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I hate Pittsburgh. I hate everything about it. I hate these stupid people and their stupid fascination with those stupid steelers. I hate those stupid rivers. I hate all of these stupid hills. I hate how gloomy it is all the time. I hate how much it rains. I hate the weather. I hate how dark it is. This place is depressing and horrible. How this place ever got ranked as "most livable city" is beyond me. I feel sick being here. If this city got nuked off the map I would celebrate. I think I may be one of those people who gets depressed in winter. It's not really the cold that bothers me but the lack of light. I wake up and it's dark. I go to work and it's dark or the sun is barely coming up. I go home and it's dark or soon to be dark. Yesterday it was sunny and warm when I went to work and it felt amazing. I felt so happy just because it was nice and sunny out. I just wanted it to stay that way. But within a few short hours the sun was going down and by 5 something it was dark again. I don't have much energy and I just feel bad all the time. I had today off and I slept like 11 or 12 hours last night and I was still tired. I don't know why it took me so long to realize it but it finally hit me like a ton of bricks.


When I was in high school I would visit my dad in Miami for Christmas and I always liked how the weather felt when I got off the plane there. When ever I went back to this hell hole I would feel down again. Even at night time in Miami I felt ok. The city felt alive and nice and warm. Here it's just miserable. Who thought this would be a good place to live? I hate it. Maybe my bad luck trying to date here was a blessing in disguise. I've asked women here how they like living here and if they ever lived in other places. Most of them said they like living here and that they never lived any where else and have no interest in leaving. I would hate to have to choose between a relationship and leaving this place. My best friend is in the navy and he wants to move back to Pittsburgh. I can't for the life of me figure out why these people like it here. Even in the summer time this place is boring and there is nothing to do. Miami is so nice. The weather is great, the ocean is nearby, there are things to do, there lizards and iguanas that live in the bushes. Everything about Miami just feels great. It feels vibrant and alive. Pittsburgh feels so dead and depressing. I know it's not a perfect city but when I think of Miami, it invokes happy feelings. Even being in the crowds doesn't bother me like it does here or in NYC. Maybe because everyone else is happy too. When I was in the army I took a trip to Lake Havasu City in Arizona. That's another lovely city. It was warm, the lake was nearby, there were young people walking around, and things to do. I even got to skydive over the lake. It was amazing.


Today I went to the store to get some things and it was almost dark and in the 5 minutes or so I was in the store it got noticeably darker when I left. It's horrible. It makes me sick. I can't even leave the lights off in my apartment because I don't want to sit in the dark. Yesterday I woke up late because I was feeling depressed from the day before and I woke up late yesterday. I didn't have any time to enjoy the sunshine. When I was about to leave my cat ran out the door while I was going out and even he looked happy to be in the sun. He was energetic and rolled around on the ground. I could see it in his face that he liked being in the sun too. I had to go to work so I had to put my cat back inside.


I hate my mom for moving me here. If she could make a marriage last more than 10 friggin minutes things wouldn't be so bad. She's getting ready for her 4th marriage. She used to hate this city but now she has given up and decided she's staying here. She bought a condo a few months ago. If she didn't marry that idiot who wanted to move here I wouldn't be in this hell hole. The only reason why I moved back here after I got out of the army was because I didn't know where to go or what to do. Me and my best friend were planning on moving in to a house together so I thought things would work out here.


If I didn't have a good opportunity to get promoted at my job I would sell everything and move to Miami today. I think I'm going to set a timeline for 1 year. If in one year I'm not promoted I'm getting the **** out of here. If I do get promoted I'm going to wait the minimum 6 months to be eligible for a transfer and I'm going to Miami. Either way I need to leave. This city is just too depressing. I can't stand all of this darkness. My ex wanted to move out of here too. Maybe I should call her up because I know that mooching boyfriend of hers can't even support himself enough to leave his parents, let alone move to California where she was from.


I just want to wake up and have it be sunny and still be sunny when I come home from work. I hate living in the darkness like some primitive cave man. I want to be able to be outside and feel good. I want there to be warmth. I feel so sick and depressed. I want to leave Pittsburgh and never return. I never want to see these people or hear any of their retarded words again. These people call shopping carts buggies. This city can't do anything right.


If you read this, thanks. I needed to vent. Anyone else hate where they live or Pittsburgh?

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In a similar context a modern philosopher I used to read a lot, Alain De Botton, commented that you have to remember that even if you go on vacation to a beautiful locale, you take yourself with you. He diagrammed it simply with stick figures -the sad/angry stick figure remains so while sunbathing on a beautiful beach under a palm tree. Be careful about blaming Pittsburgh for the totality of your attitude (or your mother) and don't expect a bright sunny place to change your attitude to bright and sunny.

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I hear ya. Until a few years ago I never knew that a person could fall in love with a city.


