make a follow up appt? Uhmm, no.


I'll find a work around because this is ridiculous. I am not waiting 3 weeks for answer. Day 10 I am making phone calls. I started with my GP almost three weeks ago.


I guess I should be thankful it's not something serious. I can't imagine.

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Still no answer on the hives. Results are back in 7 to 10 days. I've cut back on antihistamines, just down to one. Today's a good day but every day is different. The minute I get some relief, it comes back to bite me.


SL leaves for 5 days tomorrow. I must admit I am a little excited. I've spent practically the most part of every weekend with him for the last year. I have a list of things to do and girlfriends to spend time with. That and spending some time with myself and I am looking forward to it.


About 6 years ago we redesigned our corporate office. We gave up a floor and after some lengthy construction, we downsized and reconfigured the remaining three floors and moved the staff. There was this one particular interior office that doesn't have any windows. All other offices do. As the seating plan went, I was slated to have a window office next to my boss. Honestly, that would have been the end of me seeing he is officially the most annoying man on the planet. I then decided to `take one for the team` and take the undesirable office no one wanted. My boss joked about me not wanting to sit next to him, but we both know it was the truth.


My most recent new hire/receptionist was lured back to her previous employment. Summers are slow so I had this idea to not hire and between myself and my remaining team members, we would rotate covering reception. We are gearing up for our busy season while simultaneously doing budgets for next year. I am just told the position is not being held open and cut for next year? Other depts hold open positions for months, sometimes close to year. I want to experiment and 3 weeks later the position is cut. It just grates on me because it's a reminder of how little value or respect my department has at times. But on the flip side, we are keeping busy and so far it works. I just don't appreciate the way it was handled.


I am opening reception for the first 2 hours which frees my staff to take care of facility needs and meeting, catering and other busy work. The remainder of the day, two others switch off covering. I am noticing that I feel a sense of dread returning to my cave-like office.


Up until this point I didn't have a choice and I have suspected it was effecting my mood and now I am certain. This windowless office is making me miserable.


I am free to choose another but there isn't an open one on this floor. I've had several different offices and learned the hard way that the majority of the things I oversee are on the floor I am currently on. I also do not want to go back spending my day in an elevator.


So. .here I sit. I wish I hadn't noticed the shift between sitting up front and then here. I may not have noticed it. At least not to the extent I do now.

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Hi reinvent, just a thought but do you think it's possible that a material of some sort in your house, some sort of mold perhaps, is causing your hives?


Or an allergic reaction from a material in your home from all the work you recently had done?


This happened to me a few years back, I suddenly broke out in hives, which seemed never-ending, and it was determined through hit and miss that it was coming from the air conditioning unit in my apartment!


I was the one to suspect that actually and brought it to the attention of the property manager who had maintenance take a look. They opened it up and discovered all sorts of funky stuff in there that had been seeping into the air whenever I had the unit on.


They replaced the unit, and miraculously, my hives went away immediately!

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Hi K,

Those are great questions and I have definitely considered them. It seems almost obvious, right?


But I do spend most weekends at SL's and I had one of my worst flare ups while on vacation 5 hours away.


It's frustrating to not be able to figure out any pattern. Even more confusing when I read that you can have a reaction as much as five days after exposure. At this point I am exhausted trying solve this puzzle.


All I know right now is I should have the results any day. It's been the longest 5 weeks ever and I can't wait to put this behind me.


One Dr told me it took forever for one of his patients to find she was allergic to the yellow dye in her daily thyroid medication. It was like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Now she take two half dose pink pills.

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But I do spend most weekends at SL's and I had one of my worst flare ups while on vacation 5 hours away.


It's frustrating to not be able to figure out any pattern. Even more confusing when I read that you can have a reaction as much as five days after exposure. At this point I am exhausted trying solve this puzzle.




One Dr told me it took forever for one of his patients to find she was allergic to the yellow dye in her daily thyroid medication. It was like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Now she take two half dose pink pills.


I hope you feel a lot better soon.


I was watching a womans channel last night and the speaker was saying that women should only use WHITE cotton washers on their vajyjys when bathing because they can absorb small amounts of dye into the vajyjy from colered washers. Makes sense as my washers all fade.








We obviously can help a lot of what we ate exposed to.

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That's pretty gross bytheway. Not to mention dangerous. Glad it's resolved.


Yes it most certainly was! And it was pure negligence, they admitted they "forgot" to clean the filter prior to my moving in, which is standard with a new tenancy.


I was considering file a lawsuit, I even asked my attorneys (at my job) about it. The amount of money I spent trying to resolve, over-the-counter, new sheets, new bedspread; I even purchased a new mattress ($1000+)! I thought it might be dust mites (yuck), even though I keep the place spotless (almost, lol).


