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How important are muscles to women?


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I thought he was being truthful and it's always interesting to read truthful stories.


He is a proud womanizer and probably won't die alone, Fudgie. There will likely be a lot of women that will wish it on him though, lol.




Also, OP..the principle of becoming muscular is fairly simple. You don't need anything fancy, you don't need a special diet, you don't need expensive dvd's / books. If you want to slowly gain weight, lift heavy weights in the gym (compound + isolation) and slowly increase your calorie use (be sure to eat enough protein as well). If you want to bulk up hard, lift weights and increase your calorie use by a lot. All you need is dedication and the realization that in order to gain weight you have to lift hard and eat more than maintenance, and in order to cut / lose weight..lift weight, do cardio..and eat a caloric deficit.

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Frankly, I'm quite astounded that this male believes that the entirety of my gender is *that* retarded.


He'll die alone. No self-respecting woman would subject herself to being with a creature like that. I'm sure his sex bimbos will provide many years of fine partnership. *snicker*


You don`t have to be ugly to be a good/smart/wise person... I think he hit the nail here in many ways. Men have been told they are primitive as cavemen for a long time bc all we think about is getting woman for sex. Well you know what, woman are just as primitive when you look on their obsessive need to produce children. Settle down, we are all primitive in so many ways.

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