I grew up in Los Angeles. I know a lot of people would love to live here, but I'm sick of it and would be happy to never return. Like you, I won't last another year here. It's sunny year-round, but during the summer it gets so hot that you would literally get in your car and be automatically dripping with sweat. The drivers here ARE THE WORST. The people are nice but they drive like pretentious jerks. I am constantly cussing people out on the road. Everyone here is so worried about image and impressing others. I just can't stand it.


I fell in love with Seattle. You would hate the rainy weather, LOL. But it's dreamy to me. The people are really truly nice and it just feels like home. When you enter a restaurant or other public place, people don't stare at you and look at you up and down like they do in LA. The first time I visited Seattle, I knew it would be my home.


I understand your wanting to leave and your hatred from the place. I'm glad you're putting together a plan to leave. To each his own, and your heart is obviously somewhere else. Good luck.

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If you are unhappy, move. Perhaps see if you could move in with your dad for a month or two while you search for a job and home. It sounds to me that you are unhappy with yourself so you are blaming everyone else in your life. Change your life, you are an adult and no one is forcing you to stay where you are and be miserable. Also... go Steel(I won't complete it).

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I think lack of sunshine is definitely affecting your mood. Lack of sunlight in Alaska during certain times of the year is known to cause depression for the people who live there. We get Vitamin D from the sunlight. Maybe you are lacking in that vitamin. Maybe take a regimen of vitamins until you can get to a sunny place. You seemed to like Miami...so that is where you will probably land. Best wishes to you from sunny California!

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I hate Pittsburgh. I hate everything about it. I hate these stupid people and their stupid fascination with those stupid steelers. I hate those stupid rivers. I hate all of these stupid hills. I hate how gloomy it is all the time. I hate how much it rains. I hate the weather. I hate how dark it is. This place is depressing and horrible. How this place ever got ranked as "most livable city" is beyond me. I feel sick being here. If this city got nuked off the map I would celebrate.


Life is a precious gift . The universe is beautiful .

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I grew up in the midwest where it was also really cold in the winter and dark/gloomy/cloudy a lot. After college I moved to CA for law school, and never looked back. I love that it is sunny and warm most days of the year. Even now, when we are having a "cold" snap, it is still warm enough to be outside without a jacket during the day and it is still sunny. And when we get a rare rainstorm, it is great because it is so unusual.


I think there are places where you just "fit" and feel at home. If you feel that way about Miami, you should move there. Can you live with your dad while you get settled? Do you have experience/skill set that would make finding a job not too difficult? Life is too short to be miserable!

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Thanks for the replies. I'm sure my dad wouldn't mind letting me stay with for a little bit but my boss and my boss's boss like me and if I play my cards right I could transfer in to a promotion in Miami or any other sunny location. I would love to move today but Miami is an expensive place to live and securing that promotion would really help me out. So I need to keep patient the best I can and try to keep my head in the game. So yeah I will have to deal with this place for a little while longer but moving there on a nice salary would be great and I could buy a jet ski or take scuba diving lessons.


Pittsburgh ranks pretty high on the cities with the least amount of sunshine. Just behind Seattle and some places in Alaska. I don't know why it took me so long to realize it. There was always something about this city that bothered me but I could never put my finger on it. Would you believe I was born in Anchorage, AK? Yesterday was just amazing. I went outside and I felt the warmth and light and I felt great. I felt energized and ready to go to work. I actually went back inside to change in to a nice yellow shirt because it just looked so nice and it reminded me of the sun. I just felt so happy. I can't even describe it and today was just a complete 180. I looked online and the sun rose here at 7:41 and set at 5:01. In Miami it rose at 7:06 and set at 5:39. That's over an hour more sunshine! With the exception of new year's eve and day the forecast for this week and next week is...wait for it... cloudy. I will look in to SAD lights though. I hope it helps. I do remember reading about the lack of sun causing depression for some people in Alaska. I was watching Alaskan State Trooper and one of the troopers was talking about how suicide is a big problem in the state especially during the winter while he driving towards a call of man threatening to kill himself. Actually another call came over the radio of a woman threatening to kill herself too.


I agree that some people need to find the right place to live. I hear Seattle is nice but I would hate the weather. Too much rain. A lot of the big video game developers are in Seattle and nearby areas. I wouldn't mind visiting one day but not to live.

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Yep here in the UK our Winters are very dark and gloomy too. We get barely any daylight in December and January, some days never get light!


today been a very good example of this carrie haha ..I have all the lights on , and its like no sooner have you opened your curtains , you are shutting them again .


op .. have you ever read " the secret" ? anything on the laws of the universe ? deffinately worth a read , not to start cosmic ordering ... I think it is important to read first how the universe works before all the cosmic ordering side of things ..... it is just inspiring and really gives a different way of viewing life and how it has to come from inside . I hope you are feeling ok ...

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