But I decided against it cause I really like living there, and didn't want to jeopardize that.


But I swear, the very day they installed the new A/C unit, the hives disappeared. I felt it immediately when I walk into the apartment, the air was fresh and clean!! :D

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I just boo hoo-ed for a good 10 minutes. I thought I was handling this pretty well, but apparently not. I figured I'd have an answer any moment and though they said I'd get the results by mail in 7 to 10 day, today is day 13, so I called. The blood tests didn't show anything and now they recommend a skin test. (Still wondering why that didn't happen to begin with)

The soonest appointment? 10/3


I hate our healthcare system and it seems barbaric to let people walk around without any answers for 2 to 3 months at a time. Granted, there are much worse things than hives. But I am feeling sorry for myself at the moment, so bare with me. I am to not take any antihistamines for 3 days prior to testing. I leave the following day for my sons wedding. Even with the antihistamines my hands a blood red and peeling. I have blotches on my neck and shoulders. And when all is said and done I suspect the skin tests will come back negative as well. I have autoimmune condition and I suspect this is tied to that.

What I need is an Endocrinologist. I cringe when I picture myself at my sons wedding looking the way I do, but maybe even worse. It's just kinda miserable.


I have lost my mojo for the day but when I get back up I will call my GP for a referral.

All this would be a non issue if I hadn't had to change my insurance and if there wasn't a conflict with my original Dr and my insurance. My original doctor would have caught this and resolved it 6 weeks ago. I am beyond frustrated.


Along with my pity party, my cat isn't doing well. I am leaving early to take her to the vet.

At the risk of repeating myself, I had to put down my other cat last year, leaving Macy without her alpha cat friend. The world was only as safe as it could be hiding behind Xena. Now Macy is tragically timid and the world is really scary. The house remodeling has been really stressful for her. In turn I spend the days after the workers have left giving her a lot of attention and tlc just to break the spell of her hiding and being mistrusting. It would typically take a day or two to get her back on track.


It's been quiet in my house for almost 2 months now. About a week ago she started hiding for no known reason. I have to pull her out of closets, close bedroom doors to limit her hiding places to one. I've brought her food bowls and litter box upstairs because she wouldn't go downstairs to use either. They are right in front of the closet she hides in for close to week she barely used either.


I spent all afternoon Saturday with her on my chest. She replaced the shivering with purring slept for hours. I carried her upstairs and put her on my bed. She stayed until about 3am and retreated back to the closet. While making my bed I noticed she peed on my blanket. 18 years of having cats and they have never once come close to missing the litter box. She seemed a tiny bit better yesterday. Hung out in the hallway while I folded laundry and stripped my bed. She ate some wet food and by midday retreated back to the closet. She's been there since.


It's pretty heartbreaking and I just need to have her checked and make sure she isn't suffering in any way. They say cats tend to hide when they are in pain.


Add on top of this I have the minimum of 4 trips, maybe 5 between now and the end of October. Kenneling her would be worse than leaving her home alone. My sons and SL will check on her. I feel so guilty.

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It's been quiet in my house for almost 2 months now. About a week ago she started hiding for no known reason. I have to pull her out of closets, close bedroom doors to limit her hiding places to one. I've brought her food bowls and litter box upstairs because she wouldn't go downstairs to use either. They are right in front of the closet she hides in for close to week she barely used either.


I spent all afternoon Saturday with her on my chest. She replaced the shivering with purring slept for hours. I carried her upstairs and put her on my bed. She stayed until about 3am and retreated back to the closet. While making my bed I noticed she peed on my blanket. 18 years of having cats and they have never once come close to missing the litter box. She seemed a tiny bit better yesterday. Hung out in the hallway while I folded laundry and stripped my bed. She ate some wet food and by midday retreated back to the closet. She's been there since.


Oh no. Poor thing. I hope she is ok. It's heartbreaking when your pet is sick. I lost my poor dog last year. She was such an awesome friend. I actually dreamed of her last night.

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I'm so sorry reinvent, as you know, I KNOW how this goes and yeah it's absolutely miserable. Thank goodness I did not have any on my face, I would have gone into a deep depression I'm sure (yes I admit to being vain).


Mine were limited to my upper arms and back and they itched like crazy.


Your situation reminds me of that show "Mystery Diagnosis" on A&E, and yeah it must be incredibly frustrating (in addition to miserable).


I also agree our healthcare system SUCKS, and many doctors suck too, I can't rely on them anymore.


Lately I'm into holistic medicine and herbal remedies, people don't realize but there are many herbs that are actually quite healing, from thyroid conditions to mental health issues (depression and anxiety) and yes hives!


There is a whole foods store right down the street (it's actually called Jimbo's), they have all sorts of herbal remedies in there; when I had hives, the store clerk recommended a product call Hyland's Hives (all natural), I did research and people swear by it so I tried it and it helped more than any antihistamine ever did!


