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How do I get over this petrifying fear of driving.? I'm 19 years old and I still don't know how to drive! I know from the little experience that I've had with driving that I'm not a good driver. I have adhd too so that doesn't help. And I have difficulty remembering the rules when I'm behind the wheel b/c I get so nervous. I'm always saying, "Can I go? When can I go? Should I turn now?" lol. But when I'm in the passenger seat I know exactly what I'm supposed to do (most of the time lol). I'm just so paranoid. I don't want to get into a car wreck that either kills me or mames me for the rest of my life. This fear is holding me back from a lot of things. I can't get a job b/c I don't have a way to get there. I have to take night classes so that I can make sure I have a ride to class. I can't move out of my parents house, and trust me I need out! Help!

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I was in the same boat for years. Now I have to be careful of speeding tickets! The only way to conquer the fear is definitely to face it, and I commend the posters who said that right off the bat.


Do you have a calm, pleasant friend with a relaxing demeanor? If so, get them to teach you. Start out practicing in a big empty parking lot at first. I remember my friend Melinda taught me...and then she made me get on the busiest street in town! I was petrified, but she wasn't - and that went a long way in alleviating my own nervousness.


I can't describe to you how you proud you will be of yourself after your first time actually driving on the road!

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I've been driving in a large city for years now and I'm still a little cautious about driving.


Scout's advice is SPOT-ON. Getting someone that makes you feel really comfortable and relaxed will really help you out.


And after you get the hang of it, remember that a little fear is normal. I'm still cautious of what's going on around me on the freeway, and that's just common sense. No one will complain about a safe driver.

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YAY! Something I've actually conquered that I can talk with experience...


I was almost in an accident when I was learning to drive when I was 16, because my mom was really not the best person to teach me. I was petrified since then, and I didn't get my license until last year. Now I'm so comfortable behind the wheel, like Scout, I have to make sure I don't speed.


I still give myself the occasional pat on the back when I get thru a hairy situation with ease.


As was said before, get someone comfortable (NOT YOUR MOTHER), go out to the parking lots, and practice practice practice. Especially good is to find a quiet block to practice left & right turns on.


If you have the $$, get a driving instructor, he helped me immensely...


But the #1 rule is to CONQUER THE FEAR... I should know

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I got my license just a few months ago, and having a driving instructor helps tremendously, trust me. Mostly because you don't feel nearly as nervous (they have a brake on the passenger side), and they're so calm. Driving classes for me, were of course, required to get my license since I'm under 18, but the in-car pratice with my instructor really helped. I was afraid to go driving with my parents because they'd yell at me and get really nervous which made me nervous. Thank god for the driving instructor. He made me go on the freeway my third time driving and I was so scared but I did just fine and if I ever screwed up, my instructor was there to fix it or slam on the brakes for me (-: Getting your license is the best feeling in the world, trust me, it's worth it to get over your fear.

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I know what' kind of situation that is, because when I first drive I felt nervous too. But did your ever play the driving game, which may reduce your nervous when driving. I have been overcome that fears because of the wonderful game. Try it, you will feel better.

Good luck.

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