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I F Ing angry about the shooting in Colorado


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I'm angry and sad hearing about the news today , then u saw a picture of the alleged shooter......and I am really really angry . Also hearing about the victims....young children , mothers , innocent people....why???? Why was this guy so unable to understand why he should not do this???? Why did he feel a desire to take such horrific acts?? Why did he not feel empathy for these people and the fear and pain he was causin them ........why would someone do this ..........I'm sorry to all the victims and families and friends, and to the whole country because we are all effected by this .......

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This guy is sicko... he looks mad creepy in his picture. When the police told his mother of the incident she stated right away "They had the right person." So, obviously something was wrong in the head with this guy. My heart goes out to all the innocent victims who were caught in the middle of this. God Bless Them

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I was equally as infuriated as I was heartbroken when reading of the shooting this morning.


These random shootings are among the most devastating tragedies, and my heart goes out to the victims and the loved ones that will be forever affected.


As I read the comments, people wrote how they never thought they'd see the day where we had to go through metal detectors and be patted down going into movie theaters and stores. Now, I feel like this is completely necessary, as innocent people are taking their lives in their own hands simply by seeing a movie, going to school, or buying groceries.


If these extreme measures would protect us further, I would go through scanners and have my bags searched without a word of opposition.


I have an awful feeling in the pit of my stomach just writing about it. God bless those people.

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I was equally as infuriated as I was heartbroken when reading of the shooting this morning.


These random shootings are among the most devastating tragedies, and my heart goes out to the victims and the loved ones that will be forever affected.


As I read the comments, people wrote how they never thought they'd see the day where we had to go through metal detectors and be patted down going into movie theaters and stores. Now, I feel like this is completely necessary, as innocent people are taking their lives in their own hands simply by seeing a movie, going to school, or buying groceries.


If these extreme measures would protect us further, I would go through scanners and have my bags searched without a word of opposition.


I have an awful feeling in the pit of my stomach just writing about it. God bless those people.


Honestly speaking, I've always thought the premise would make for a good horror movie. What could be scarier than watching a movie about people getting bumped off in a movie theater when, well, you're IN a movie theater watching said movie?


Well...then there's this. Reality is not Entertainment.


I suppose I've seen the potential for something to happen like this for a long time - I go to the movies once EVERY weekend without skipping many beats. And it dawned on my a couple years ago that movie theaters are Vulnerable. Think about it, you have anywhere between 100 and 300 people in a small easily controlled space with anywhere between 2 and 4 exits. These people are all fully engaged in watching the screen, so they are very likely not paying attention to anything but the screen, while the sound pretty much dampens out any low noise on the ground. Situational Awareness starts with being aware of the situation before it happens, however it may happen, even if it is an "unthinkable" situation. You only hope it never happens, but in my world, the "unthinkable" does happen - think Frankfurt Airport, March 2011! Hence, I've had an eye out for a long time now - people walking in or out, I know where they are.


Thankfully, this guy was acting alone. If only he was down here, because we've had shooters like this show up to gatherings before and we've proven there's a rather large number here who are only too happy to run towards the sound of danger when duty calls. I'm betting though that people up there acted the same way we do down here, you just can't get far in this country without finding good tough people!


Security measures are all good and well, but there will never be anything more secure than a well armed public - and when I say "well armed," I do not specifically mean firearms. Sure, a couple concealed always helps...It reminds me of this one time I was at a hockey match once where these two groups started getting into it with ech other, alchohol was involved and it looked like it could get testy. Suddenly the plain clothes man with his family to my lower left turns around to face the people to my upper left and the people on my lower right, simultaneously pulling out a badge out of his wallet and showing them both something to ponder while giving them a stern "anyone want to keep this up, we'll going to jail!" - and my did that end quickly!...Yes, he is an Authority, this cop, but then, we are the authorities as long as we're united together. I mean Mentally Armed, poised to handle whatever is thrown at them - think United Airlines Flight 93. When that shooter showed up at Gabrielle Gifford's rally, it was three unarmed people who took him down and a concerted effort by a number of people, some who died that day, to ensure he DID NOT get much further than he did. In the end, there's really nothing more effective than raw brute force in numbers with a common goal. We don't need Badges or Guns, we don't need Metal Detectors or Checkpoints, we just have to be Ready to assist each other in taking out this idiots when they surface, because they will always surface.


I'm going to go enjoy my movie now, I hope. I've been waiting for this movie all week. My deepest sympathies to these people.

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Lonewing, it's funny you mentioned being aware of your surroundings. Generally speaking, I can't say for sure whether you're just a product of your environment, but growing up in a big city with a bad reputation (Killadelphia), I'd say I'm hyper-aware of my environment.


