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How important are muscles to women?


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I found this on another site, it's from a book.




I started out around 155 pounds at 6'3 height. This meant that I was very skinny. I was also considered a nice looking guy. Women loved me being tall.


At this point, I had to deal with a lot of fat chicks hitting on me. These girls were BIG and I wanted nothing to do with them. Ugly girls also would come to me. This was me not doing anything. This was what my body was attracting all alone. If I wanted to get a cuter girl, I had to work for it.


I have problems talking to women, not because I am scared or boring, but because I sense the women think I am ?below? them. And the truth is that they do.


I date average women.




Already, things have changed. The fat/ugly women still go for me but they don?t think I?m as easy. They want to enter oneitis with me. The ?unworthy? girls category would now all be staring at me. To the beautiful women, I?m just a typical guy. Cute girls now enjoy talking to me.


I still date average women and now some cute women




?You are looking very good,? my older female manager told me. The fat/ugly women no longer hit on me (thank goodness!) and people (out of the blue) are asking why I don?t have a girlfriend. Average girls are beginning to stare.


I date only cute women with some very attractive ones mixed in.




Average girls are now hitting on me. Very attractive women are checking me out.


At this stage, every woman is happy to talk to me. They all secretly wonder if I?m gay.


I date more very attractive women but still have the cute ones.




OK, when you don?t have a girlfriend at this stage, the ladies will whisper, ?Is he gay?? all the time. One girl got bold about it and asked me point blankly, ?Pook, you are cute and all. So why don?t you have a girlfriend?? I was stunned by her bluntness (rare among women).


Average women consider me out of their league. Cute ones try to become my ?friend?.


I date only very attractive women. Beautiful women are still a bit of an anomaly.




When you get to this stage, something very strange happens. All the attention and staring women gave you is gone (mostly). Ugly/Fat women will despise you as will the average women. Most girls will be scared of you (cute girls, very attractive girls)


Let me give you some examples. One Very Beautiful girl was in several of my classes. I start talking to her and she has plenty of time to leave. But she doesn?t? she stays to keep talking to me. The girls now notice me, but are a bit scared to talk and act around me.


One cute girl is like a leech to me in one of my classes. She must sit right next to me, must ?borrow my notes?, must talk to me 20 minutes after class everyday?


One Very Beautiful woman was a fitness instructor at my gym (think ?well muscled? with nice strong legs (those strong thighs come in handy with her dealings with the Pook-man!)). Every time I saw this girl, she always had a ?satellite? boy around her. Who does she end up with? Me.


Or the ultimate example: there was a girl I was in oneitis that drove me to this webpage. As I got bigger, her reactions to me changed as well. At 155, I was ?average?. At 175, she knew something was up. I got her at 195.


Now I date some Very Attractive women but most are Very Beautiful Women.


I know many of you guys are saying the same thing, ?I get beautiful women too and I am skinny!? But the thing is, all these examples here is based on attraction on the body alone. I am NOT working to get these women. My body is doing 99% of the attracting. I can just be a statue and get a response. (But of course, you have to take action. This is based on doing zilch.)


Rather than work hard to get one woman, why not work hard on yourself and get all the women? I don?t work hard to get women, I work hard on my dreams which gets the women automatically.


Like the article says on top, only the extremely beautiful women will risk being with a hunk like you. If you want a girl with a great body, you ought to work on your own body.


Coming from a skinny guy, being big is a totally different world. The worst thing is finding out how people really viewed the old you. People now openly insult my past skinny self and it hurts. It hurts because I never knew they had thought that way of me.


Big guys are allowed to get away with more things. I allowed to be cruder, to be bolder, to take advantage of women more (I?m serious!), and so on. You can also be stupid as well. My biggest problem is women only wanting me for sex (no, this is not a joke. Yes, it is a problem). You try to find a girl that fits your life and all she is interested in is your body! It is like getting rich and putting up with gold diggers.


So how do you go from being skinny guy to brawny guy? There is a lot of information on the Internet. For myself, I used Anthony Ellis?s program. 30lbs in 3 months, no joke. Though, for most people beginning, it will be like 30lbs in 4-5 months. The big problem with fitness is that there are so many different opinions. Many of them are wrong and will waste your time (including trainers). What I loved about Ellis?s program was that it cut all the hype and came up with very in-depth information. It works.


However, the risk with body building is that it can turn into a highly narcissist womb. I often think the mirrors in the gyms are not so much to perfect the form, but to perfect the ego. The risk is that you will try to become perfect and we all know that perfect is boring.


