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Deleting Facebook :)


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Besides the obvious waste of time, facebook has made me more depressed sometimes. I hate seeing everyone's pictures of their vacation or parties, when I'm at home doing nothing So... I've decided to find life outside of facebook. Or be fine with the life I have now.


I don't have enough self control to not visit the site, so I've decided to delete it to make things easier. I've got to stay strong for 2 weeks!


Wish me luck

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Besides the obvious waste of time, facebook has made me more depressed sometimes. I hate seeing everyone's pictures of their vacation or parties, when I'm at home doing nothing So... I've decided to find life outside of facebook. Or be fine with the life I have now.


Sorry to throw this right into your face, but 'Facebook being a waste of time' is just lame side excuse you hide yourself behind. You know very well, it's not about being on facebook, but NOT being at those parties/vacations. Not having the life that other people on facebook are showing off on their pictures. You delete facebook, but it will fix NOTHING. You'll still be hating when you meet those people and they talk and laugh about parties they have at which you were not present.


You won't find the life outside better than theirs, and you will not be fine with the life you have right now only because you deleted some stupid site or deny yourself access to it. You're not fine with it now!!! Ideas and thoughts of someone out there having the same life conditions as you, but having more fun than you will haunt you everywhere you go.


How about you stop running from the evil that's causing you hurt, and face it instead. Look at those pictures again, see what they're like, let people tell you about how much they have... feed your anger, eventually it will turn to a great motivational force that will active a 'switch in your head' that will change the way you are looking at things. Instead of 'I hate to see they are having more fun than me' you'll be thinking 'I'm gonna turn my life into such a great party that people will be calling me everyday a week asking if they can hang out with me on weekends!'' Their parties and vacations will seem like a boring waste of time compared to mine!.


Now that is a real challenge, do you have balls to take it tho'?

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I hate facebook. I have one, but only check it every day to get some idea of what is 'happening in the world'. I've become increasingly and increasingly disinterested in it and don't post updates anymore. Who cares what i 'do'? I've also become aware that some people are just tragic. I would cancel it if i had something more in my life such as a relationship.


I am finding that more and more people are becoming increasingly disatisfied with it. Maybe they are realising it's not the magic pill they thought it was?

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Oh pffft, lol. The OP has the courage to leave the attention-seeking thing that Facebook really is. If all those people were having so much "fun", then why do they spend so much time soliciting for attention and posting their photos?


And, the first step to breaking addiction is admitting you have a problem and ImGrowing has done this. In fact, i would say that ImGrowing has more courage and foresight than all those facebook users put together.

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Oh pffft, lol. The OP has the courage to leave the attention-seeking thing that Facebook really is. If all those people were having so much "fun", then why do they spend so much time soliciting for attention and posting their photos?


It's so true -- I hate when I'm out at the pub or at a party with certain groups of friends and they spend more time posing for photos than actually mingling and talking and enjoying themselves. It's so bizarre. All anyone can think about is how they can look attractive for their next profile picture. Dumb.

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I hate facebook. I have one, but only check it every day to get some idea of what is 'happening in the world'. I've become increasingly and increasingly disinterested in it and don't post updates anymore. Who cares what i 'do'? I've also become aware that some people are just tragic. I would cancel it if i had something more in my life such as a relationship.


I am finding that more and more people are becoming increasingly disatisfied with it. Maybe they are realising it's not the magic pill they thought it was?


One of my Friends vanished last week. It took me awhile to figure out who it was. He realized he could do without Facebook, as so many others have lately.


I have blocked the feed of all my Friends, so I'm not tempted to get in their lives. I only go there for something very important to me, something that involves money so I can't close the account. Now it's like I don't really have a Facebook at all. I can see if my sister or other family sends me a message and that is really all I need to know about. The other people that didn't write to my inbox were not my Friends anyway. The younger people don't want us old folks STALKING them either.


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It's so true -- I hate when I'm out at the pub or at a party with certain groups of friends and they spend more time posing for photos than actually mingling and talking and enjoying themselves. It's so bizarre. All anyone can think about is how they can look attractive for their next profile picture. Dumb.


My niece was posting about 10 new ones a week, but she has the same pose in most of them. Gives the peace sign while sticking her tongue out, making sure to show her nose ring.