When walking my dog, I swing around a gigantic set of keys on a lanyard, just sending a message that I'd be more than happy to whack anyone who'd try to approach me (as if walking a menacing-looking, albeit harmless, pit bull wasn't enough).


I absolutely agree that a movie theater is an extremely vulnerable location, and I was hoping to read that someone's fight-or-flight response kicked in yesterday and charged at the shooter. It doesn't seem to be the case.


That being said, while you're right about having a "well-armed" population on hand, the population can't do much in the way of not allowing threatening individuals into a theater, store, mall, school. I'm not sure it's in our jurisdiction to step out of line and say, "Excuse me, sir. You look quite shady. Mind if I frisk you?"


That's why I think there is a need for increased security measures. And that is why I was so annoyed at people who declined the full-body scans at the airport because it's an "invasion of privacy." Are you kidding me? Dude, you can stare at my gamma-rayed boobs all you want if this scanner is picking off people with weapons.

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This is why I carry a gun wherever I go


Sorry what?!!!


Doesn't it occur to you that this only happens BECAUSE Americans are allowed to carry guns??

This doesn't happen in Europe with anywhere near as much frequency as in the States, and certainly not in this way. We just don't have random shootings like this.


Countries that allow guns, have higher gun crime. It's not rocket science.

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That being said, while you're right about having a "well-armed" population on hand, the population can't do much in the way of not allowing threatening individuals into a theater, store, mall, school. I'm not sure it's in our jurisdiction to step out of line and say, "Excuse me, sir. You look quite shady. Mind if I frisk you?"


Good job with the key chain, you've already got the mindset. It's not the Weapon in your Hand, it's the Wepon in your Head! My "Well Armed" citizen is MENTALLY Ready, regardless of sidearm!


But I wanted to focus most on this section here.


No matter what "security measures" we invent, these "Jokers" will defeat them. They are little spheres of random chaos, that can come out from anywhere at any time. They do not have a country, nor a creed, nor purpose, nor even goal, asside from one of their own making in which the rest of us are not equal. These Idiots will always be, no matter who you are or where you live, they will emerge. Give every one a gun, the idiots are here; take away all the guns, they will still be here. Make some Authorities and insist these authorities are the only ones allowed to make such decisions, and even then you will have things like Fort Hood. Make everybody an authority, and still, these idiots will come forward, but at least their reigns of terror will be far less measured.


We cannot arrest people for crimes they have not yet committed, and the amount of pre-emptive evidence these people leave to suggest they Will carry through with something like this is only enough to put just about everybody away. It isn't until they act that we can act, because up until that point, they are redeemable if they make that conscious choice to not act. But once they act, they are loose cannons, to remain loose until reigned in.


We also cannot secure every place and at every time. We simply don't have the manpower, and it doesn't help that any one of those manpower could be the next idiot. Any point we secure, they will find a way to circumvent the procedures. Make the point strong enough, they will simply find another point to tease. At the end of the day, it remains our personal responsibility to ensure that our right to life remains in our personal hands.


Hence, when they do act, we must be mentally ready to handle them. We cannot scream and scurry for a chair when the mouse runs into the center of the floor, or it will shoot all of us; we must exercise our authority and let the foot fly. Some of us can run, some of us are physical, and some of us are great at throwing things - wallets, cellphones [ok, might need that!] purses, nail polish, keys, SHOES! Singlely, alone, we're each no match against such superior firepower, even if a couple of us are packing. Together, well, we have an army; in the Gifford's situation, there was a man there who was able to get his concealed gun out, but by the time he did so, there were three people on top of the attacker, including an elderly woman who basically bit him while taking his power away. Even despite their bravery, we lost some really, REALLY good people that day, but with how much this idiot punk kid brought to the table, it could have been much, MUCH worse.


Control, no control, it matter's not; the one Weapon you always have is the one between your ears - so when the time comes, be prepared to USE IT! Just be ready, and hopefully, you'll never need to be!


The movie, by the way, was awesome. I'm really saddened how these people were not able to enjoy what was supposed to be one of the greatest chapters in the batman story yet to be told on film. There is no justice enough for these idiots.

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I just can not believe this. So devastating RIP to those whose lives were taken and my sincere deepest sympathies to all the families and friends of victims and my heart reaches out to those who survived. I can not imagine what they are going through right now. I am shaken up, I cant imagine how shaken up they are.

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Tranquillo, I've seen the cinema used as a "hunting ground" in more tv shows and movies than I can remember. It's not something that's unique to that one page.