Now for a note to the skinny guys who are successful with women. They will, no doubt, post replies to challenge the relevancy of this post. Know that the central? thrust? of the post is not a bettering of image. It is an increase of testosterone. If you are naturally skinny, and are at a higher muscle mass, your body will continually be at a high state of testosterone building and rebuilding muscle mass just to stay the same. High rates of testosterone affects not only your actions, I believe women can sniff it out. So take a guy, stuffed with testosterone, and push him into a room full of lovely young ladies. He doesn't speak a word. He won?t have to. The women will go to him automatically.


Such is the power of testosterone. Such is the power of sexuality. "


Once I start school I'm going to hit the free gym.

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Frankly, I'm quite astounded that this male believes that the entirety of my gender is *that* retarded.


He'll die alone. No self-respecting woman would subject herself to being with a creature like that. I'm sure his sex bimbos will provide many years of fine partnership. *snicker*

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Oh my man. What is the number one rule of fight club?


Regardless, the only insight that can be gained is that looks do matter to an extent. But that argument has been beaten like a dead horse in an Italian mob.


Pretty much sums up natural pair-bonding. If you want a really fit, athletic girl you better work on yourself as well. Works the other way as well.

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I think that the reason women looked at you when you gained muscle or weight is because you were more confident about yourself. There are just as many women who prefer slender men as prefer muscular men. And its definitely not just "ugly women" who like slender guys for sure. I actually prefer guys who are slender over muscular men. But that's just me. And I am considered attractive by conventional standards.

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So how do you go from being skinny guy to brawny guy? There is a lot of information on the Internet. For myself, I used Anthony Ellis?s program. 30lbs in 3 months, no joke. Though, for most people beginning, it will be like 30lbs in 4-5 months. The big problem with fitness is that there are so many different opinions. Many of them are wrong and will waste your time (including trainers). What I loved about Ellis?s program was that it cut all the hype and came up with very in-depth information. It works.


Seems like the whole thing was written more to sell "Anthony Ellis's program" than it was to enlighten guys about the benefits of building muscle.


And as far as the question "how important are muscles to women?" my answer is: does it really matter what my answer is?


If I say yes, muscles are very important, it will only serve to reinforce the author's point of view. If I say no, I don't care about muscles very much, then I must just be an ugly/fat/average/"unworthy" girl who despises guys that weight more than 200 pounds... and it will only serve to reinforce the author's point of view. The author's words will be reinforced no matter what I say- and this fact, in my opinion, is the only thing that gives strength to the argument. The argument itself has very little substance, and it's a fallacy- because it assumes that all people think the same and like the same things, which- I think most people would say clearly isn't the case.

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As much as I'm tempted to just TRY to avoid stating the obvious as others have, I cannot do it. I will not do it.


To the OP--I mean this in the most helpful way possible, but by posting something like this, you seem absurdly superficial. Absurdly. And this is said from the viewpoint of a thin and attractive (I know this in the very least because of finding confidence in myself and being comfortable with my ability to attract others, with good reason to be assured about this) female in her 20s. There are no two ways about it...it doesn't matter how attractive you feel like you are now or how attractive you think you might be at a certain number. You are probably too insecure right now to ever feel confident once you reached a 'goal' weight, and then you will only try to seek more ways to feel like you'll appear more attractive. So please consider your self-esteem right now instead. Even if you think a more attractive person will be more likely to be interested if you make more of an effort, it doesn't matter. She will be unlikely to want anything more if you seem devoid of character & more obsessed over your own looks.

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Yeah, because this is how life works. You take one variable, in this case weight, and as you modify the variable it's as if you're progressing in a video game. At the beginning, all you get are fat chicks. By the end? Hot chicks.


That's the stupidest * * * * ing article I've read in a while.

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Yeah, because this is how life works. You take one variable, in this case weight, and as you modify the variable it's as if you're progressing in a video game. At the beginning, all you get are fat chicks. By the end? Hot chicks.


That's the stupidest * * * * ing article I've read in a while.


Say what you will. I myself am more on the skinny side, and it seems fat girls are the only type I have had chance with. I may sound shameful but I cannot bring myself to date fat girls, it's not

going to happen, so I stay single. I guess some guys need that muscle edge to attract the type of girls he wants. If I want more success with average women then I am going to build a bit of

muscle and from there I'd be able to get more looks, and those few more looks from girls will help me a lot.

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Yeah, because this is how life works. You take one variable, in this case weight, and as you modify the variable it's as if you're progressing in a video game. At the beginning, all you get are fat chicks. By the end? Hot chicks.


That's the stupidest * * * * ing article I've read in a while.


Hate to say it but it does have some truth to it. I know guys hate to admit that women care about looks but they do...For me a guy can work on his sense of humor all he wants, that ultimately is not what gets my vagina wet. A hot body? that does it though I would still not have sex with him if he was a bad lover.

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Frankly, I'm quite astounded that this male believes that the entirety of my gender is *that* retarded.