Also when feeling down in the dumps (depression) I take something called St. John's Wort, lifted me right up better than any pharmaceutical med ever did (with no side effects).


Anyway, just thought I'd toss that out in case you wanted to try.


Hope you feel better soon... ((hugs))

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Reinvent, I have an elderly cat who is at least 18 years old. She started doing the peeing thing a couple years ago, and vet said it is related to her age. He did say that it is most common when they are sleeping and thst there is medication which fixes it. Because its so difficult to get tablets into my cat, I dont give them. Sadly, I cant have her in rooms where there is carpet. She sleeps in rhe uncarpeted laundry and is outside during the day. Regarding the hiding in cupboarfs, that may relate to her not having

























a feline companion if she was used to having one for many years.

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Reinvent, I have an elderly cat who is at least 18 years old. She started doing the peeing thing a couple years ago, and vet said it is related to her age. He did say that it is most common when they are sleeping and thst there is medication which fixes it. Because its so difficult to get tablets into my cat, I dont give them. Sadly, I cant have her in rooms where there is carpet. She sleeps in rhe uncarpeted laundry and is outside during the day. Regarding the hiding in cupboarfs, that may relate to her not having



That's what prompted me to finally have her checked. But honestly I don't think she's incontinent (shes 12) or trying to tell me something by marking. Lately she just gets locked into finding one particular spot safe and won't move from it to eat or go to the littler box. I think she was safe with me that night and refused to move until is was too late.


The vet couldn't find anything wrong with her outside of her ears needing to be cleaned and some overgrown yeast. I went ahead and agreed to the full blood and urine workup. All in all she's a tiny bit better each day. I just can't tie any recent event to her behaving the way she is. But she is coming around, albeit slowly. She breaks my heart. I just want to make sure she's healthy and I am not missing anything before I leave on all these upcoming trips. I worry about her enough as it is.



I went by Whole foods last night after reading what you wrote (while waiting at the vets) They no longer carry the hives supplement you mentioned. Amazon has it. I will order some. Thanks for the recommendation.


I am still reeling over being dismissed from the allergist and now no one seems to be my advocate in my ongoing issue. Call me spoiled but this didn't happen with my last doctor. I have to start all over and make some phone calls today and be assertive to just to get some help. . now 6 weeks into this and having gotten no where.

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Oh no. Poor thing. I hope she is ok. It's heartbreaking when your pet is sick. I lost my poor dog last year. She was such an awesome friend. I actually dreamed of her last night.


Sorry you lost your fur baby, J. I still think of Xena almost daily and it still makes me sad.

It's just such a shame we don't get to keep them longer than we do.

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Reinvent, this might help your cat. I havent used it, but my son used it on his Burmese XSiamese cat with excellent results. I thought about using it, but Im fairly certain, and from what vet said that due to my cats age, she either has diabetes or thyroid disease or both. She eats non-stop because of it.


Really, I think you should try this.

https://www.petcircle.com.au/product/feliway-diffuser?iv_=__iv_p_1_a_1493304239_g_57983963912_w_kwd-372573748757_h_9072020_ii__d_m_v__n_g_c_285425041111_k_feliway diffuser for cats_m_e_l__t__e__r_1t1_x__y__f__o__z__i__j__s__vi__&gclid=CjwKCAjw_b3cBRByEiwAdG8WqlYCftWGFi5Tuv1esWIz7YexGUlBkJBQgSFopUK-cMfPU47s33m6PRoC1JQQAvD_BwE

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Reinvent, this might help your cat. I havent used it, but my son used it on his Burmese XSiamese cat with excellent results. I thought about using it, but Im fairly certain, and from what vet said that due to my cats age, she either has diabetes or thyroid disease or both. She eats non-stop because of it.


Really, I think you should try this.

https://www.petcircle.com.au/product/feliway-diffuser?iv_=__iv_p_1_a_1493304239_g_57983963912_w_kwd-372573748757_h_9072020_ii__d_m_v__n_g_c_285425041111_k_feliway diffuser for cats_m_e_l__t__e__r_1t1_x__y__f__o__z__i__j__s__vi__&gclid=CjwKCAjw_b3cBRByEiwAdG8WqlYCftWGFi5Tuv1esWIz7YexGUlBkJBQgSFopUK-cMfPU47s33m6PRoC1JQQAvD_BwE


My vet recommended the same thing!

Matter of fact I saw it on the shelf last weekend when I stopped in the pet store looking for some OTC anxiety. I didn't buy it.

After the vet I dropped Macy off and on my way to my mothers I went by a different pet store and they didn't carry it. Thanks for reminding me. I'll go get it today.

