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Should they pick you up from the airport?


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You've been in a LDR with someone for many years, it's been almost a year since you last saw each other. You have just travelled over 13 hours to get to their city...Should they at least pick you up from the airport?


I'm a little bit upset because my boyfriend has told me to either take the shuttle or a cab when I arrive in his city in a few months and then stay in a hotel for the first night as I'm landing very early in the morning...like 2am.


I understand driving all the way to the airport is a massive inconvenience and with parking too but I would have done it for him! I'm wondering whether I'm expecting too much though.


He's going to let me stay at his house for a while which is reallly great and saves me a lot money until I find work so that in itself is a big help, that's why I dont want to make a big deal of the airport thing. Also when I say 'boyfriend' we've decided to take things slowly and just start off as friends, see where that leads.

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You are arriving at 2am which is very early and it would be safer for him not to drive at that time because he could be tired. There is a safety aspect here.


I agree that there is a safety aspect. I would not expect someone to pick me up at the airport in the middle of the night like that. I think a cab is perfectly reasonable. However, I think that the hotel is a bit much. What could be done is that you take a cab to his place and he could offer to split the cost of the cab. You contact him when you are close to his place so he could greet you at the taxi and help you with your stuff. In other words, he shows he cares about you by being awake and ready to greet you when you arrive on his doorstep...and you show you care about his safety by taking a taxi to his place and not expect him to drive all the way out to the airport, park the car and walk through a deserted parking lot.

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Hey There!


I think your boyfriend should definitely pick you up from the airport. However, I think that maybe you should take into account that he may have a surprise for you! Maybe he's working on something special and he needs you out of the way for a little bit.


If it turns out he doesn't have anything planned....I don't blame you for being a bit upset.

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I do not see why he is not there to meet you. Even if he was not your LDR SO and just a friend I would be at the air port to meet you.

Not taking the hour of the morning you are arriving in to count I would be there to meet you.

I know with my GF I would never just let her make the trip to where I live all my here self plus her has a 11 YO daughter traveling with her.

And take safety in account I would be more worried to have her make the trip alone.

I could say take the train or the bus cos of the length of the trip I would have make to meet them (two hours each way.)

Believe me I will be at the gate waiting for them to come out of customs. Camera in hand.

I believe if I did not meet them I would hear about is from me GF.

Maybe I am old school but when you come to play on my turf it is my Responsibility that to are comfortable and safe.

also if it has been over a year since you have scene each other I would be definitely be there to meet you.

but that is only one man's opinion.

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Well, I know my guy would pick me up. HE would feel it would be unsafe for me to be wandering around at 2am by myself. Plus, he would just want to do this nice thing for me as it makes my life easier...and when we are apart we want to see each other as soon as possible!!!

AND vice versa. Honestly, I would be upset if he didn't volunteer to do this. It's hardly a HUGE sacrifice. And doing it shows love and caring.

WHen my guy and I came back from Italy (after a month), we arrived at our airport at 2am in the morning..and we have a skytrain right from the airport to my apartment - so easy trip home. My mother STILL insisted on picking us up and driving us to my place. It shows consideration, caring..and her wanting to see us. So yeah, to me it signals selfishness and not huge caring that he is NOT wanting to do this....not the kind of qualities I look for in a guy.

Just my humble opinion.

I could be wrong!

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Oh Voug. This is the least of your problems. But to answer the question at hand - L and I have ALWAYS met each other at the airport. When I hadn't seen him for a year I was at the airport an hour and a half EARLY just to make sure I didn't miss him. And he'll be stod there waiting for me this October.


Now, I agree with the other posters who have said him driving at 2 am is a safety issue, depending on his normal sleep pattern. If he wanted to though HE could reserve the hotel and be waiting at the hotel for you and you take the taxi.

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A taxi on your own at 2am??? Not on my watch. I would always be there at the airport. Not only would I be excited, but from a purely logistical point of view it can be necessary to talk to you if your SO is stopped by immigration. I wouldn't be comfortable leaving you to stay in a hotel that first night if I could come and get you.

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Wandering around at 2:00 am is just as much a safety issue for men as it is for women. Lots of men have been victims of crime late at night. If there is a concern about taking a taxi at 2:00 am then the alternative is for the OP to wait at the airport for another few hours until it is safer for the other person to come and pick them up.

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Wandering around at 2:00 am is just as much a safety issue for men as it is for women. Lots of men have been victims of crime late at night. If there is a concern about taking a taxi at 2:00 am then the alternative is for the OP to wait at the airport for another few hours until it is safer for the other person to come and pick them up.


Or pick another flight that lands at a more reasonable hour.

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Wandering around at 2:00 am is just as much a safety issue for men as it is for women. Lots of men have been victims of crime late at night. If there is a concern about taking a taxi at 2:00 am then the alternative is for the OP to wait at the airport for another few hours until it is safer for the other person to come and pick them up.


Who said anything about them 'wandering around'?

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Or pick another flight that lands at a more reasonable hour.


The flights from where she is to where she is going are limited and usually this hour. Big time change. As to safety, I don't really get that. It's just driving to an airport to pick someone up. It's not driving to cracktown to pick up 'supplies'. It's as safe any other drive. If the airport is the one I think it is, it's very safe. As others have said, something is going on here beyond the ride. Sadly.

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The flights from where she is to where she is going are limited and usually this hour. Big time change. As to safety, I don't really get that. It's just driving to an airport to pick someone up. It's not driving to cracktown to pick up 'supplies'. It's as safe any other drive. If the airport is the one I think it is, it's very safe. As others have said, something is going on here beyond the ride. Sadly.


True. I mean, when I flew to NY I went to the MARTA station at like 5 AM and was at the airport by 6 - never felt scared or like someone was going to mug me.

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