He'll die alone. No self-respecting woman would subject herself to being with a creature like that. I'm sure his sex bimbos will provide many years of fine partnership. *snicker*


Wow, that's pretty rough for no reason. It's obvious that most women prefer guys with muscle definition. He went from skinny, to ripped and now he gets all kinds of attention. Some guys need muscles to be more successful with women. The confidence they get from achieving the body they want, to getting more respect from friends.

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Say what you will. I myself am more on the skinny side, and it seems fat girls are the only type I have had chance with. I may sound shameful but I cannot bring myself to date fat girls, it's not

going to happen, so I stay single. I guess some guys need that muscle edge to attract the type of girls he wants. If I want more success with average women then I am going to build a bit of

muscle and from there I'd be able to get more looks, and those few more looks from girls will help me a lot.


I'm on the skinny side and every girlfriend I've ever had is attractive. Acting like weight is the predominant factor in attracting women is so lol. If you're overweight, sure. Otherwise, lol.

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I'm on the skinny side and every girlfriend I've ever had is attractive. Acting like weight is the predominant factor in attracting women is so lol. If you're overweight, sure. Otherwise, lol.


I'm not challenging the fact that skinny guys can get the women they want, I'm saying that some guys like me, need that muscle edge to be more successful with women. It's that simple. For whatever reason I am on the fat girl level. From that knowledge I understand that it's harder for me to get mutual attraction from the girls I want. If I can get the body I want I'm sure to have better luck without having to work so hard, and just be natural.

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Hate to say it but it does have some truth to it. I know guys hate to admit that women care about looks but they do...For me a guy can work on his sense of humor all he wants, that ultimately is not what gets my vagina wet. A hot body? that does it though I would still not have sex with him if he was a bad lover.


I didn't say that women don't need a guy to be good looking. Of course they do. But this article is about weight and weight only, as if it's the chief determinant in attraction (it very well may be, but it really only seems to matter when we're dealing with someone overweight). Like, if you gain weight, you suddenly go through this convenient progression whereby suddenly you begin being able to date more and more attractive women. At 180, 'cute'. At 200, 'hot.' At 206, 'gorgeous.' Life does not work that way. Attraction does not work that way.


I'm always suspicious of dating advice from 1) someone who dates a lot, because it tells me he can only date as a numbers game and has no staying power (anyone except the very heavy can do this) 2) someone who mentions a price tag in his post.

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My gosh! A tall, good looking guy attracts lots of women?!! I have been truly enlightened today


It maybe painfully obvious. I always knew body matters I just never took much stock in it because there are guys skinnier than me who are more successful with women. Then I read this and the guy seemed to describe a different world experience just from having a better body. Maybe more more guys who have trouble with women should workout and see the new attention they'd get from females.

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I didn't say that women don't need a guy to be good looking. Of course they do. But this article is about weight and weight only, as if it's the chief determinant in attraction (it very well may be, but it really only seems to matter when we're dealing with someone overweight). Like, if you gain weight, you suddenly go through this convenient progression whereby suddenly you begin being able to date more and more attractive women. At 180, 'cute'. At 200, 'hot.' At 206, 'gorgeous.' Life does not work that way. Attraction does not work that way.


I'm always suspicious of dating advice from 1) someone who dates a lot, because it tells me he can only date as a numbers game and has no staying power (anyone except the very heavy can do this) 2) someone who mentions a price tag in his post.


Well I guess he was exaggerating a bit, I agree it doesn't work that way. But a toned muscular body can go a long way when attracting women specially if you lack in other areas. We have a lot of guys on ENA being upset about why they can't get girls and more often than not, they are either overweight or just not in good shape. Everybody just tells them to be confident, which is a good advice. But really, let's not underestimate that female's attraction is related to looks too and you can triple your chances with women if you are something to look at. Same advice is given to women all the time.

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OP - then why not put this into practise and see what difference it makes to you.


I personally, only like muscles on an aesthetic level, they don't make me want to date or sleep with someone. And lets face it, they don't make up for an unfortunate face/personality.


I cannot build muscle at the moment, but once I enter school again I will hit the gym and since my face isn't ugly, and my personality not too bad, a great body should help me tons. It should mean less work to get mutual attraction. Still work, but less.

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Wow, that's pretty rough for no reason. It's obvious that most women prefer guys with muscle definition. He went from skinny, to ripped and now he gets all kinds of attention. Some guys need muscles to be more successful with women. The confidence they get from achieving the body they want, to getting more respect from friends.


It's not the muscles that bother me. It's his attitude with women, how proud he is that his good looks can allow him to mistreat others and get away with it. He said it himself.


He's a pig. He'll die alone with an attitude like that.

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