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I asked him out!!!


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After weeks of speculation on whether or not I should ask the guy I like out...I finally did! I went to his job (manager at fast food place) and got his attention. He walked over and I was kinda nervous at first but, I told him that I really liked him. He got my number and he told me that I made him blush as he touched his heart.


SO happy. He told me he would call.

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Glad you had the courage to ask him out! But why not get his number? (maybe because he's at work.) It's tough to wait on someone to call, I hope you keep yourself so busy for the next few days that you don't even think about it!


How long does it take for a guy to call? I told him I liked him and then asked him to hang out with me. Then he was like, "We can, just let me get your number." Then I was talking to him about moving back down here and all. I told him I would, "love to spend time with him." And I was like, "I just really like you." and he was like, "No, you don't!" What did that mean? Then I was like, "I really do." And I was like, "I don't want you to think I am stupid." And he was like, "No. No! I have your number and I will be here at work." (saying I could get in touch with him there) Very gentle with me.


Then someone interrupted us and he was all like, "I will call you!"


Did it go well?

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How long does it take for a guy to call? I told him I liked him and then asked him to hang out with me. Then he was like, "We can, just let me get your number." Then I was talking to him about moving back down here and all. I told him I would, "love to spend time with him." And I was like, "I just really like you." and he was like, "No, you don't!" What did that mean?


Maybe that you don't know him so you can't possibly like him?

Maybe he's just being bashful?

Maybe he's not single but has to be polite because he's at work?

It's difficult to tell if he was interested or not, usually if a guy takes your number but doesn't give you his after you've expressed interest it's a sign that he's not that interested in getting in touch. But he was at work and personally I wouldn't give out my number to a customer if I was at work. So we'll just have to see what happens.


Good luck, I hope he calls. (Nothing wagered, nothing gained, so good for you for putting yourself out there ) But if you don't hear from him then I hope you don't take it too hard and keep trying elsewhere. There could be a million reasons.

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Maybe that you don't know him so you can't possibly like him?

Maybe he's just being bashful?

Maybe he's not single but has to be polite because he's at work?

It's difficult to tell if he was interested or not, usually if a guy takes your number but doesn't give you his after you've expressed interest it's a sign that he's not that interested in getting in touch. But he was at work and personally I wouldn't give out my number to a customer if I was at work. So we'll just have to see what happens.


Good luck, I hope he calls. (Nothing wagered, nothing gained, so good for you for putting yourself out there ) But if you don't hear from him then I hope you don't take it too hard and keep trying elsewhere. There could be a million reasons.


I'm not sure. All I know is that I just woke up for the day and I feel SO stupid! I've never put myself out there like that...what if he never calls? What if he thought I was so stupid? What if he just laughed and threw my number away. OMG. I wanted him to like me soooo bad.

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My first real deal girlfriend of more than a few months (which I actually recently broke up with) asked me out.


Rather strangely, and I don't know why, but for my female friends who asked out their bfs, the guy eventually dumped them. My female friends who are married were asked out by their husbands. I wonder why that is.

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I'm not sure. All I know is that I just woke up for the day and I feel SO stupid! I've never put myself out there like that...what if he never calls? What if he thought I was so stupid? What if he just laughed and threw my number away. OMG. I wanted him to like me soooo bad.


Don't worry about it! (Easier said than done, I know, but..) you put yourself out there and went after something you wanted.


Sometimes in life you have to do that. Whether to get a good job, find a new friend, make a sale, or ask someone out, it takes guts, but.. worst they can say is no, and then you're back where you started. I'd try not to worry about him--again, he may not even be single, may be gay, who knows?--and just try my best to keep moving forward. Worst thing you could do for yourself right now is obsess about him.


Congrats on being brave!

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I'm not sure. All I know is that I just woke up for the day and I feel SO stupid! I've never put myself out there like that...what if he never calls? What if he thought I was so stupid? What if he just laughed and threw my number away. OMG. I wanted him to like me soooo bad.


Welcome to our world.


Nice to see you asked a guy out.

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Rather strangely, and I don't know why, but for my female friends who asked out their bfs, the guy eventually dumped them. My female friends who are married were asked out by their husbands. I wonder why that is.


There is no correlation in that at all.


Someone is most likely gonna get dumped no matter who asks who out.

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I said ''lucky'' bcuz it seemed to go well..i know so many stories both men and women where the person they asked out said they had a boyfriend or girlfriend......so did he call?



Annnd pretty much all the couples in my family that have stayed together and married, from what i know, it was the man that did the asking for the first date..not the women!!!!!!


That doesn't mean you shouldn't try with a shy guy.

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