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I need to make myself get a flu shot soon.

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I HATE needles (literally the biggest baby EVER about it) and I REALLY DON'T want to, BUT, it IS better than getting the actual FLU. *sigh* I need to just suck it up and get it over with. I got one last year and while it sucked doing it, I was SO glad after I got it. I just wish there was a different way to give you the immunity without having to pierce your skin for it.

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I've never had a flu shot and never will. I saw so many people get ten times more ill, after their flu shot and decided there and then never to do it and I'm very happy with my decision.


I agree.I had it once. Never again ever. Needles do not bother me. But no thanks. I will take my chances with the real thing. I do not let my son get the vaccine either.

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I don't really see the value of a flu shot. I've had a lot of people close to me get the shot, then still get the flu.


I think you're better off getting sufficient rest, taking vitamin C and zinc, and washing your hands frequently.


Yup far better way of staying healthy. My son has never had the flu. I have only had the flu once in my life, amazingly right after a flu shot I was in bed for like 9 days barely able to move. Other than that I have seen and lived with people who have had nasty flues and never got one once.

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You CANNOT get the flu from the flu shot.


They make using the strains of the viruses they think are most likely to appear during flu season, so you can still get the flu, if you get a different strain or if they were wrong in predicting it.


Personally I think it's totally worth it, especially if your place of employment offers them free or at a very low charge. Especially if you're in school, it sets you WAY back to miss a week or more of classes/homework and can be incredibly hard to catch up.


Good luck scared and alone. I think the fear is much bigger than the pain you will feel. When I've gotten them it honestly hardly hurt at all (though the area was sore the next day). I try to breathe deeply and NOT look at the needle.

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I don't get flu shots either. But as for your fear of needles:

I just wish there was a different way to give you the immunity without having to pierce your skin for it.


There is.


If you want to get the vaccination but don't want a shot you can ask your doc if the "Flu Mist" is available in your area link removed

It's given intranasally

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I don't really see the value of a flu shot. I've had a lot of people close to me get the shot, then still get the flu.


I think you're better off getting sufficient rest, taking vitamin C and zinc, and washing your hands frequently.


If you are an overall healthy person, then forgoing the flu shot probably won't be bad. You could still get the flu, maybe be out from work for a week or so. But if that doesn't bother you, then don't do it.


The flu shot is HIGHLY recommended for people who are at risk of dying from the flu, like the elderly and the immunocompromised. they should get the flu vaccine.

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While everyone should get a flu vaccine each flu season, it’s especially important that the following groups get vaccinated either because they are at high risk of having serious flu-related complications or because they live with or care for people at high risk for developing flu-related complications:


  1. Pregnant women
  2. Children younger than 5, but especially children younger than 2 years old
  3. People 50 years of age and older
  4. People of any age with certain chronic medical conditions
  5. People who live in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities
  6. People who live with or care for those at high risk for complications from flu, including:

    1. Health care workers
    2. Household contacts of persons at high risk for complications from the flu
    3. Household contacts and out of home caregivers of children less than 6 months of age (these children are too young to be vaccinated)


      From link removed


      Personally, I haven't done it yet, I'm on the fence. I never get the flu, probably because I wash my hands about 40 times a day and am careful not to put my fingers in my eyes or mouth. I've gotten it in the past when I had bad asthma one winter - I didn't want my asthma to get worse with another respiratory illness.


      I don't like shots either (I had 4 vaccinations in one day last week!). I usually just look away and ask the nurse to distract me by telling me about her family or the last movie she saw. some kind of banter takes my mind off the needles!

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