Batman didn't cause this. That guy being a nutjob caused it. Do you even know if he read that book? Had you ever read that book before seeing that page?

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Truly sad what happened in CO. I don't know how it could have been prevented, large groups of unaware people are always potential targets. Be aware. Be prepared if that is your thing and carry around a adequate first aid kit. It may save you or yours.


It will happen again. Not being the doomsayer but it will, copycat crime is a recognized activity among the deranged.


I remember back in the day, early 80's when Las Vegas strip had big, open sidewalks. The now defunct Barbary Coast comes to mind with a few hundred souls packed on the sidewalks crossing over to Caesars and back. Heavy traffic ran both ways and I remember thinking - "What's to prevent a driver from gunning it and taking out a few?". I suppose it happened or somebody got wise as there is concrete everywhere and overhead pedestrian crossings.


Be careful and RIP for those that were taken too soon.

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Sorry, sorry. I didn't read the thread, just jumped in and posted, my bad.


I'm curious both about what drives people to do this and why it doesn't happen here in the UK. Sure there's crazies here too, but they seem mostly limited to pub brawls. Something about the size of our country I think just drives people a little effing bats***.


Edit: Ugh, and that's 4 points on my ENA license for "inappropriate advice". Sorry if my comment offended anyone.

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Sorry, sorry. I didn't read the thread, just jumped in and posted, my bad.


I'm curious both about what drives people to do this and why it doesn't happen here in the UK. Sure there's crazies here too, but they seem mostly limited to pub brawls. Something about the size of our country I think just drives people a little effing bats***.


And then there's Dunblane, 1996. There goes your theory that these things "don't happen in the UK." And then there's the Norway shootings from last year. Even if you broke the US into 10 different countries each 30 million in size, these incidents would still happen. If you lumped all of Europe together until you have a country the same size as the US, again, you'd have a similar body of statistics. Anywhere you find people, you will find people with a complete disregard for other people. You want to know why; I ask you this: why to you pay money for what you get at a store? Why does a thief just Take it, even when they have more than enough money in their pocket to pay?


These dissadents will always exist in our world; hence, our only defense is to be ready when they snap. People ask "why," as if by understanding these people we can find a "cure," or a way to predict and eliminate them beforehand, but in all honesty, it's no different than shoplifting or homicide or even suicide. You don't know who is thinking what and you don't know who's doing what, and to know would be an invasion of their privacy [and your's too, because you'd have to be under equal scrutiny]. People get excited when we capture them alive because at least then we at have the opportunity to find out "WHY!?" but I'm afraid the answers will never be to our satisfaction. Is there really ANY answer they could offer that would give us peace, that would make it all "OK" for them to have gone and done such a stupid act? No. And there are those who think the offender may take the opportunity to offer an apology, but I've seen this go afoul too. Hence, I don't need to know "why." What I know is that this person had no regard for the lives of other people, and such, the less time spent on "trying to figure him out" and the quicker he's gone, the better.


I believe the Joker juxtaposed to Gotham's organized crime from the second Batman movie is a perfect facsimile to this problem. We want the answers to be organized like the Mob, because plans we can act upon and counteract; the mob we can "appease." And yet, the Joker is just a loose cannon - it's not about money, it's not about glory, it's not even about power except the power that comes from having such power over other people: "I'm like a Dog, Chasing cars - I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it." No plans, just acts. Hence, all we can do is act back when they act.

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That's why I think there is a need for increased security measures. And that is why I was so annoyed at people who declined the full-body scans at the airport because it's an "invasion of privacy." Are you kidding me? Dude, you can stare at my gamma-rayed boobs all you want if this scanner is picking off people with weapons.


Because anybody who travels enough knows that airport security is a joke. I have brought pepper-spray on the airplane multiple times (by accident, it lives in my purse). And yet, I get my bottom groped if I'm on my period and wearing a pad and it shows up on their scan???


Once, I went through airport security. They took away my water. I bought a new one in the store on the other side of security and IMMEDIATELY after purchase, security tells me they have to do a vapor check on it... even though it wasn't even open.


And anybody who wants to hurt somebody on the airplane need only travel and study the weak points of the system to sneak on weapons anyway... or just take a Karate class.


The news is full of stories about stuff happening with airport security... toddlers searched or banned from the plane because of a name that matches a suspected terrorist. Moms that get harassed for breast-milk...


Plus, the full-body scans they used have known published weaknesses... parts of the body where you can place things and have them not be detected. So, anybody who WANTS to get stuff through still can and the rest of us just have to put up with a huge hassle, having our unopened water tested and our arses groped.

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