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HELP!! keep getting fired!! why..?


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Well, the title pretty much explains it all. I've had a lot of jobs over the past few years, but only this year have I been fired more than once now. I never had in the past. I just got let go today from my job at the Second Cup (for those non-Canadians.. it's a chain coffee shop) - just as I had moved into a new house and was starting to get my life together and being able to pay off my debts..


I feel like crap. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm smart, I'm friendly, I look well put together, I have good customer service skills, I work hard and efficiently.. The only place I may be lacking fora job like this is I don't have that suppper bubbly enthusiastic puke-in-your-mouth style of greeting customers that your typical Starbucks does. I try, but no matter how hard I try to fake it I can only be friendly in a more down to earth way. Which the customers seem to really enjoy actually. But maybe my boss does not? I don't know..


I can't stand this North American obsession of idolizing customers as if they are the server's gods. Underneath we are all just saying "f.. you" to each other, but everyone acts like they are the happiest and the friendliest in the world. Why? Who exactly are we trying to fool?


Anyway. I guess that turned into a bit of a rant. But either way I still don't know what's wrong with me. I feel so worn out and frustrated. After moving, breaking up with my girlfriend, having 3 jobs in the past 3 months.. this really felt like things were finally settling in. But then I get hit with this.. sigh. At least I live in a community house with 7 other people, who won't mind sharing their food until I can afford some.. as I have no money now. (just paid rent)..


I guess I should maybe stop trying to apply to the "overly-customer-service" style type jobs? Maybe a more alternative or down-to-earth store would be more my style. Like those hipster coffee shops where you are almost expected to be an a$$hole. heh. Or maybe an office job that doesn't deal with customers at all? I'm very good at organizational-type things. Sigh. I suppose this is just one big rant but it helps to get it out.


I also think I am not going to tell anyone I got fired. I know my mom would be upset and worried and disappointed, and my friend who I owe a lot of money would of course be very angry. I will just try to find a new job ASAP.. again. I've also thought about maybe trying it out as a server. The work seems stressful, but I know the pay is quite good. I dunno. Any advice or words of wisdom appreciated.

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I can't stand this North American obsession of idolizing customers as if they are the server's gods. Underneath we are all just saying "f.. you" to each other, but everyone acts like they are the happiest and the friendliest in the world. Why? Who exactly are we trying to fool?


I guess I should maybe stop trying to apply to the "overly-customer-service" style type jobs?


I think that's probably a good idea. Work to your strengths, not your weaknesses.

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At any of these jobs were you ever told why they were letting you go? There is a Second Cup I go to periodically (their snacks are so way over-priced but sometimes I am hungry and there is nothing else around) and I find that bubbly fakeness very annoying. I like friendliness but not over the top sappy, gushy friendliness.

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I'm kind of a bubbly warm kind of person and I am not annoying at all! It is just the way I am. Some of us can do that and it is fine. If you can't, there's nothing wrong with you, it's just not your personality. I would look for a job better suited for your personality and then you will be happier.

Some people just deal better with the public than others.

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I remember going on an interview when I was a teen for Old Navy (popular clothing store in New York) and they were only hiring people with these sickening bubbly personalities. Im a very friendly person and i smile a lot but im nobodys clown. Unfortunately, it was apparent immediately that I wasnt quite fit for the job. They never called and I wasnt disappointed one bit. I was always taught to be classy, confident, articulate and respectful in an interview. If a company cant appreciate these qualities then they arent worth your time. You're nobody's court jester!!! Try a different type of job for sure. Maybe one that involves no interaction with the public.

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Ha, thanks for all the thoughts guys. @ deucesarewild, lol. And to preciousgirl, and everyone else, I agree - I behave respectfully, friendly, yet it ain't good enough, you have to be somebody's B***. I was in school for 2 years, but this year I'm taking some time off to "find myself" - well, just to explore my interests more and choose a path without paying for it. So yeah, I need to have a job. I do miss those lovely days of student loans..


It's true, I should probably lean further away from these customer-service-heavy jobs. The weird part is I do have very good people skills and am quite a social person, just not very good "fake/bubbly/may I kiss your toes" people skills. I just called a Starbucks which is attached to UofT and run by a different company through the school. I think I might have a decent shot because they are different than the normal Starbucks, they seem more chilled, the employees seem more themselves, and there seems to be a range from 20 somethings like me to foreign 50 year olds working there - which you never see at the "real" hipstery Starbuckses. It's funny cause I worked at Starbucks for a year a while back, but they seem to definitely have upped their insane standards in the past couple years. They even have a personality test you must fill out when you apply. I mean really.. its coffee.


yeah.. so if this doesn't pan out it's back to pounding the pavement. wish me luck guys..


ps. and no, I wasn't given a reason for firing. I emailed back and asked - it's pretty lame to just do that with no reason. But I can only assume. Otherwise.. I know how to make a freakin' latte.

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ps. and no, I wasn't given a reason for firing. I emailed back and asked - it's pretty lame to just do that with no reason. But I can only assume. Otherwise.. I know how to make a freakin' latte.

I dont know how it is in Canada but i couldve sworn, by law, an employer has to give you the reason for why they fired you. Oh well...leave it in the past. Good luck on the Starbucks job, but if it doesnt work out its probably because it wouldve been the same bull****.

