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I smell a rat.


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I was talking to this guy on plentyoffish tonight, and he seemed really nice at first, but something is off about his career. He said he has a part time job at Denny's and buys and sells on E-Bay as his main job.. however, I asked him what he buys and sells and he said he ONLY BUYS, not sells.. contradicting what he said earlier in the conversation! How can you make money at something/call it a job if you only BUY, not sell? Btw I don't know much about E-Bay.. but it sounds fishy.. I think his 'other' occupation besides Denny's might be something like DRUG DEALER.. am I being too suspicious or am I onto something? I'm a bit skeptical about this guy now.

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You can have stores on Ebay but he said he only buys, right? There is no way though that you could make a living off of it! I think maybe he might have been trying to make himself seem a bit more...uh I don't know...career orientated? that he does more with his time maybe.


I would never have jumped in and assumed drug dealer though! lol, I really think he was trying to impress you and Deny's is probably his only job.

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just ask him. "...so you just buy? wheres the income, bro?"



he'll answer. no need to sit around and accuse him of being a possible drug dealer.

maybe he sells fake webcam videos on the internet..... (i have a friend that does this, and he tells people he's in stocks)


why would you automatically assume he's involved in illegal activity?

maybe he sweeps mcdonalds floors or something and he's embarrassed.

jumping to conclusions is silly

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Probably just another loser looking to get laid. At least he was somewhat honest, though he tried to be nonchalant and imply that he is making big money on-line, despite the fact that everyone here has already found the obvious gaps in his statements


Whoa--I think everyone is jumping to some pretty harsh conclusions about this guy. Let's be realistic here. The guy works at a fast food joint, which really isn't that "impressive", so he fudged the truth surrounding what he does on eBay. Realistically that is the extent of it. I really doubt he deals drugs or is some sort of sinister uncover crime lord. The guy is probably just ashamed that he only works at Dennys and wanted to make his profile more enticing.

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Whoa--I think everyone is jumping to some pretty harsh conclusions about this guy. Let's be realistic here. The guy works at a fast food joint, which really isn't that "impressive", so he fudged the truth surrounding what he does on eBay. Realistically that is the extent of it. I really doubt he deals drugs or is some sort of sinister uncover crime lord. The guy is probably just ashamed that he only works at Dennys and wanted to make his profile more enticing.


I have no experience with online dating, so I can't speak for POF users or necessarily pass judgement on them. However, the general consensus from other users' experiences is that since POF is free, it generally draws those with little income and those just looking to "hook up." She can keep pursuing this guy all she wants, but in the end he's still working at a diner and he's already shown a level of dishonest, it does not matter what his reasons are. He could be concerned that working at a diner will hinder his chances of meeting someone, but lying is still lying, and it sets a precedent for a dishonest future

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I used to buy stuff on ebay and resell it elsewhere. Yes, I made money and made a business out of it. Having a part time job at a restaurant is something really common for people with a creative career because its flexible and they can stop working and come back at intervals, or if they did it through school and like the people. I am not saying this guy is a gem, but doesn't mean he is a total loser either. But if something smells, it probably is rotten, he could be pulling your leg, too, just trying to have a little fun with dating site people.

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Maybe I did jump to conclusions a bit by thinking he might be a drug dealer, but I've heard of a lot of guys that lie on there.


Btw, I don't care if he works at Denny's. Sure it's not the best job, but it wouldn't make me not go out with him. I don't have the job I want right now either.. I recently graduated from uni but I still work at Dairy Queen.


I think I just don't know him well enough yet and need to find out more stuff.. I think he lives alone though because he said he doesn't know anyone in his new city (which is near me).

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Batya has a great idea -- see if you can check him out on e-Bay.


As for working at Denny's -- that's not what bothers me -- even the e-Bay selling thing wouldn't be a problem. What's problematic for me is that he changed his story over the course of the conversation. People who lie a lot -- especially those who tell a lot of "little lies" -- often can't keep their stories straight because they don't remember what they've said and to whom they've said it.


If he *only* buys on e-Bay, how is that *work*? Unless he specifically said he turns around and sells stuff on another site, or out of his home, then how is he considering buying stuff from e-Bay part of his *job*? Doesn't add up for me.


If you think he's OK otherwise, you might see if you can check him out on e-Bay and ask him a few more questions. There's nothing wrong with asking questions to get to know someone better, and if someone is sketchy with details about what he or she does for a living, that's kind of a red flag, in my opinion. The only way I wouldn't discuss my job with a potential date is if it was something illegal or really, really degrading that I was too embarrassed to share with people. I can't imagine any other reason not to talk about one's job -- or, if one is currently not employed but looking for a job, to talk about that.

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Well, I talked to him some more and it turns out that he buys the stuff off ebay and resells it to friends for higher prices. I don't think he's a liar. I was just overly suspicious because of a friend's experience with online dating (all liars, married or with gfs, one lied about having a disease to get out of a date). For some reason I think I'm attracting better people.

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I don't think that's online dating - there are cads everywhere, just as there are nice guys/people everywhere. i think that there are some patterns to be aware of. if he's always busy on friday night or traditional couple holidays (valentine's day, new years), etc... that's a bad sign. if he doesn't let you see his place, that's a bad sign. if he doesn't introduce you to his friends after dating a few months, that's a bad sign. i mean, you just have to keep your eyes open.


that all said - i dated a man i met at a night club. he was always free, he invited me to his place, total bachelor pad. i found out after we broke up that he had a wife back in mexico. (he told me they were divorced.) it's easy to cheat if you are in a different country.

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Well guys he did turn out to be sketchy. The last thing he talked about to me was a scenario that involved him naked, a girl, handcuffs, a barn, a cow, and a video camera. I never found out what role the cow actually played in this scenario, although he claims he didn't touch it.. I didn't stick around to hear the end of the story. Lesson: I should always follow my gut instinct? I'm not talking to him anymore. He asked me out too but I'm not going.

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