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I was a victim of facebook envy also. I still have to use it for work though, unfortunately. I try to keep my activities on there strictly professional, and I stay away from my Home page and just stick to the stuff that really matters.


My life doesn't need to be dictated by social networking.


In fact, here in Toronto, they did a study, and found that facebook causes more loneliness than connection. Ain't that the truth.



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The problem is... I have an addiction. I am on there all the time. My problem is that I feel like I need to go out an party. I'm perfectly fine staying at home, but it seems like I want to update my pictures and status everyday. I put off chores, because I am on there 24/7.


I do have a life... as a student. I think I need to focus on school than figuring out which party I want to attend next. Day one of no facebook is very productive! For me the positives outweigh the negatives without facebook.


13 more days!

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In fact, here in Toronto, they did a study, and found that facebook causes more loneliness than connection. Ain't that the truth.



Do you know what? I'd actually believe that. The only reason i check it every now and then is that i live alone and it gives me an idea that there IS life outside my front door! Eventually, i won't check it at all, but now it's serving a purpose, albeit a very flakey purpose.

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Facebook is a waste of time. It could literally just be hundreds of stupid computer bots for commenting on your new dress, how funny you looked while drunk, or how cute your boyfriend is. Of course, don't forget the spamming. Good stuff! It's also a hot sport for attention seekers who appear to have lives, but merely portray their lives as wild and crazy just to get attention and seem, well, cool. Which, really isn't all that cool. Everyone has their thing, so I won't knock them.


Also, that emotion you'd be feeding is not anger, but something called 'envy.' I'm sure one can use envy in a positive manner, but simply striving to obtain what you see someone else has or what they do simply because you 'think' that's what you're supposed to do, is unhealthy. In fact, it suggest a major self-esteem issue with a lack of direction and self understanding. Just because it works for them, doesn't mean you should try and fit in the same shoes.

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I don't think it establishes any real intimacy between people... basically yoyeuristic and narcissistic... i mean, does anyone really need to know that today person x woke up with a cold or person y is going to movie z? I think it as a whole is a HUGE time waster full of meaningless interchanges... if you really have a friend, you should be spending time with them, talking to them, having more personal contact than just blasting to the whole world your latest hangnail....

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I like facebook for the one reason of staying connected with friends that have moved far away or with other people I rarely see. It's nice to be able to see what they are up to and how their life is going. Also, my little cousin doesn't have a phone or anything, so we talk via facebook and I also keep an eye on her to make sure she's staying focused on school.


I don't like how people update their statuses all the time, that can get annoying. Or the people who post photos daily. ugh, don't really care. Though it is a good social networking site, if used right...

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I don't think it establishes any real intimacy between people... basically yoyeuristic and narcissistic... i mean, does anyone really need to know that today person x woke up with a cold or person y is going to movie z? I think it as a whole is a HUGE time waster full of meaningless interchanges... if you really have a friend, you should be spending time with them, talking to them, having more personal contact than just blasting to the whole world your latest hangnail....


This is very true. It's really can feed people's narcissism. I've heard people say it's a great way to 'keep in touch'. But when you look at their posts it's usually just about them and their opinions. Most of the conversations are usually really 'shallow'. I think in special cases it can help maintain some kind of bond, but if it's long distance, when you see them, it's sort of like talking to a different person.


I think Facebook has it's place, but it's an amazing tool of procrastination and I don't believe it really forges very deep bonds with people. Mainly it feeds into people narcissism & can be a real avenue of procrastination.

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One things I like about enotalone, is that people open up about different issues in a way they would never do on Facebook. Facebook is kind of like an adverstisement for peoples lives. On enotalone you are actually able to give some input into people situation. People are a lot of times going through tough stuff, but I've found that I've gotten decent advice that brought comfort and hopefully I've been able to give some advice that helped people. The 'helping people' side of things, is what can be missing from Facebook.


Facebook sometimes is a little like a popularity contest that caters to narcisstic type and people who tend to be a little shallow. Not in every case, mind you. I'm not trying to put down Facebook, it's just that I believe it tends to play towards people's narcissism. It has it's place, when used with balance.

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