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Online dating pet peeves


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this is super weird


Weird indeed. I've seen this as well. Sometimes the people who appear as the most stable, mask issues remarkably well. I've found that if it appears to be too good to be true, it probably is. Except for me of course. I'm damn near perfect. Lol!

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The Magician

This is a close relative of the flake.


Exhibit A for your consideration.


My cell phone makes that funny noise it makes when someone emails me, adds me, etc. This woman wanted to meet me. I'm at work, quick look at the profile. Looking forward to contact her when I get home. I get home her profile is completely gone. Hmmmm guess she met someone else? or whatever? Two days later see her profile again with a slightly different name. I contact her. We chat, and chat. Great conversation. So I ask her out. A day later I'm checking my email and I notice her profile is completely gone. Two days later it's back with a slightly different name. What I find boggling is she seems like one of the more stable, smart ones on there. I guess even smart people have issues.


I would guess; Either married, involved with someone, or just isnt too sure about having her info up. My ex had her profile up and deleted her pics and changed her name and stopped messaging me in the middle of our back and forth messaging. I remembered her because she looked like mila kunis, so i was hungry for her and i was on the look out for her. I saw her profile pop back up and i kept messaging her, again she changed everything- i finally got the number- met- got into a relationship with her, even got into a pregnancy scare with her. Months later she turned out to be married and still involved with her husband.


Her online behavior was the same in person, she didnt want to go out and if she did she would want to leave out of nowhere, she would vanish on me, etc.

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Loved reading through some of these. Did not make it through all 43 pages so mine may have already been mentioned. You got to laugh at some of the Bat sh** craziness in the world of online dating.


The not so secret admirer who just wants to admire you from a distance I guess. They repeatedly view your profile and I mean A LOT but never contact you and if you contact them they never respond but continue looking at your profile over and over again.


And of course the ones that list their body type as average when they are very overweight.


OH OH and The guy 20 years older who wants to be your sugar Daddy or the guy 20 years younger who wants you to be his Cougar...

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Good thread haha. I'm not active online at the moment but have been in the past.


Here is one that ended a few dates with women I'd met early.


The Hypocrite: Her highest priority is finding someone who is honest, genuine and truthful at all times. Downright lies about 80% of her profile details, makes up things you have in common when chatting then thinks you won't notice within 5 mins of meeting.

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  • 1 month later...

Had to revive this epic thread.


Ms./Mr. Cannot Take Rejection: There was this girl on Match who had been eyeing me for a bit...winked at me, "liked" several of my photos, viewed me a number of times. I know she saw that I viewed her too, but I wasn't interested, so I didn't email or wink back. Eventually, she emailed me something along the lines of "Have we spoken?" and I (stupidly, I know) replied. She emailed me again, then I ignored her. She emailed me again last night, so I rejected her extremely politey and even complimented her. She replied back with a tirade of insults, calling me a number of names ("boring," "stupid," "blind," "jerk, among other things).


I replied back with "Clearly you cannot take rejection, even when it is done in an extremely kind manner. Funny how you go from virtually stalking me to calling me all those things without even knowing a thing about me. Yeah, do not want." Then I blocked her.


I mean, I get rejected all the time, I don't curse out the women who reject me. It doesn't even phase me lol.

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Glad that you brought it back up! Yes, I have had this same type contact me, I made the mistake of giving one of them my number... several phone calls and texts later... I was only somewhat attracted to him in the first place, but he seemed nice and I thought I would give him a try, but then when he started to text me every two minutes and started to ask if I was ok if I didn't respond back within 5 minutes... okay, I understand he is looking for a soul mate, I am too, but that is so not attractive to most of the women I know! Yes, we want a guy who can be a tad bit clingy, but not to the point where you can't have five minutes of peace!


Funny story is, I deleted his number from my phone and his texts. I was going through my old texts a while back when I found one about a month old that just said "hi" from a local area code, I responded "hi, who is this?" and long story short, I found out that it was him (he must have deleted me as well) and he didn't remember my name, so a few hours after we/I concluded that we didn't know how we got each others numbers (cough) he texted me saying "Hey, I know this is crazy, but I'm single, and if you are to, could it be fate?" I responded (falsely) that I had a long term boyfriend just to get him off my back. Desperate?

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Ok, this has only happened to me once but it was quite odd and I imagine it happens to others, too...I can't be having all the bad luck!

