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Found a Porno hidden in drawer..


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This story says a lot more about you than it does about him.


This. I mean seriously OP. Shaking, crying, scared and you called him at work to scream at him? You worry about being with a perverted guy. Well, I think he should worry about a future with someone who handles problems in this manner. You were really over the top and need to think about your actions more. Why do you think you flipped out so badly?

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I dont wanna find out 10 years down the road that im with a sick perverted guy...


If looking at fetish stuff makes one "sick or perverted", then I'm afraid a very high percentage of the population falls into that category.


As others have mentioned, I'm more concerned about your reaction. Crying/shaking seems like such a monstrous over-reaction. Is it a fair assessment that you had a relatively sheltered upbringing?

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Watching porn that is out of the norm (though I don't think anal is too out there, so I'm wondering if it was worse than that?) doesn't make a person perverted. I watch stuff that my past partners have been unable to watch, but I'm not a weird psycho or anything.

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Who doesn't have porn in their drawer, honestly?


People who are smart enough to look up porn for free on the internet instead of buying videos/magazines...


OP: Like everyone else said, you overreacted, and it doesn't make sense for you to go to strip clubs with him then freak out over some porn.

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  • 3 years later...

Haha Blacksheep!


I saw one of your other old threads and would so love to read an update. I had something, not QUITE the same, but in some way similar so I understood how you must have felt. Was about the boyfriends of some of your female friends and tactless and inappropriate comments they made.

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