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Never say that the firing was lame, but you should find out as to why it happened. Contact your employer or managers and find out the reasoning (because there was one). Second, EI in Canada (if you apply for it) will want a reason for your termination. If you haven't been told why or you have no reasoning behind it, it will create a delay or denial in your claim. While the Starbucks by UofT is much more laid back and student-friendly, they also have a hiring system in which your profile is accessible through a main database.(I say this because I have done work for the company that created the system) This could be of a disadvantage to you, so I would find out what is going on right away to avoid any conflict in the future.


All the best

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I dont know how it is in Canada but i couldve sworn, by law, an employer has to give you the reason for why they fired you. Oh well...leave it in the past. Good luck on the Starbucks job, but if it doesnt work out its probably because it wouldve been the same bull****.


In many US states, we are right to work. An employer can fire you at will. No reason needed. I have no idea about Canada.

I do know that if an employer wants you gone, they'll come up with something. I've seen some really awesome people get fired just because the boss didn't take a shine to them.

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I know it's legal to fire someone without reason before their 3 months probation is up. However, after I asked my boss to please explain why (in an email) she only repeated "as I said, the job is not a fit for you." I found it really b**chy to withhold a reason after being asked, so I just replied now telling her I thought it was very unprofessional and disrespectful and that I will spread negative word about her store and management style.


In other news, I went to the Starbucks at UofT this morning and got the job. The people seem chill and real. I start tomorrow, and hopefully I stay


PS. After just now sending an angry email to my ex-boss at the second cup, I am paranoid that she will retaliate somehow by contacting Starbucks and saying bad things about me. I realize this is pretty illogical and she will probably just not respond, but I am pretty prone to paranoia - and I have also never sent an angry email to an ex-boss before. So, objective reassurance is appreciated !

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I think you are risking getting a bad reputation by threatening your former boss - at minimum. I can't reassure you on that one, sorry -and you are not being paranoid - she might not tell anyone or forward your email for fear of repercussions but people have ways of conveying negative impressions that fall short of a direct hit - I would send another email apologizing and/or call. I don't like over the top bubbly servers either but if you have to fake it to the extent you say you are then customer service is not for you. I was in service industries for many years and mostly enjoyed serving customers, clients, etc as well as having a good relationship with team members as well as my boss. I wasn't someone's "witch" with a "b" -I was being paid to provide the services I did in a certain way. I didn't enjoy working with people who felt as you did because it made it harder to delegate since the person with your attitude had the mindset that any such request was treating you like "someone's witch". And it's not just customer service jobs where that is an issue -in almost any job your supervisor is like your customer as far as the dynamics/relationship.

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I found it really b**chy to withhold a reason after being asked, so I just replied now telling her I thought it was very unprofessional and disrespectful and that I will spread negative word about her store and management style.


Spreading negative word about her store and the management style is very unprofessional. Many businesses will not provide you with a reason for termination as it might just be opening the door for a lawsuit against them. Obviously you're unhappy about management actions and the lack of information, but the proper way to address your concerns would be to contact your local department of labor and not what you've suggested to the manager.

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Dude.. it's not like I complained or made a big deal or was unfriendly or anything. I was completely respectful and friendly with the customers and did the job well. My only guess is I was not over-the-top enough for her liking, didn't show as many pearly whites as she would have liked. But I was still definitely very serviceable in a very real way which I could tell the customers enjoyed.


Now you have me more afraid though - I really do not want to apologize because I do not feel I am in the wrong. I asked her why and she refused an answer - firing someone without warning puts their entire life in chaos - the least an employer can do is tell you why. I didn't really threaten her, I just told her straightforwardly that I would spread bad word because I believe her style is unprofessional and disrespectful. I also threw in a sarcastic "I look forward to working for a store that actually has business. good luck". I hope that's not enough for her to do anything.. what exactly could she do anyway? Who would she forward my email to?

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Now you have me more afraid though - I really do not want to apologize because I do not feel I am in the wrong. I asked her why and she refused an answer - firing someone without warning puts their entire life in chaos - the least an employer can do is tell you why.


"Not a fit." That was her answer. You didn't have to write back saying that you are going to spread bad things about her. i think you need to apologize and be more professional. now she has a written record of what you have said.

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OH my god. She just replied, and told me she forwarded my email to the police and apparently what I said could be chargable under Canadian law. Jesus. I am an idiot - did not expect this. I just replied apologizing and begging for her not to hurt my chance at this new job. Sigh... lesson learned for when to keep mouth shut.

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Sorry but you are in the wrong. You were rude because she gave you a vague answer but perhaps she was not at liberty to give you more details. Whatever her reasons it is a very bad idea to insult former employers or badmouth them (i hope you don't carry out your threat to badmouth your former company). This would put your future employability in jeapardy. No on wants to hire someone who has said negative things about a former employer becuase they won't want to be the next place you speak negatively about. I agree that you should apologize. You never know who your ex boss will talk to. It's a small world.

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sh***t. have i done something very very stupid... ?


I don't know if this qualifies as "stupid," but unprofessional for sure.


I understand your primary concern is that your manager will spread negative word about you. Most likely they will not as (at least in the US) there're labor laws that prohibit unsolicited release of information. In the future try to control your emotions and avoid threatening your employer.

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