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These are signs someones not fussed anymore right?


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1. Used to get jealous (not overly, just normal amount)...now isnt fussed at all

2. Used to mean a lot that I wore my engagement ring, since he broke up with me and we got back together, I havent put it back on, he hasnt mentioned it

3. Snapping at me for stupid things like buying some food we didnt need (one pack of pasta i paid for O_O), or refusing to try a new dish.

4. Sex has majorly decreased (blames it on stress and tiredness)

5. Constantly im being accused of being unhappy, even if im happy

6. Feel like hes constantly saying 'wish you liked this more, did this more,'

7. He hasnt said i look nice in a while


Hes not cheating on me. But boy, we were just talking and he refused to talk to me, when I was like 'I feel like you want more than me and im not enough' He was like 'whatever you wanna believe' and refused to speak to me anymore. When I suggest maybe it genuinley isnt working, he refuses to aknowledge the way he speaks to me.


He cant care can he?!?

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I know that when I was in your position I didn't want to hear this and I wasn't ready to accept it no matter what anyone said..

but you need to end it with him.. you are not happy. You WILL be happier without him. I know that only you will know when you're ready to do it, and I can empathize with that, but I do want you to know that you can do better than this.

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I know. He has becoming abusive. As in 'mean mean mean' sorry 'nice nice' but now mean is followed by 'im entitled to behave this way, you make me miserable' I mean this is the third time in two weeks.


If he loved me and wanted to split ,he'd just split up with me. He wouldnt tell me it was because im awful, make him miserable, am clingy, nasty, spiteful, moany,

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Who cares whether he wants to split or not. You split because he treats you like total crap. He's not worth the time of day and it doesn't matter what he wants. Sapphire needs to take care of Sapphire first. That's because Sapphire is a lovely, worthy woman who deserves better in her life.

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I have just suffered a tirade of how rubbish I am, how i caused him to fail a degree blah blah. Ouch! But I didnt beg or cry. I was calm, collected, mature and told him he was doing the right thing. I've now deleted everything, even his number so I cannot text him anymore cos I dont have his number anymore.


Keep me strong ENA'

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I have just suffered a tirade of how rubbish I am, how i caused him to fail a degree blah blah. Ouch! But I didnt beg or cry. I was calm, collected, mature and told him he was doing the right thing. I've now deleted everything, even his number so I cannot text him anymore cos I dont have his number anymore.


Keep me strong ENA'


And just keep remembering how this tirade, how he treats you, the abuse you've suffered, and all of that is who he really is. You are moving on for your own health and safety.

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I have just suffered a tirade of how rubbish I am, how i caused him to fail a degree blah blah. Ouch! But I didnt beg or cry. I was calm, collected, mature and told him he was doing the right thing. I've now deleted everything, even his number so I cannot text him anymore cos I dont have his number anymore.


Keep me strong ENA'


Good for you. Trust me, you will be much happier now and better off

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