This guy contacted me on a dating site. He lived close to me, good age, good job and a good pic, too. We talked for a while on the site, then took it to Skype. A few days later he asked me to meet over coffee, I accepted. On the day of the date he texts me that something came up and wanted to reschedule for the next day, a Saturday. I already had plans to leave town for the weekend so I declined and suggested to meet after the weekend, on Monday. He said ok and asked if it would be ok to text me during the weekend, I said sure.

Weekend goes by and he doesn't contact me at all. On Monday I get a text in the evening just saying hi, how are you, no mention of going out. I reply with fine and you, he says fine and nothing else. I let it go, thinking he met someone else and isn't interested in meeting.

For the next 2-3 days he sends a text every morning saying good morning and stuff to which I reply and, eventually, asks to meet again. I accept. He says he'll call me on the morning of the date for final arrangements.

Now, get this: on the morning of that date, while I'm waiting for his call, I'm on the dating site where we met (and we hadn't used together ever since the first time..we always talked on skype after that) and I get a PM by him. How are you doing etc etc and no mention of the date. I start wondering what's wrong with him when he says 'let me give you my number, I want to hear your voice'.

I say 'what?' He says 'or you could give me your number if you want and I can call you'. I realise he has no idea who I am so, I tell him are you serious? do you even remember who I am? I've had your number for 2 weeks and you have mine and you text me every day! He goes silent..then says something like 'yes, of course I know who you are...'...'who am I?' I ask...silence and then he goes offline..LOL!

Needless to say that I then deleted him from everything and sent him an email saying 'I know men talk to many women on dating sites but you really ought to keep notes since your memory sucks so much. Don't contact me again'.

He still texts me from time to time asking 'how are you' I bet he still doesn't remember who I am

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"'I know men talk to many women on dating sites but you really ought to keep notes since your memory sucks so much. Don't contact me again'."


I'd be careful with the criticisms because he has your number and knows what you look like. When I was meeting men through on line dating sites there were a number of times I ran into them in public -a few of them even though we'd never met in person. Nothing bad happened but just saying.

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Ouch!!!! It definitely sounds like he's chatting to a lot of women. He came accross as quite flaky though, it wouldn't surprise me if he had lots of women on the go??? It's a cheek he still texts you though. Do you reply?


One annoying thing I have found on dating sites is when guys message me and it's obviously a bulk message, I either ignore or respond saying I don't think you're a match for me, then they message me again a few days later with another bulk message.

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I'd be careful with the criticisms because he has your number and knows what you look like. When I was meeting men through on line dating sites there were a number of times I ran into them in public -a few of them even though we'd never met in person. Nothing bad happened but just saying.


He has my number but he doesn't know who I am! That's what's crazy about this. I bet he has so many phone numbers that he's forgotten who every number belongs to! I mean he knows he has some 'Anna' for example on his cell, but he doesn't remember which nick that is on the site..LOL

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He says 'or you could give me your number if you want and I can call you'. I realise he has no idea who I am so, I tell him are you serious? do you even remember who I am? I've had your number for 2 weeks and you have mine and you text me every day! He goes silent..then says something like 'yes, of course I know who you are...'...'who am I?' I ask...silence and then he goes offline..LOL!


too funny..!!!

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He has my number but he doesn't know who I am! That's what's crazy about this. I bet he has so many phone numbers that he's forgotten who every number belongs to! I mean he knows he has some 'Anna' for example on his cell, but he doesn't remember which nick that is on the site..LOL


Yes I got that part. I was suggesting that you keep your communication with all strangers who've seen your photo and might have other information about you polite/civil to avoid some crazy person seeking you out or seeing you when he's out and wanting some type of revenge.

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He has my number but he doesn't know who I am! That's what's crazy about this. I bet he has so many phone numbers that he's forgotten who every number belongs to! I mean he knows he has some 'Anna' for example on his cell, but he doesn't remember which nick that is on the site..LOL


LOL I told my husband the story and he referenced the Seinfeld where he forgets his date's name and calls her "Mulva" when she tells him it rhymes with a female body part. (Her name is Delores, you figure it out).

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  • 3 weeks later...

It happened to me again last night. Was trying to recruit a new FWB from OKC. Apparently body type "athletic" = "Even though I'm fat, I have a gym membership, so that means I'm athletic ya'll!" I tried so hard not to activate jerk mode...but I ultimately asked her to split the bill. Don't freaking lie to me and waste both of our time!


