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Deleting Facebook :)


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I agree with OP. I also agree with tidalwave.

I dont have a facebook account. I never had one. I'm not interested in sharing with others how slow my life is moving. I'm not interested in looking at my friend's photos just to be reminded of my singlehood every single day. I'm at a phase in my life which is difficult. I'm trying to finish grad school. Its lonely. I can't get a BF because I'm not interested in meaningless relationships that go nowhere. I have a problem. When people talk about their personal stuff on facebook and post pictures, I tend to take things at their face value and assume that everyone is happy except me. That is not true. Some people are happy. Some are not. There are gradients of happiness and sadness. Noone is 100% this way or that way. At this point in my life I need positive reinforcement, influence. I want to surround myself with people that encourage me. I want to tell myself and reassure myself that my time is coming. I'm going to graduate, move on, get married, get a job. I'm going to have a good life too. I don't need to look at their pictures and feel sad for the life I'm missing. Even if I had all that, I am not the one to post my personal life on facebook and advertise it. So, wats the point of getting a FB account?

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