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Would you beat up your SO if you found they cheated?


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My "woman" has been with me for over 20 years and she agrees with me on this issue. Where we also agree is the historical "double standard" where it is OK for a husband to cheat but not a wife.

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True but their needs to be some retribution, I know our opinion is not popular, but those who have been cheated on have probably had these thoughts, and are afraid to admit it.


You didn't mention anything about thoughts you mentioned actions those are completely different.

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It isn't so much about defending my honor, more so then it is about inflicting the same amount of pain they caused their SO.


Call it by what it is - revenge.


Your real question is whether extracting revenge on someone that you feel wronged you is OK? Most will say no, but naturally some will say yes. The world is full of weak, stupid and impotent people looking to take out their inadequacies and anger on someone.


I do wonder though, how your revenge will seem when you are bending over and spreading your cheeks for Big Bob in prison. I hear women beaters and rapists are pretty low on the totem pole in there.....

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True but their needs to be some retribution, I know our opinion is not popular, but those who have been cheated on have probably had these thoughts, and are afraid to admit it.


There's a difference between having these thoughts because you're reeling and in pain. I've had violent thoughts at times when I'm extremely angry, sure. EVERYONE does.


It's a whole different thing to actually act on them and/or justify them.

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True but their needs to be some retribution, I know our opinion is not popular, but those who have been cheated on have probably had these thoughts, and are afraid to admit it.


Nope --- those of us who have grown emotionally as we entered adulthood know that "the pain of betrayal" is fleeting and a prison record is for life.


It hurts --- yes. But it is a reflection on them, not on you.

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True but their needs to be some retribution, I know our opinion is not popular, but those who have been cheated on have probably had these thoughts, and are afraid to admit it.


Does your wife agree with you on this? There may well be other ways of revenge other than physical violence but I think, yes, cheating is pretty much the worst thing a partner can do to you.

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There's a difference between having these thoughts because you're reeling and in pain. I've had violent thoughts at times when I'm extremely angry, sure. EVERYONE does.


It's a whole different thing to actually act on them and/or justify them.


EXACTLY. Everyone has thoughts of retribution and violence ,everyone. But only criminals act them out.

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Does your wife agree with you on this? There may well be other ways of revenge other than physical violence but I think, yes, cheating is pretty much the worst thing a partner can do to you.


I am not sure that a pre-nup with the "ability to physically assualt my SO" in case of cheating would be legal.

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It's interesting how these topics come up, people share their opinions and suddenly, from that point on, any other opinion they share on any other topic is completely cancelled out for me. I've seen two of those posters on this thread now. How sad.


Man or woman inflicting physical violence on another living being - significant other, child, animal, etc - is of the lowest form of low for me. And it is shocking that someone here has decided that they would beat a significant other for cheating, but having their child abused by another is not worthy of thinking of violence. HA. What twisted 'logic' people sometimes spout off...

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True but their needs to be some retribution, I know our opinion is not popular, but those who have been cheated on have probably had these thoughts, and are afraid to admit it.


I am wasting my time, I know it, but it is lunch and you two idiots have gotten my Irish up.


I'm going to turn the tables, here. OP and MWD, sounds like you have been burned by women in the past, and have some anger. Awww. Poor li'l boys. Someone hurt you...


And you think - "wait, I'm a MAN, they don't have any right to hurt me..." Because I'm awesome!


"I'll show them what it's like to feel pain" Because thats what a MAN does.




A man figures out what HE did to cause the relationship to fall apart. Because guess what boys. If she cheated on you, a HUGE part of it is your fault. MY guess, considering your attitude that its ok to beat up a woman for something that you aren't happy about, is that its MOSTLY YOUR FAULT.


So, logically, while you are inflicting pain on another person for something that you caused, it would make sens that you take some time and figure out a way to inflict more pain on yourself. One way to do this is by going to jail and letting others there know that the reason you are there is that you beat up your ex girlfriend!


They will love that. Say what you will about cons - they do have their own sense of morality.


Good luck with your sh*tty lives little boys.


There. Done.

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You could beat them into a pulp and they won't feel or understand the pain that you felt when they cheated. It's just not possible. Emotional pain is far worse in a way than physical, especially when it runs so deep.


This agree with, as I said in an earlier post, I'd rather be beat with a baseball bat, then cheated on, hell I'd rather be killed then experience that level of hurt and betrayal.


Emotional pain may be greater then physical pain, but there needs to be atleast some justice?


Let me ask you this, lets say you had a kid, and somebody you know molested them, would you not want to beat the living crap or possibly kill them? The hurt from sexual abuse far outweighs the hurt from physical abuse, but wouldn't you atleast want the attacker to feel some pain?

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