Thank God my serious date Wed night went really well. Have another serious one tonight with a sweet girl I met in real life. So no risk of this happening this evening!

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I know this has been mentioned before but the lie about age gets me every single time. I went out tonight with a guy who had said he was 50 and it turned out he was 55...and looked 60. I had seen many pics but they were from over 5 years ago...and I never ask to see guys on cam unless they ask first. I think maybe I should start asking

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It happened to me again last night. Was trying to recruit a new FWB from OKC. Apparently body type "athletic" = "Even though I'm fat, I have a gym membership, so that means I'm athletic ya'll!" I tried so hard not to activate jerk mode...but I ultimately asked her to split the bill. Don't freaking lie to me and waste both of our time!


Thank God my serious date Wed night went really well. Have another serious one tonight with a sweet girl I met in real life. So no risk of this happening this evening!




I met a girl who almost made me quit online dating. In pics she was so hot, in person she was not... i dont know how she does it. I dont know how you dont realize that in your pics you look stunning, but in person you dont? Then i am on the date and shes acting like shes turned off by me, even though i am trying to be nice.

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I think I'm jumping on to the racial preference convo a little too late...but here goes...


People are saying that you are attracted to what you are attracted to...and therefore that doesn't make you racist.


Well...kinda/kinda not....it's a grey area...and complex issue...


The problem is that when we look at the "standard of beauty" and what most people in this country are attracted to, we find heavily racial undertones and biases. This is a fact...the characteristics that most men are attracted to are Caucasian characteristics...this is overwhelmingly so, statistically proven. Now many races/etnicities fit the standard of beauty more easily than others, and have easier times dating (i.e latinas, italians, asians etc.) others are completely opposite from those standards ( i.e black women) and it is statistically proven they have a more difficuIt time dating/getting married. you cant argue with facts. i don't care how many stories you have of "I dated this one black girl once" or " I like curvy girls". Your own unique personal experience is irrelevant to real actuality.


Whether you like it or not, it is a racial issue. One that someone never really has to think about or examine unless YOU are the minority that does not fit the "standards of beauty" and is having a difficult time dating.


To bring this back around...lol...dating preferences is an online dating pet peeve of mine : )


As well as men who are too obsessed with you sending more and more pics/how do you look like before continuing any other conversation. If you're that curious, just meet me in person!

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There is some truth here, but it also goes the other way as well. East Asian men and east Indian men have a hard time as well because there are bias about height, facial hair and muscular standards of beauty that women have. Is that a racial bias?


Yes it is. You are completely right. Statistics are that black women and Asian men are the least likely to date interracially/get married etc. (google it) These are the facts, and you can't argue with facts.

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Yes it is. You are completely right. Statistics are that black women and Asian men are the least likely to date interracially/get married etc. (google it) These are the facts, and you can't argue with facts.


I think this may apply to America more than other countries. When I'm in Europe I don't see this problem at least not for black women. Don't know about Asian men. Don't see it as much in Latin countries either.


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Yes it is. You are completely right. Statistics are that black women and Asian men are the least likely to date interracially/get married etc. (google it) These are the facts, and you can't argue with facts.


But the statistics won't tell you how many different individual decisions went into that -could be that some people don't date outside their religion, could be based on who the individual was exposed to in his/her community from which he selected who to date, etc etc.

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People who aren't upfront and honest about their intentions/life/whatever and they talk to you for hours before finally saying something that leaves you speechless.

This is what happened: 46yo guy whose profile says 'separated'. Now I usually don't talk to guys who aren't already divorced but I liked his profile and figured let's give it a shot. We talked for the first time 3 days ago. He was very clever, articulate, funny and I loved his picture. I asked him about his separation, he said he has 2 adult kids and he's not looking for a relationship before he gets the divorce and it will only happen if he finds someone very compatible to him etc..which I found reasonable. Besides, he's away on business currently for a couple more weeks so it's not like we could meet tomorrow...and I'm not in a rush to get into a relationship anyway.

Fast forward 3 days. We've talked for a really long time, I've started thinking, finally, someone nice and normal who I happen to like, too, and, in the middle of our talk, I ask him something about his upcoming (or so I thought) divorce and he says 'well, we're still trying to save the marriage' and I'm like WHAT and he says 'but I've told you that'.

Well, think again! Who knows how many women he'd been talking to and he got his women confused.

One more lesson learned (lesson I already knew but momentarily forgot..suits me right) : NEVER chat to 'separated' people

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