Matter of fact my vet's office sprayed the examining table with it just before I brought the cat in. It's part of their practice. It comes in spray form too.

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I had to chase after things with a few phone calls yesterday and today. Geez. . If I wasn't my own advocate - nothing would happen. I don't want to count my company's time I used while I was on the phone.


Called the vet. The results were to be in on Wed. Still no results.


I called the allergist. They hadn't mailed me my results though they said they were mailed last week. I just called again and to tell them I still do not have them and asked her to fax it to me. She was reluctant to fax medical records to fax that wasn't personal fax due to HIPPA laws. I told her I work in MedMal so I know the drill. For that matter I work for your physicians insurance carrier. I got my fax.


I called my GP's office because there is no follow up and nothing moving forward to resolve my issue. No appointments today. `Go to Urgent Care'

I just about lost my sh*t.


I am not going to urgent care to talk to people who do not know me and my history to treat my symptoms. (again) I want to address the cause. I need a referral to a specialist who knows about my condition.


Put on hold. I get to see another GP I have never met on Monday to get a referral, which in turn takes days for approval and then I can make and appointment and who knows when I'll be seen.


Meanwhile I leave for a week for vacation just to return and leave again for 4 days for my sons wedding. . all covered in miserable hives.


Here's to the crankiest post of the day. :upset:

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I'm so sorry reinvent (more hugs).


I am wondering now if it's even hives; this should not be happening, not on this level anyway.


Your doctors sound completely incompetent, I don't blame you for losing your sh*t, it's unacceptable.


This may sound hokey, but I am looking at your avatar of you and your dad (so special), is your dad still alive?


Mine is not but every once in a while, when I'm sad or experiencing something painful (whether emotional or physical), I talk to my dad (wherever he is) and ask that he give me strength to get through.


In some instances, suddenly the answer will come to me, which has been right in front of my face the whole time.


Call it divine intervention, or just me recognizing the power I had over my own consciousness which translated into a solution, but it did help.


I hope you feel better soon.

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It is my father and he passed away in 2006.


I have Hashimotos, which is thyroid related autoimmune disorder. From what I understand this typical (but new to me) inflammatory response familiar to those with Hashimoto's. But unless you are seeing a specialist who treats these things you get caught up with those who don't and won't do anything for you.


My insurance changed last year. I've had the same internist for 25 years and now part of the HMO system, new dr's that don't know the difference and think my health can be managed by urgent care?


I have gotten hives due to stress. No doubt stress is playing into this but it isn't the original cause. I am stressed from having hives and not getting anywhere!


I get it. . there can be worse things to worry about. One just needs to have a tantrum with the other person on the phone now-a-days to get any one to hear you.

It's just seems so unnecessary


Thanks for the kind words.

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It is my father and he passed away in 2006.


I have Hashimotos, which is thyroid related autoimmune disorder. From what I understand this typical (but new to me) inflammatory response familiar to those with Hashimoto's. But unless you are seeing a specialist who treats these things you get caught up with those who don't and won't do anything for you.



My condolences about your dad. :(


Bolded -- I did not know that, so yeah this is relevant. When I had my hives, I did all sorts of research and discovered that when one's thyroid levels are off, specifically when one's thyroid makes too much of the T4, T3 hormone ("hyperthyroidism") it can cause hives.


So I went to my doctor and had her check my thyroid levels which were normal, so I knew it wasn't that.


I don't know too much about Hashimoto's other than it's an autoimmune disease wherein the thyroid gland is destroyed, so yeah I would presume it's related somehow.


If no specialists on your plan or in your area, have considered going out of you area, off your plan?


And yes sure there are worse things to worry about, but this is pretty major too!


I really do wish you the best of luck, oh and by the way have you received the Hyland's Hives yet? I hope they work, at least for your son's wedding -- let us know! And congrats to your son!

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Just a thought, was your cats anxiety prior to the renovations. Even moving the furniture out of a room freaks mine. The noise from renivations can upset them - they hear it more loudly


the renovations definitely stressed her out. I was very careful to spend a great deal of time with her and did everything to make her feel comfortable and safe. Sometimes that wasn't enough. It would take her a day or two come around and be trusting again.


The thing is, I haven't had any work done on my house for the past six weeks or more. She only started acting strange about 10 days ago.


I can't tie an event to this episode and I can't seem to break the spell she's under. She's a tiny bit better. Just not very much. She seems incredibly sad and though she's not hiding as much, she will stay in one spot for hours at a time, won't move and won't come if I call her.

She's not doing any of her usual favorite things, sleeping at the foot of my bed. I put her there, she leaves. Sitting in her favorite window. Again I put her there and she'll want down. She's lost her sparkle, I call it.


At least she's eating. That part was scary. That and hiding in dark closet for days at a time.

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